The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1701: Admiration at the banquet

As the emperor said that the banquet began, there will be singing, dancing and music, and everyone will change their cups for a while to celebrate the long birthday, but it is also lively.

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu were sitting together. They were drinking the tea in front of them, talking in a low voice, enjoying singing and dancing. They thought they would wait until the end of the banquet, but somebody didn't want to make Gu Xiaowan feel better.

I only heard Shu Min’s charming voice saying: "Auntie Queen Mother, this is your birthday. Min'er didn’t give any good gifts to the Queen Mother and her aunt. She felt sad. I don’t know what the other two princesses gave to make the Queen Mother happy? Let Min'er study hard."

Shu Min looked curious and wanted to study seriously. After listening to the empress dowager, she knew that she wanted to see the gift from Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan, and she also knew that Su Rili was at odds with Tan Yushu, so she said lightly: "Whatever you give, the Aijia will be happy!"

Seeing the empress dowager’s faint expression, Shu Min felt a little unconvinced, so she relied on her identity as the niece of the empress dowager, and took the hand of the empress dowager and said, “Auntie, I don’t know what Huguo Princess has prepared for the auntie. Gifts? See which gift the Queen Mother likes. By next year, Min'er will know how to prepare."

The empress dowager looked at this niece who wanted to see the gifts very much, her expression was not happy, but today is her birthday, she is not easy to show her, and said: "Since Ming wants to see it, let's take a look! Every Qing family and wife opened their eyes!"

When Shu Min saw that the empress dowager asked to get gifts, her expression was delighted.

She doesn't care what Tan Yushu gave, but she knows what Gu Xiaowan gave!

An embroidery is nothing more than a calligraphy and painting that she has spent a lot of money to find?

That is the most favorite authentic work of the queen mother and aunt, but it took a lot of effort and money to buy it from others.

Shu Min was very proud, looking provocatively at Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan who were on the opposite side, and his expression was a bit proud.

At this time, everyone was silent, the hall was quiet, and even the needle was about to fall silently.

The empress dowager wants them to see the gifts from the three princesses. That's a big deal!

After a while, I saw the three eunuchs behind Qi's father-in-law, who came to the main hall, bent down and said respectfully: "The empress mother, the gifts from the three princesses have already been taken."

"Expand, let all the Qings open their eyes!" Seeing the gifts from the three princesses, the empress mother began to soften her expression.

Then I heard Grandpa Qi say: "Expand!"

Immediately afterwards, the **** stepped forward to help. The first picture that was opened was an ink painting sent by Shu Min. When everyone looked at it, they exclaimed: "This is the real work of De Zhenren. I have only seen it in the book. Yes. I didn’t expect to see it here. Princess Mingdu is really interested in sending such a good gift!"

Immediately after opening it was a gift from Tan Yushu. Tan Yushu's gift was a thousand-year-old ginseng and a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, both of which were finally found.

Everyone praised it again.

When the gift from Gu Xiaowan was slowly unfolded, everyone seemed to see nothing. They only saw a large "Fu" floating in the air. When they got closer, they discovered that the word "Fu" was embroidered. On the silk that was as thin as a cicada's wings, the white silk seemed to be blank.

Silk is inherently thin. If it is to be embroidered, it is extremely easy to damage the silk, causing uneven folds, which damages the beauty of silk.

However, the embroidery in front of me is nothing to worry about. The embroidery on the silk is separated from the silk by stitches, as if the word "Fu" was not pierced, but dyed on the silk itself. The above is average.

However, this is not the most important thing. The key is that the word "福" is composed of countless small "福" characters.

There are ninety-nine small blessing characters that make up a big blessing character, which is exactly one hundred.

Immediately afterwards, someone said: "Oh my God, is this a long-lost double-sided embroidery? Look at it, the characters on the back of this embroidery are exactly the same as the front!"

Sure enough, after everyone saw it, the entire hall was suddenly silent.

This is Baifutu.

Shu Min was originally triumphant, but when everyone was amazed at Gu Xiaowan's birthday gift, whoever remembered her gift, those people onlookers stood in front of Gu Xiaowan's gift and praised her.

And she secretly looked up at the empress dowager, and saw that the empress dowager was laughing and talking with the emperor beside her, her eyes were full of love and kindness toward Gu Xiaowan.

Shu Min only felt that what she had just said was like hitting her in the face. The empress dowager knew that Gu Xiaowan sent something different, so when she was looking at herself, she did not refuse to let her see.

Now, she wanted to show off on her birthday, but she did not expect that she risked a big risk, but plated Gu Xiaowan with a layer of gold, and couldn't help but hate Gu Xiaowan again.

No, she can't just make Gu Xiaowan proud, isn't she from the countryside? Doesn't she have a lot of pen and ink in her belly?

Then I don't know, will she be capable of singing and dancing!

Thinking of this, Shu Min glanced at Su Qianyue while drinking tea. After nodding to her, she stood up and said, "Aunt Queen Mother, today is your birthday. Min'er and Miss Su Jia discussed that they would like to help the Queen Mother and Auntie Su. Prepare a show." Shu Min stood up and said.

"Oh? What's the show?" The queen mother asked curiously.

"Miner touches the qin, Qianyue sings" Shu Min didn't finish her words, but stopped talking.

"Ming has something to say straight," Shu Tianci said, seeing Shu Min's hesitation.

"Brother Xie Huang, Mingdu wants to invite Princess Anping to perform a dance. She has just arrived in Beijing, and she is still not sure how she dances. Therefore, Min'er wants her to dance. I don’t know if Princess Anping is willing. Willing?" Shu Min looked at her awkwardly, as if afraid that Gu Xiaowan would disagree.

When Tan Yushu heard that she wanted her sister to perform a dance, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately recovered, he thought of getting up and standing. Gu Xiaowan on the side hurriedly grabbed her and said, "Don't worry!"

At the moment, no one is talking.

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