The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1711: Give me to you

Just following the sweet smell, a warm lip went directly down.

Between the intertwined lips and teeth, I only feel that the nose is full of that charming fragrance.

After the kiss was over, both of them were unsteady. Gu Xiaowan's face turned red and hot at the moment, but fortunately, there was no light on at this moment, and she couldn't find her strange.

It's just the disordered breath that made people understand that her heart was disturbed.

Qin Yizhi tried to calm his emotions, burying his head in the warmth of Gu Xiaowan's neck, and the warm breath blew into his neck one after another, causing bursts of tingling.

The body of the person who is hugging tightly in his arms is stiff, as if trying to hold back something.

Gu Xiaowan understood that he was emotional, so she hugged him and stroked him on his back again and again. When his breath calmed down, the two of them hugged each other and talked.

"Wan'er, I miss you!"

"I miss you too!" Gu Xiaowan slid her head into his arms, holding Qin Yizhi's hand with one hand, while the other hand embraced his powerful waist, telling her lovesickness.

With the other hand, Qin Yizhi touched Gu Xiaowan’s feet. Sure enough, as he expected, they became cold again. So he hurriedly tore off the clothes on his chest and pulled her feet into his arms. Here, use her warm body temperature to warm her feet.

When her cold feet touched the warm abdomen, she felt a warm current flow all over her body.

After a while, the cold feet slowly warmed up, as if using a soup woman.

No, it's better than Tangla.

He compares Qin Yizhi to Tang Pozi. When Gu Xiaowan thought about this, she couldn't help but laughed. Seeing her laugh, Qin Yizhi's mood followed with joy: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at you, like my soup lady!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

The little jade foot gradually became warmer, and his hand, still reluctant to let go, still put her feet between her abdomen, a big palm held the little jade foot in the palm of his hand, constantly Rubbing.

The two of them endured each other to the extreme, and the tenderness in Qin Mozhi's eyes that could almost drip out of water, his breath slowly began to become unstable again.

Thinking of leaving soon, Qin Yuzhi was very reluctant to give up, he held Gu Xiaowan tightly in his arms, and turned her over, already pressing her under him.

It's cold tonight, and it's white outside.

Inside the tent, warm current bursts.

Looking at the jade-like face under her body, the moonbrows and starry eyes made herself sink, and her radiance tonight made her amazing.

Such a baby bumps, fortunately, let him be put in his arms first.

"In the future, stay away from Su Ziyue!" Suddenly, Qin Feizhi said in an annoying voice.

Gu Xiaowan let out an "Ah" and then realized: "Are you also there?"

"Well, I was guarding a corner of the hall at the time, so I have seen all of your style at the time!" Qin Yizhi's eyes were astonishing, and his tone seemed to be somewhat savoury and said, "In the future, stay away from him. child!"

At that time in the hall, Su Ziyue watched the obsessive face when he was playing, as if he had seen himself, Wan'er was so powerful, so good, it was normal for men to adore it, but he just couldn’t. Any man except him, approached her half a point.

"Are you jealous?" Gu Xiaowan looked at his face teasingly after hearing Qin Mozhi's different meanings, and saw that there was a hint of grievance on his face.

"Yeah!" Qin Yizhi was especially obedient: "I'm jealous. From now on, you are not allowed to be so close to him or any man!"

"You are really domineering!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

After Qin Yizhi finished saying this sentence in anger, he lowered his head suddenly, and kissed the warm lips again, as if to relieve his anger, biting on her lips, as if to want the love in his heart Everything was dissolved in that kiss.

Immediately afterwards, the warm lips moved away from the lips, inch by inch, little by little, towards the smooth neck, the warm kisses brought trembling one after another on her body.

Gu Xiaowan only felt that her body had never been empty before, causing her to hug the person in front of her involuntarily and keep her body close to him.

"Wan'er, in this life, you are mine, you can only be mine!" Qin Yizhi slowly raised his head, looked at Gu Xiaowan's misty eyes, and placed the last kiss on her forehead. Then she turned over, hugged her tightly, and calmed her breath.

He almost made a mistake twice tonight, no, as long as he touched her, he would lose his former self-control.

No, no!

Suddenly, there was a banging sound in the distance, and it was about to dawn, and Qin Yizhi knew that he could not delay.

He tried his best to suppress the impulse in his heart, looked at Gu Xiaowan and said, "Wan'er, I have a very important thing to tell you now. Listen carefully!"

Seeing his seriousness, Gu Xiaowan became nervous too: "What's the matter? Brother Yizhi?"

"I want to go out!" Qin Yizhi said sternly, looking at Gu Xiaowan's eyes, very determined.

Gu Xiaowan thought, "How long will it take?"

"At least half a year, as long as a year!" Moreover, this trip was extremely dangerous and he couldn't guarantee whether he would come back alive.

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she lowered her eyebrows for a moment and nodded in response: "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back! You must pay attention to your safety! Take care of yourself when you are alone!"

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan didn't even ask about the purpose of going out, Qin Mozhi only felt that the needle in his heart was getting deeper and deeper.

She believes in herself, unconditionally believes in herself, no matter what happens, she only believes in herself.

"Okay, I will! The same is true for you. You must take good care of yourself in the capital. Don't go back to Liujiazhen during this period. You are here. You offended the Ming Palace yesterday. I'm afraid they won't give up. , If you go back to Liujia Town, I’m afraid it will be dangerous. Princess Lihua trusts you. If you have any difficulties, you can go to her or the Lord Protector of the Country!” Qin Yizhi will think that she is in the hall tonight With such grace, his heart was inexplicably hot.

Gu Xiaowan nodded, nestled in his neck, trying to make her voice look flat: "Okay, don't worry, I will! I will stay here and wait for your return!"

"Wan'er, when I come back, I will tell you everything!"

Qin Yizhi touched the long brocade-like hair of the person in his arms and said firmly.

"Okay!" Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes, and the big teardrops were like beads with broken threads, all rubbing against his clothes.

She tried her best to ensure that her breath was stable, and she didn't let herself cry, just to prevent Qin Mozhi from worrying.

"Are you going here, is it dangerous?" Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but asked the question she most wanted to ask.

Qin Yuzhi hadn't spoken for a long time, and he couldn't guarantee it.

He dared not tell the truth, afraid that Gu Xiaowan would worry, nor dared to tell lies. If something unexpected happened, then

When Qin Mozhi did not speak, Gu Xiaowan felt even more sad.

He didn't speak, it meant that this trip had risks that he didn't know.

The atmosphere between the two was a little silent. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly smiled jokingly: "Brother Yizhi, you have to come back safely, but I will always wait for you!"

I am waiting for you to return safely. If you can't return, I will always wait for you.

Who knows, how long will this wait.

As soon as Qin Yu heard it, he hugged her tighter, and still didn't say a word.

This hug is as clever as her, how can she not know the meaning of this, I am afraid that this trip is really dangerous.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to cry very much, and wanted to hold him and not let him go.

However, everyone will have their own mission, and he is burdened with blood and hatred. If he does not report, he will not be safe in his life.

Therefore, she can only let go!

"Wan'er, I want to be your soup lady forever! Help you warm your feet forever."

How could Qin Yizhi be willing to die? In this life, he finally found a girl he loved so badly, how could he be willing to die.

It doesn't matter if you call him selfish, or call him innocent. In this life, he really only wants her as a woman, and hopes that this woman belongs to him for the rest of her life.

Even if he really can't come back.

"Okay!" In this life, even if he can't come back, she can live a lifetime alone by relying on what he said!

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan took Qin Yizhi's hand, slowly put his hand into his clothes, and touched the smooth jade skin, which immediately aroused a tremor.

"Wan'er" saw her bold movement, Qin Mozhi suddenly felt his brain roar.

The numbness coming from his fingertips just now spread all over his body like an electric current, making him lose the ability to think.

"Brother Yizhi, I will give myself to you." Gu Xiaowan continued to hold his hand to prevent him from retracting. This time, the entire palm was counted, covering the warm abdomen.

Qin Yuzhi no longer had the ability to think.

Even if the two of them are sharing the same bed, Qin Yizhi has never crossed the boundary. Even if the two of them are hugging, they are only separated by the clothes. As they are now, Qin Yizhi's hand touched the skin under Gu Xiaowan's clothes. , This is the first time.

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