The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1713: what are you

There was a heavy snowfall for three days and three nights, and the outside was already white. Gu Xiaowan felt a little sad because of Qin Yizhi’s departure, and because of the heavy snow, she spent three days in the room for training. Words did not go anywhere.

Daxue also blocked the road outside, and Tan Yushu did not come.

Gu Xiaowan had a good life for three days without hearing about things outside the window. However, when the sky cleared on the fourth day, the snow began to melt slowly, and the road was swept out by the people, and the garden began to clear. It's lively.

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect the first person to come.

The people who came turned out to be Liu Xueying and Liu Siyi.

When he heard Kou Dan's report, Gu Xiaowan was lying in a soft bed reading a book, half of her body covered by the thick bedding.

In the winter, Gu Xiaowan wished to stay in the warm bed all day long, not going anywhere. After all, no matter how thick the clothes are, they are not as thick as the bedding!

Therefore, she has been doing this for the past few days. At the moment, she is still wearing home clothes.

Gu Xiaowan was not familiar with these two people, and was not so good that Xue Yihua came to place them, a little surprised.

However, everyone has come to the door, and Gu Xiaowan has no reason not to see them.

It's so cold outside, these two young ladies, if they can walk this way, Gu Xiaowan will also meet.

"Let them wait outside, Zuo, change my clothes."

Gu Xiaowan changed clothes and sat down. Before the two of them came, Zuo Busily explained: "Girl, although the sun is out, it is still very cold, and the snow is starting to freeze again, I am afraid it is outside. The road is not easy."

Gu Xiaowan nodded. Although there are many corridors from the gate to here, there are still many outdoor roads, so she just sat and waited.

Just now, after changing her home clothes, she wore a set of splendid dresses with thin cotton embroidered with brocade clouds, and a thick brocade-inlaid silver rat skin cloak on the outside, thick fur, taking advantage of a small The face became more and more delicate and pretty.

After Gu Xiaowan waited for a while, she saw the two of them slowly coming under the guidance of Kou Dan.

As soon as I met, I saw Liu Siyi's plop and knelt down, begging An with a smile on his face: "Siyi please send me peace to Anping County lord!"

After standing still, Liu Xueying on the side also knelt down: "Xueying greets Princess Anping!"

Seeing the two of them wearing thick and solid clothes, when they were outside just now, the whole person was wrapped in only one face. After the hoods on their heads were removed, both of them showed coldness. Some flushed cheeks.

The two wore thick cotton-padded jackets, but they were not as good as the silver rat-skin cloak on Gu Xiaowan's body. They were light and warm. The two of them were originally graceful, but they were wrapped in thick cotton-padded jackets, which seemed a bit bloated, not as charming as in the past. !

Gu Xiaowan looked at them lightly and asked them to get up.

After getting up, Liu Siyi took a quick glance at Gu Xiaowan before taking off the thick padded jacket and handing it to the maid beside her.

Gu Xiaowan was a little weird. She wore a fox fur cloak in the house. Liu Siyi didn't even wear a cotton jacket?

Seeing that Liu Siyi took off his clothes, without the thick padded jacket just now, that graceful figure was re-exposed, and the real man with a tender yellow lining was very pretty.

Liu Xueying also didn't expect Liu Siyi to take off his clothes, and after a moment of stunned, the two were seated.

After taking his seat, Codan brought two bowls of **** tea: "Miss, please have tea!"

Gu Xiaowan was holding a bowl of hot **** tea in her hand. It was very warm in her hand. After blowing it, she drank it warmly. The whole person was much warmer.

Gu Xiaowan has recently been raised by her aunt a little bit squeamish, saying that it’s snowing these few days, so she must not be cold. So, a bowl of **** tea a day warms the stomach. In this **** tea, not only **** flakes are placed in it, but also Put brown sugar.

After Liu Xueying and Liu Siyi received the tea, they were taken aback when they smelled the pungent smell.

That’s how Anping County Master treats guests? How about serving guests with **** tea?

And, instead of using a tea cup, it turned out to be a bowl for eating?


What kind of hospitality is this?

Especially Liu Siyi, with a look of stunned expression, looked at Gu Xiaowan with some doubts.

The ladies in other residences usually use tea for entertaining guests? Is there any way to entertain guests with **** tea?

Although this **** tea has a word for tea, there is no tea at all here. It is made by slicing **** and boiling it with brown sugar. Generally, it is only drunk when the girl comes to confinement!

Moreover, this **** slice is too much, and it smells pungent.

After Liu Siyi took it, there was a flash of disgust on his face. He didn't drink a mouthful and put it aside.

After a brief period of hesitation, Liu Xueying blew and took a sip.

After taking a sip of the hot **** tea, I felt that it had been warmed from the tongue to the stomach. The coldness when I came just now has been mostly removed.

Not to mention, I thought this **** tea was a bit strange just now. After drinking it, my whole body became warm, and Liu Xueying understood what Gu Xiaowan meant.

They walked outside just now. Although they wore a lot, the temperature outside was too cold. After drinking this tea, the whole person warmed up. Liu Xueying didn't put the tea down, but kept it all the time. In the palm of his hand, he took a sip from time to time, and his face gradually became ruddy.

On the other hand, Liu Siyi is not so good.

Charcoal was also burning in the room, but Gu Xiaowan didn’t like the smell, so I put it a little far away. The room was not very warm. The heater Liu Siyi brought was almost burning, and there was no quilted jacket. People are shaking at the moment.

Seeing her shaking, Gu Xiaowan kindly reminded: "If Miss Liu is cold, you can drink this!"

An awkward smile was pulled at the corner of Liu Siyi's mouth.

She always thought that the house of Anping Princess should be warm as spring, so when she came in, she took off her clothes.

But, how do you know that the inside of this house is better than the outside. How can it be enough to wear a thin piece of clothing for nine cold days? Moreover, the heater in her hand is almost cold, and her complexion at this moment is very bad.

When Liu Siyi heard Gu Xiaowan talking about drinking tea, he tried his best to hold back his trembling body, and said with a smile, "Okay!"

However, after taking a small sip, he put it aside.

With a smile on her eyebrows, Liu Xueying also frowned when she saw Liu Siyi's behavior.

She clearly dislikes this **** tea!

Liu Xueying lowered her eyebrows slightly, a little dissatisfied with Liu Siyi's actions, but in front of Anping Princess, it was hard to say anything.

"Two Ms. Liu, come to Qingyuan today, but what's the matter?" After Gu Xiaowan had a drink, she put the bowl aside and asked faintly, leaving Liu Siyi alone.

Just now she took off her clothes as soon as she came in, and she also reminded her that she can drink **** tea to warm her body. If she doesn't drink it herself, it is not her business that she is cold.

As soon as Gu Xiaowan’s words fell, Liu Siyi smiled and replied: "The master of Anping County has a good heart. Our sisters have long wanted to make friends, and they have never dared to come because they are afraid that the county owner will despise our humble status. ."

Gu Xiaowan didn't nod or shook her head. Looking at the bowl she put on the table, she muttered to herself that it was you who despised me!

You don't drink the tea I give you.

Gu Xiaowan didn't tell the story, she smiled.

Liu Xueying on the side saw Gu Xiaowan's expression faintly, guessing that Liu Siyi's actions just made her unhappy, and said hurriedly: "Princess, Si Yi doesn't like ginger, so I don't drink **** tea!"

Liu Siyi nodded: "Princess, I feel a little uncomfortable when I smell the **** slices!"

Gu Xiaowan gave a hum, and didn't want to listen to them: "Even though it is a sunny day, but the temperature is still very cold, I don't know why these two people come to Qingyuan on such a cold day? Look at Ms. Liu's expression. Okay, let's wait until the weather is warmer."

Princess Anping meant to drive people out?

Liu Siyi was a little anxious when he saw this, and hurriedly said: "I heard that the Anping princess danced an ink dance on the Queen Mother's birthday, and was shocked by the heavens. Siyi admires him and wants to come and see!"

When Liu Xueying heard this, her face suddenly collapsed. She gave Liu Siyi a sideways glance and signaled her not to speak, but Liu Siyi didn't know it, and she was worried that Gu Xiaowan would drive them away. When I arrived at the Jinghong dance, what I said became more and more barren: "Princess Anping, can you dance again for our two sisters? I heard that the dance was beautiful and beautiful. At that time, the whole hall was The people at "are all dumbfounded. I heard that even the empress dowager is full of praise, isn't it? Anping Princess, you are so amazing, you can dance a dance that no one can dance in the entire Qing Dynasty."

After Liu Siyi finished speaking, he came forward and pulled Gu Xiaowan's arm affectionately. Gu Xiaowan's brows were twisted with envy and even a little impatient.

Liu Xueying just wanted to speak to stop Liu Siyi, but it was too late.

Zuo, who has been standing next to Gu Xiaowan, pushed away Liu Siyi's hand that was already on Gu Xiaowan’s arm, and coldly shouted, "What are you, let the lord of Anping dance to show you." ?

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