The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1719: Don't know

Within two days of work, a word came from the palace, Fang Zhengxing and Mrs. Fang’s Harmony Book had been drawn up, and Fang Zhengxing’s memorial for Huang Ruye’s invitation to play Mrs. Erpin had also been drawn up.

When Shu Tianci asked Fang Zheng to go and leave, he would also give him a sweet date to taste. Therefore, one of the conditions for Fang Zhengxing to agree and leave is that when Huang Ru is married, he will be the status of Mrs. Erpin.

Fang Zhengxing is an old official of the Qing Dynasty. It is impossible for Shu Tianci to agree to a single condition. Gu Xiaowan knew that the emperor had done enough.

Looking at Fang Peiya's calm and seemingly full of joy, Gu Xiaowan knew that Fang Peiya really didn't care, even if Huang Ru was married to the second class wife, she didn't care anymore.

"My mother heard that she had reconciled with her father, so she must let me come and thank you. After the dust settles between her and her father, my mother said she must come to the door to thank you, and thank the Lord Huguo and the Lord Anping for their help. Hmm!" Fang Peiya looked at Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu, without thinking, she knelt down.

How did Gu Xiaowan know that Fang Peiya would kneel down, and hurriedly went forward with Tan Yushu to help her up: "Get up, Peiya, we are good sisters!"

"That's, Peiya, if you were like this, we wouldn't be happy!" Tan Yushu also said angrily.

Fang Peiya was a little strange. According to the truth, Fang Zhengxing wanted to divorce his mother by the rule of seven. Why did he agree to it in the end?

"That's why you have to thank your sister. You don't know how much work your sister has spent on your affairs. Even the reasons for having boys and girls have been found out!"

"The reason for having boys and girls? What do you mean?" Fang Peiya said strangely when she heard this.

Tan Yushu glanced at Gu Xiaowan, and then said with a smile: "It's about having boys and girls. When you get married, my sister will tell you too!"

Sure enough, Fang Peiya's face suddenly turned red.

"It is estimated that the imperial edict will be able to come down in these two days. What are you going to do with your mother then?" Gu Xiaowan asked Fang Peiya.

After another period of absence, Fang Peiya's complexion was ruddy, she wanted to come to Mrs. Fang's health, and without the bad things of the Fang family, Fang Peiya was also comfortable.

"My grandfather said, my mother and I have lived in Lu's house all our lives!" Fang Peiya said with a little happiness: "Uncle and aunt also persuade us to live at home."

Seeing the Lu family’s importance of love and justice, Gu Xiaowan was relieved: "This is good, take one step at a time, I believe you will get better and better!"

With the help of Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu, Fang Peiya felt more relaxed in her heart. When she returned to Lu's house, she just got out of the carriage, she heard a beautiful voice from behind: "This lady, I want to see the lady below. , Can you please pass it through?"

Fang Peiya heard a familiar voice, and when she turned her head, she saw Liu Nianrou standing in front of a carriage looking at herself. Liu Nianrou had already arrived at Lu Mansion, but the Lu family refused to let herself in, saying that Mrs. Fang was still recuperating and could not be disturbed by the outside world.

However, Liu Nianrou finally came here, she hadn't said what she wanted to say, and the person she wanted to see hadn't seen yet, how could she leave so quickly?

So, she waited and waited. She could always wait for the people of Lu's family. Unexpectedly, she had just waited, and then the carriage came. When the gatekeeper saw the carriage came back, she immediately opened the door. Seeing that enthusiastic look, this time The slender woman in the car should belong to the Lu family.

So Liu Nianrou didn't even think about it, so she got out of the carriage and called Fang Peiya.

Fang Peiya heard Liu Nianrou's voice and looked back. Liu Nianrou was still as charming as before, but her face was not as ruddy as before, her face was pale, and her eye sockets were blue. It seemed that her life was not very good.

When Liu Nianrou saw Fang Peiya, she was stunned for a moment. Why is this woman so familiar?

Fang Peiya flashed in her mind, but she laughed at herself immediately, how could it be possible, that big fat man Fang Peiya, the woman in front of him was from the Lu family, she must be somewhat similar to Fang Peiya.

"This lady, I am Aunt Liu from the Fang family. Madam Fang is very ill. I came to visit Madam Fang. Please help me pass it on!" Liu Nianrou said softly, looking at the familiar girl in front of her.

Fang Peiya looked at Liu Nianrou's soft and charming look. When she saw her, after that moment of astonishment, she had no other expressions. She couldn't help but sneer in her heart. She was afraid she didn't recognize herself. !

Fang Peiya also pretended not to know Liu Nianrou, and asked with some confusion: "Oh? I don't know what's the matter with Aunt Liu coming to Mrs. Fang?"

"This" Liu Nianrou heard the girl in front of her asking herself why, she was shocked for a moment again, the girl in front of her voice really resembled Fang Peiya's voice.

Liu Nianrou was a little uncertain, so she looked at it carefully, and quietly showed the woman in front of her up and down.

Except for this woman's look a bit like Fang Peiya, and her voice a bit, the rest of the place is really like every place.

The woman in front of her was about the same age as Fang Peiya, but she was slim, with a delicate face, and she looked like a beautiful woman. She looked like Fang Peiya's fat man.

Liu Nianrou laughed mockingly, feeling a little suspicious.

Since the master was like that, I felt that the whole world seemed to be antagonizing myself.

"This lady, I’m afraid that it’s not clear in one sentence or two sentences that I have to say to Madam, so I bothered Miss to say to Madam Fang and said," Liu Nianrou paused, and then said with a smile: "Just say that the master wants to marry a wife. Now, she will see me naturally!"

Liu Nianrou knew that Lu Wen loved Fang Zhengxing so badly, otherwise, she would not marry a Fang Zhengxing who had no fame and fortune with her honorable status back then.

For so many years, why can one of my own aunts be invincible in Fang Mansion and crush Lu Wenxin, the wife of the house, isn't it also because of Lu Wenxin's love for the other side?

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