The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1720: Liu Nianrou provokes

A woman, if you love a man more than you love yourself, then her life will come to an end.

Lu Wenxin's whole mind was on Fang Zhengxing's body, so after she knew that Fang Zhengxing had other women behind her, she would collapse and let herself have the opportunity!

Fang Peiya could clearly see the mocking smile on Liu Nianrou's mouth.

It seems that Liu Nianrou already knows that Huang Ru is going to marry into Fang's family and his mother will be divorced.

But what is she doing here?

Are you here to mock your mother for failing her?

Are you still here for help?

Huang Ruye is not as weak as his mother, Liu Nianrou, a concubine, probably knows that her good days are coming to an end!

Fang Peiya pretended to be "surprised" and said, "What are you talking about? Master Fang is going to marry a wife? Isn't Mrs. Fang still in Lu Mansion? Why do you want to divorce her?"

Seeing the terrified look of the woman in front of her, Liu Nianrou felt better in her heart. When she heard that Fang Zhengxing was about to divorce her wife, she did not fall asleep for days and nights in excitement. She thought Fang Zhengxing really figured it out. I really want to give up Lu Wenxin.

Doesn't she have hope when she is the wife of the court?

I don't know, two days before I was happy, another terrible news came, Fang Zhengxing actually asked Huang Ru to seal the second grade madam!

Madam Erpin, even Lu Wenxin marrying Fang Zhengxing for so many years, is still not Mrs. Erpin, Huang Ruye has not married in, is Mrs. Erpin!

I heard that Huang Ruye was young and beautiful, and his family was a first-class family. Marrying Fang Zhengxing as a continuation string would be wronged by Huang Ruye. Therefore, Fang Zhengxing thought of such a way.

Before getting married, I gave Huang Ru a second-class status, and let her marry in, and I didn't feel a loss!

Liu Nianrou didn't expect that Fang Zheng acted to marry Huang Ruye, so she was so willing to spend her time on her behalf. For the first time, Liu Nianrou felt the threat from Huang Ruye.

The threat of letting Fang Zhengxing stand for her before she married in.

Liu Nianrou has always played the role of a good wife and mother in front of Fang Zhengxing. Fang Zhengxing is obedient, how can she not know what Fang Zhengxing is like!

Treating Lu Wenxin with the front line is like treating an enemy, but now treating Huang as such, Liu Nianrou feels that her position in the Fang family in the future is in jeopardy.

That's why she thought of Lu Wenxin, she wanted to come to Lu Wenxin, tell Lu Wenxin about this, and rely on Lu Wenxin's righteous love, afraid that she would not let it go. Although Lu Wenxin is destined to be retired, it would be better to rely on her to stumble Huang Ru in the past.

When Liu Nianrou thought this way, her heart became more relaxed.

"This lady, isn't it? I think that Madam Fang has been in Fang's house for so many years. In the end, due to illness, she ended up with such an ending. My wife and I are in love with sisters. Now, it is not worth it for Madam!" As Liu Nianrou was talking, she shed tears, and she was crying bitterly, just thinking that Madam Fang is really a good friend of hers, and she feels the same.

Seeing Liu Nianrou's pretentious manner, tears came just as she said. This hypocritical and treacherous look, back then, was such an innocent and harmless appearance, leaving my mother unguarded, and the body wounded by Liu Nianrou was completely incomplete.

Fang Peiya frowned secretly: "If this is the case, I will tell Madam when I go back, Madam, she is not in good health, and I hope you don't disturb her! She's injured and her condition worsened!"

How could Fang Peiya not know Liu Nianrou's Xiao Jiujiu, did she really feel sorry for her mother when she came here?

I'm afraid that's not the case!

Liu Nianrou had already felt a strong threat from Huang Rushi before Huang Rushi passed the door. Fang Zhengxing asked for the position of Mrs. 2nd Grade Immortal, which represented the meaning of Mrs. Fang Family Zhengshi.

Although it was a continuation of marriage, Mrs. Fang is not a second-rate fate, Huang Ru is the one who is higher and lower, and a discerning person can see it at a glance.

Liu Nianrou felt the danger from Huang Ruye, so she came to see her mother.

She is just an aunt, and she doesn't have the support of her natal family. If she wants to fight yellow, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

Liu Nianrou didn't want to introduce him when she saw this person, she couldn't help but panicked, and said eagerly: "This lady, I just look at it for a while and talk to my wife for a while, and I will leave!"

After seeing through Liu Nianrou's tricks, Fang Peiya had no thoughts to mediate with Liu Nianrou, and said displeasedly: "I will bring your words. I hope Madam will go back soon!"

"This young lady, you look similar to the lady, you must be a relative of the lady, don’t you just watch the lady’s more than ten years of hard work be ruined? Not only will you be divorced, the married Huang will also be sealed A second-ranking title, can it be that the young lady can watch her being beaten in the face?" Liu Nianrou said eagerly when she saw her indifferent.

Seeing the affectionate and affectionate look she said, Fang Peiya felt extremely disgusting. This Liu Nianrou is really a deep affection, one face to face and another set on the back. No wonder Fang Zhengxing has been deeply in love with her for so many years. .

It's just a pity. Seeing Huang Ru marrying in, she also knows that no matter how much she pretends, she is no better than Huang Ruye, who is young and beautiful and has a prominent background. After seeing her, she will still be able to dominate the Fang family.

I don't know why, but Fang Peiya's grudge against her was a little bit less when she learned that Huang Ru was asked to be appointed as the second-rank wife.

For her and her mother, Huang Rushi really cannot be called an enemy so far. After all, if there is no Huang, there will be red and blue. As long as the other’s family is advantageous, Fang Zheng will marry whoever she is. Come home.

But Liu Nianrou was different. Although she was a concubine, because Fang Zhengxing liked it by then, she had been a domineering blessing in Fang's family for so many years, as if she was the mistress of the house.

But if Huang is here, Liu Nianrou's good days will come to an end.

Thinking of this, Fang Peiya felt a little more frustrated.

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