The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1700: Take a seat

When Shu Min came in, the lavender figure was already in sight.

People often say that as long as you have the heart, no matter where your sweetheart is hiding, you can definitely see him in the vast crowd with a glance.

Shu Min just swept around, and she found that Su Ziyue was facing her back.

Today Su Ziyue wears a lavender dress that he never wears on weekdays. He always prefers white. The clothes he wears every day are white. With a slender body like a bamboo, he is more and more charming and suave. Unparalleled style.

Seeing the lavender back, Shu Min couldn't look away anymore, but when he saw the person standing in front of him, the joy that had surged just now turned into a viciousness.

She looked at the woman in the lotus-colored clothes, her face was as cold as a lotus, but the more gorgeous, the more disgusted she was.

The fierceness and viciousness in Shu Min's eyes, Su Qianyue who came by was startled at every step.

She looked back at Su Ziyue, and saw that her brother seemed to have heard nothing, standing in front of Gu Xiaowan.

My elder brother really didn't want his life, and he was close to Gu Xiaowan in the presence of Princess Mingdu. In order to broaden the heart of Princess Mingdu, Su Qianyue hurriedly stepped forward and shouted affectionately: "Sister Min, you are here."

Shu Min had been staring at Gu Xiaowan, but naturally did not hear Shu Su Qianyue's voice.

At this moment, I heard the eunuch's shrill voice: "The emperor drives to the empress dowager to drive to the empress dowager"

When everyone heard this, they didn’t care so much. They stood up, crouched down, and bowed respectfully, saying: "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, the queen mother, the thousand years old, the thousand years old, the queen mother, the thousand years old, the thousand years old."

After shouting in the hall, no one dared to move, and even the sound of a needle falling in the hall could be heard. Seeing the group of people kneeling in the hall, Shu Tianci glanced around, then said, "Everyone is flat!"

"Xie Huangshang" is another bunch of responsible bows and bows of thanks. Shu Tianci said that she would teach her a few parenting nurses to learn the etiquette of changing the palace. Gu Xiaowan learned it seriously, and now she is in such a magnificent occasion. , Gu Xiaowan's performance is neither humble nor overbearing, generous and decent.

After the empress dowager and queen took their seats, the people in the hall bowed their heads and sat down.

At the top of the whole hall is the emperor, the empress dowager on the right, and the empress dowager on the left. Because Ming Wang is the emperor’s uncle, he sits on the right hand of the empress dowager, followed by Shu Lin and Shu Min.

They sat on the top not only because Shu Min was also just a princess, but because they had the same noble blood flowing in their bodies as the emperor, and their natural status was much more noble than the neighboring princess.

A young and glamorous concubine sat on the left hand of the empress. Gu Xiaowan knew that the emperor also had a concubine Wang, who was right in front of him.

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