The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1710: Is an undercover

Such a humble identity, how worthy of brother Shang Ziyue!

Seeing his sister's expression suddenly changed, Shu Lin knew that he was persuading her. After carefully covering her with a bedding on the side of the collapsed bed, he said softly: "It belongs to our palace, it must be Our palace, no one can stop it! Sister, just wait to enjoy the blessing! After that, no one in this world can surpass you, and today’s things will never happen again! "

Shu Min nodded excitedly, until Shu Lin left, Shu Min was still happily forgetting about it.

Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan, just wait to fall from the altar. You are just a peasant girl. If you want to get involved with the royal family, you have to see if you have always had such a good life!

Tan's carriage first sent Gu Xiaowan back to Qingyuan. Tan Yushu did not leave to eat. Grandpa was still waiting for her at home, so the two parted.

After Gu Xiaowan arrived in Qingyuan, she happened to see Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi hurriedly approaching.

"But I'm back." Gu Fangxi saw Gu Xiaowan's peace, and the hanging heart came down: "Is everything going well today?"

This is the first time Xiaowan has entered the palace to celebrate her birthday. So many people don’t know what will happen. Gu Fangxi’s heart has been hanging since Gu Xiaowan entered the palace yesterday, until she saw that Gu Xiaowan was safe. The return.

Gu Xiaoyi also circled Gu Xiaowan several times, and saw that her sister was safe, and then she relaxed: "Sister, you are fine!"

Seeing the nervousness of the two of them, Gu Xiaowan took a closer look and saw a circle of black bruises on the corners of their eyes. Knowing that the two of them must have not slept well last night, she sighed and said worriedly: "I said I'll be fine, look at you, your eyes are dark again, I'm afraid I didn't sleep all night last night!"

Gu Fangxi sighed in relief, "It's fine if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay!"


"Sister, Auntie hasn't slept since you left yesterday, and you've stayed until now!" Gu Xiaoyi also worriedly supported Gu Fangxi, and said, "Sister, I sent my aunt back to rest."

"Go ahead, and you can rest well! I'm good, don't worry, huh?" Gu Xiaowan touched the top of Gu Xiaoyi's head, comforting.

Only then did Gu Xiaoyi relax. He hadn't rested for the past two days. Seeing that her sister was safe and sound, the exhaustion followed, and she helped Gu Fangxi to leave.

Kou Dan took two steps late and reported to Gu Xiaowan what had happened in Qingyuan in the past two days.

After Gu Xiaowan listened, she pinched her fingers like green onions, and her eyes were full of fierce light.

"Weasel pays New Year's greetings to the rooster, girl, this Gu Xintao must be uneasy!" said Zuo on the side.

What else to say, the girl will definitely be fine in the palace, but she always tells Gu Fangxi some **** things, saying that someone who came to the palace to participate in the banquet made the wrong thing and did something wrong, and was pushed out by the emperor and beaten. What are you doing!

This Gu Xintao, he really couldn't see herself a little bit better, even if she lived under her own eaves, it was not so peaceful.

Because Gu Xintao told so many horrible stories, Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi stayed up for two days and one night, so they just sat and waited.

This Gu Xintao really "cares" about himself!

Gu Xiaowan's hands were pinched together fiercely, Liu Ye's eyebrows were erect, and she was already angry.

"Girl, what should we do now? Do you want to drive them out?" Zuo suggested when he saw this.

This family, they have long been displeased, living in Qingyuan, living for nothing, not talking about it, and from time to time they have to make some moths to make the girl worry about it.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly thought of something: "Gu Xintao said that a few years ago, a young lady from a small family followed her relatives into the palace to attend a banquet. She offended Long Yan. Long Yan was furious and beat her a hundred bans. On the spot, but is it true?"

Kou Dan was originally from the capital, and he had never heard of that young lady's blood splattered on the spot, but after listening to Gu Xintao's words, he thought that after the banquet, there was an elder who was good enough to be dismissed. The family moved out of the capital.

Now, as soon as Gu Xintao talked about it, she was right about the dismissal.

"The slave and maid didn't know, I only knew that there was an officer who was dismissed in good order at the time! Just after attending the banquet!" Codan said after thinking about it.

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak after listening. Kou Dan and Zuo looked at the meditating girl with some doubts: "Girl, what's wrong?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled with her eyebrows, but she said without reaching the bottom of her eyes: "It seems that Gu Xintao should really check it out!"

"Girl" Zuo and Kou Dan didn't understand what Gu Xiaowan meant.

"She just came to the capital, she would know such a secret thing, I have been in the capital for so long, I don't know, she actually knows! Don't you think it is strange?" Gu Xiaowan sneered.

Zuo and Koudan suddenly realized: "Girl, do you mean that there is someone behind her?"

"It's not just someone, I'm afraid this person's status is not low, otherwise, how could she attend a banquet held by the royal family!" Gu Xiaowan realized that this Gu Xintao really came with a purpose.

"Girl, will it be Princess Mingdu?" Zuo asked.

Gu Xiaowan didn't comment. Princess Mingdu always regarded herself as unpleasant, fearing that this matter had an inseparable relationship with her.

"Girl, what should we do now? Do we want to get her out as soon as possible?" Kou Dan couldn't help but said worriedly when he saw that the man here was still an undercover agent.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No, since she is here, she must have been instructed by that person. It is always more convenient for us to look at the individual under our noses than to be far away!"

Since it is an enemy, it is much better to put it under your nose than to push it far.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Xiaowan said to Kou Dan, "When you go to deliver food every day, keep an eye on those two people. Since they came in, they must want to get some news from me, and, Check out how their news was sent out!"

Kou Dan nodded, and Zuo said with some worry: "Girl, do these two really want to be by your side?"

Thinking that these two people might have been sent by the Mingdu princess, Zuo was worried that the Mingdu princess had long been grudges against the girl. After today’s banquet, it is estimated that he hated the girl even more. If two people found a chance to hurt the girl

Zuo didn't even dare to think about it. Apart from worrying in his heart, he raised his thoughts a little bit, and in the future he has to take care of the girl more carefully.

After the birthday banquet of the empress dowager, the winter in the capital was here, but overnight, I felt that the sudden cold weather was a bit bitter.

When Gu Xiaowan slept at night, she felt a chill from outside the house. The bedding was thick, but she still couldn't stop the chill.

Gu Xiaowan was curled up in the bed, the soup woman under her feet and on her belly was cold, and there was no warmth at all.

In winter, her hands and feet will be cold. As long as Tang Po is cold, her warm hands and feet will become cold again. Sleeping on weekdays, a soup lady can take care of it all night, but I don’t know what happened tonight, this soup lady is cold so fast.

She stretched her head out of the bedding, and she could feel the cold breath outside the bedding. She wanted to call Zuo to change to a soup lady, but thinking of the bitterness outside, Gu Xiaowan still didn’t want to trouble Zuo, she turned her body from the inside. Outside, I plan to continue sleeping.

The outside of the house was a little white, and the inside of the transparent window paper was still a bit translucent. The coldness from the soles of the feet seemed to be colder. Gu Xiaowan gently kicked off the cold soup woman and curled up like a cooked lobster. One place.

At night, it was very quiet.

Suddenly, a footstep came slowly from far to near.

Gu Xiaowan heard that voice, there was no sleepiness, and she sat up immediately, her thin clothes and trousers were cold in the cold night, but she did not feel cold at all.

The familiar sound of footsteps, one step, two steps, and three steps, is getting closer and closer. The footsteps have reached the door, barely stopping, and they just opened the door and walked in.

There will always be someone guarding the door of her house, either Ah Zuo or Ahmad, but at this moment the person didn't even stop, thinking about it, they let him in.

The person who came must be very familiar with Ah Zuo and Ahmad.

At this time, my aunt and others won’t come here,

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but get a little excited, she wrapped the bedding tightly around her body, waiting for the one who got closer and closer.

The door opened, and a bitter wind blew in, and the blowing curtain floated gently. In the blink of an eye, the person at the door opened the curtain and walked in, and then, they could gently pinch out the water. The soft voice coming: "Waner"

Gu Xiaowan was wearing trousers and clothes, she got up directly from the bed, and rushed over without thinking.

"Brother Yui"

Leaving the warm bed, it became colder and colder. When it was cold, she shivered involuntarily, but soon she threw herself into the warm embrace, wrapped her directly, and the two plunged directly into the bed. .

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