The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1714: Long line to catch big fish

Zuo Liu's eyebrows are erect. Because of his kung fu, he has developed a cold temperament by Qin Yizhi's side all the time. At this moment, his face is expressionless and he stares at Liu Si fiercely. Yi, Liu Siyi just took a look, only to feel that his legs were shaking, and he was a little unsteady.

This Liu Siyi kept shouting at the county lord of Anping, but let the dignified second-grade princess dance to her?

She really thinks she is the queen mother?

"I, I" Liu Siyi was already shivering, but he was reprimanded and shivered with fear.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xueying on the side gave the maid on the side a wink, and the maid hurriedly put Liu Siyi's clothes on her.

Liu Siyi was already cold and trembling. After being frightened, he even lost the ability to think. A pair of eyes looked at Gu Xiaowan aggrievedly, shivering with a little bit of grief and anger.

It's just a humble peasant girl. With such a good fate, she has become the head of Anping County, but this person's original identity is the mud in the mud!

Although I was just a young official's lady, after all, my father was still a person with official positions, and he was still a Xiaojiabiyu, but how about Gu Xiaowan?

Dealing with the soil is just the most humble person. If such a person was standing in front of him in the past, he would have to look up his nose and look at his face.

But it's better now. This person is actually sitting on the head. He is graceful and luxurious. His graceful figure is not at all corrupted by the thick winter clothes. What are they wearing?

The silver mouse-skin cloak that people wear is a padded jacket with white jade cotton. The white jade cotton can keep warm a hundred times better than ordinary cotton. Otherwise, why is white jade cotton so much more expensive than ordinary silk?

Gu Xiaowan's brocade and cloud-like clothes might be worth the dozens of ordinary cotton dresses on her.

Gu Xiaowan, the second treasurer of Jinfulou and the treasurer of Yuege Pavilion, is really too rich.

We have money, power, beauty, and talent. Why should there be such a person in this world!

The more Liu Siyi thinks about it, the more sad it gets, the more he thinks about it, the more wronged he is. Hearing about her magic dance in the hall, it made the whole hall amazing. Liu Siyi thought at the time, if he could do it, then there should be How great!

So, she didn’t even think so much, so she planned to visit Gu Xiaowan, but where did she know that there was heavy snow that night, and the goose feathers did not stop for three days. On the fourth day, the sun came out. As soon as the sun came out, she Came out.

I'm afraid that others will come to visit sooner than her. If someone makes the same request with her then, I'm afraid they won't be able to see it.

She prides herself on having a talent for dancing. If she is given a look, she can remember 60% to 70%. Then, if she goes back and practice well, she is afraid that she can practice up to 60% to 70%. Dance, if I can do it, then

Will that person's eyes be on his body?

Liu Siyi thought perfectly. She thought that Gu Xiaowan, a peasant girl, would at least be a bit humble even with the status of the princess.

If an official lady asks her to dance, she can be seen! Where to know

Where to know

With warm clothes, Liu Siyi's complexion was much better than before, and he gradually became ruddy, but his complexion was still ugly.

"The princess, my cousin is young and ignorant, and I hope the princess will never care about her!" Liu Xueying didn't expect Liu Siyi to say such things in public, so she knelt on the ground with a rush to help Liu Siyi. Begging for mercy: "Princess Anping, you have a large number of adults, don't be familiar with her, she just came to the capital not long ago, and did not know the many rules of the capital, but also hope that the princess Haihan!"

Liu Siyi saw Liu Xueying knelt down, and there was a flash of surprise in his expression, but he calmed down in an instant, frowning slightly, as if there were many dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Si Yi, don't you hurry down on your knees!" Liu Xueying saw that she was still standing there in a daze, feeling anxious to death, so she shouted immediately.

When Liu Siyi saw her cousin drinking her, he felt aggrieved in his heart, but he didn't dare to confront her, so he knelt down slowly, unwillingly.

Gu Xiaowan watched the whole process with cold eyes. Seeing Liu Siyi's arrogant look, she understood in her heart. This person seemed to be full of heart and thought that she would dance to her, but she was stunned after eating and was full of joy. Too!

Gu Xiaowan felt strange, why is this person so sure that he can dance to her?

Leaving aside the identities of the two, she was just a guest. She ran to Qingyuan without inviting him, and said to her that she wanted to dance. Who did she think she was?

Does she really consider herself a dancer? The more Gu Xiaowan thinks about it, the worse she feels. Originally Qin Yizhi left, she felt uncomfortable. Now this person ran to her home to humiliate herself, and her heart became more angry. Up.

Seeing Liu Siyi's arrogant and rude appearance, Gu Xiaowan directly shot a chapter on the case table, and with a "bang", the two people who were kneeling in fright trembled.

Liu Siyi was even more so. She raised her head and glanced at Gu Xiaowan, and saw that her face was expressionless, her eyes were three points colder than usual.

The temperature around this person was even colder than the blizzard that came just now.

"I don't know, it turns out that Ms. Liu is here for fun, but Ms. Liu is in the wrong place. I am here in Qingyuan! If Ms. Liu is looking for fun, please go to the theater!"

Gu Xiaowan's voice was cold, and at this moment, her brows and eyes, as if coated with a layer of frost, became more and more cold.

When Liu Xueying heard this, her heart sighed, and she cursed Liu Siyi, and kowtow to plead guilty: "Princess, please calm down your anger, cousin is young and ignorant, and I hope princess Haihan!"

Liu Xueying would follow Liu Siyi because Liu Siyi wanted to visit Gu Xiaowan. Liu Xueying wanted to befriend Anping County Lord, so she agreed without thinking about it, but how did she know that Liu Siyi came The purpose, turned out to be to see Anping Princess dance!

What is the identity of the Anping princess, it would be hard for them to desecrate. Liu Xueying knew that Liu Siyi had made a mistake this time.

At the urging of Liu Xueying, Liu Siyi also kowtowed.

Gu Xiaowan frowned when they saw their heads like garlic, and didn't even bother to see them knocking their heads, and got up directly.

These two people came here unclearly, and now they are unclear and unclear, plainly disgusting.

When I saw this Liu Xueying last time, the hint of goodwill that had been there was no longer there.

"You go back!" Then, he went back to the inner room, not wanting to see them both.

Liu Xueying and Liu Siyi walked out of Qingyuan step by step with the support of their maid. The two were invisible, but seeing the depressed appearance of the two of them leaving, Gu Xintao was a little curious. "Mother, look at the two of them. They were happy when they came just now, but now they are as shabby as someone who died in the family. You said that with Gu Xiaowan, would something happen?"

Sun took a look, didn't he?

Although the two little girls can't see the expressions on their faces with their hats, their walking gestures clearly look like frosted eggplants, and they look so desolate.

Gu Xintao saw that he hadn't gone out for three days, so he would have to come out for a walk no matter what. He didn't expect that after this walk, he would come out with such a shocking good sight.

Come with joy and leave with disappointment. Something must have happened in that period of time just now!

Looking at Gu Xintao's ecstatic look, Sun was a little puzzled: "Xintao, what are you going to do?"

"Mother" Gu Xintao tilted her head, glanced at the Sun clan, and said arrogantly: "Any enemy of Gu Xiaowan is our friend. If they both touched a nail at Gu Xiaowan's place, we can turn them into our friends. !"

This was what Su Qianyue told her that anyone who stood on the other side of Gu Xiaowan would be able to win over. They would have one more person, and Gu Xiaowan would have one more enemy. It would be much easier to deal with her then.

The two looked at the distant backs of the two sisters Liu and did not notice at all. Someone behind them was staring at them, and they listened to what they were saying.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

No matter how Gu Xintao could calculate, she didn't even think of it.

Kou Dan told Gu Xiaowan what he had just heard. Gu Xiaowan was practicing calligraphy, and the worries in her heart disappeared a little at this moment. After putting down the pen in her hand, she sneered and said, "She really said that? My enemy is her. Friends? When did Gu Xintao become so intelligent?"

The Liu sisters were originally officials. If Gu Xintao had no one behind her, how would she get in touch with these two people?

Codan shook his head and said, "From the beginning to the end, I didn't know who was behind them from their conversation!"

It seemed that Gu Xintao's mind was getting better and better when he came to Beijing.

Otherwise, relying on her arrogant temperament, which royal family and nobles are her friends, she would like to be known by all the people in the world, what a face!

Gu Xiaowan hummed: "Watch them carefully, what do they want to do, don't have to stop! Let them jump!"

Zuo and Koudan looked at each other. The girl was going to put a long line to catch a big fish, so they answered one after another: "Yes!"

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