The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1721: Give you a big gift

"This madam, Madam Fang is not in good health. I hope Madam will not sprinkle salt on Madam Fang’s wound. I will bring you your words. What does Madam Fang say and how to do it is all her business. You have nothing to do!"

"How can it be irrelevant? It's her who is going to be divorced! I sympathize with her!" Liu Nianrou heard that the woman in front of her couldn't communicate, and she was anxious to death.

Isn't she here just to turn Lu Wenxin into anger and find trouble with Fang Zhengxing? If Lu Wenxin doesn't make trouble, then Huang is really going to marry in?

What should she do?

"This young lady, Madam Fang is your relative. Can you just watch her being deprived? Since ancient times, it has been a shameful thing for a woman to be deprived. Do you look at your relatives being humiliated?" Liu Nianrou did not die Heart continued.

Fang Peiya has already turned around, she slowly turned her head when she heard this, and said quietly: "Then I will give Madam Fang a word, Fang's family will have a new mistress, Madam should think about it for herself. !"

After speaking, she glanced at Liu Nianrou sideways and turned to leave.

When Liu Nianrou heard what Fang Peiya said, she almost fell out of anger. She wanted to swear, but this is not the Fang family, and now it is the gate of the Lu family. She must bear it!

She had to bear it, until Lu Wenxin couldn't bear it, and went to find Fang Zhengxing crying, she couldn't get out of it, she had to bear it, she was still the gentle, generous, decent and coquettish Liu Nianrou, and she must not be ruined by Huang's things like this. To understand his image in the eyes of the master.


Liu Nianrou touched her lower abdomen, where there was still the unhappiness just now, and a smug smile formed on the corner of her mouth.

As long as she gives birth to the eldest son of the next family, even if Huang Ru marries in, this requires the master to have a place in his heart. Huang Ruye, one day, will be like Lu Wenxin, just like Lu Wenxin, just like it.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianrou put her hand on the maid who was on the side, then with a smug smile on her mouth, followed the maid carefully onto the carriage.

Fang Peiya just turned her head and saw Liu Nianrou's careful and careful movement. She was a little surprised. Although Liu Nianrou was delicate, but the last carriage, she was not so weak. On the contrary, she also saw that Liu Nianrou's There seems to be great care.

Be careful?

Fang Peiya was stunned when she thought of this word, something seemed to flash through her mind, and then, the corner of her mouth bends, she turned and walked towards the courtyard where she lived.

Back in the yard, I saw my mother was walking in the yard with the support of Nianru, her face became more ruddy than before.

Lu Wenxin's illness has been cured, and because of his comfort, his thin body has also begun to become plump.

Seeing Fang Peiya back, Lu Wenxin smiled and waved: "Ya'er, are you back?"

Fang Peiya laughed when she saw her mother's happy look, and the unhappiness that had just seen Liu Nianrou disappeared at this moment.

"Mother" Fang Peiya stepped forward and helped Lu Wenxin back into the room.

"Mother, it's cold outside, be careful!" Fang Peiya said worriedly.

The mother's body has finally recovered, and she must not be hurt anymore. Fang Peiya is now cautious, wishing she would stay by her mother's side twelve hours a day and take good care of her.

"Mother, it's just that there is the sun outside. Mother is going to be bored all the time inside. She just went out soon!" Seeing Fang Peiya's worry, Lu Wenxin quickly patted her hand and comforted her.

Fang Peiya gave up only then, winked and let everyone in the room go out, and then told Lu Wenxin what he had heard in Qingyuan.

After Lu Wenxin heard this, his face was silent for a moment, and then he returned to normal: "I have finished my relationship with him. What he wants to do, let him go!"

Although the words were relaxed, there was a deep sorrow inside.

The relationship between husband and wife for more than ten years, how can it be said that there is no.

Fang Zhengxing did what he wanted to get married because he had always regarded Lu Wenxin as a jumping board and had no love in his heart, so he could do anything cruel.

And Lu Wenxin?

I love him for more than ten years. I condescended to marry. I thought I found the love of my life, but I didn’t know that it turned out to be in the mirror. Everything is like a white horse. Quicksand with fingertips. Can't help.

Lu Wenxin sighed a long time. He smiled just now, but at this moment, he forced a smile, and Fang Peiya saw it. Her heart became more and more worthless for her mother. He wanted to tell his mother about Liu Nianrou just now. , But swallowed back.

Mother wants to forget, she can't!

"Mother, I'm going to see Grandpa. I just came back. Grandpa hasn't gone there yet! If you are tired, rest early!" Fang Peiya came to the house and looked at the closed door. , Clenched his fists.

Mother has always been a calmer, and no matter how big a storm hits her, she will bear it alone. This kind of temperament is good-sounding is forbearance, and bad-sounding is cowardice.

Back then, if it were not for cowardice, how could her mother, Jin Zhi Yuye, be ridden on her head by Liu Nianrou, a concubine who had no power and power. She loved Fang Zhengxing, even if her heart was full of hatred for Liu Nianrou, because she was Fang Zheng The woman you like, and give up what you should fight for!

Later, Liu Nianrou rode on her head.

The main room is like a concubine room, but the concubine room is like the hostess of the Fang family!

The concubine lives like a concubine, but the concubine is like the concubine of the Fang family!

Mother is cowardly, but she can't just watch her mother's hard work for more than ten years give it to others!

Didn't Liu Nianrou want her mother to take action?

Isn't she afraid of losing her position comparable to the main room?

Since my mother doesn't want this status anymore, give it to Huang Ruye!

By the way, give Liu Nianrou and her two daughters a great gift!

I hope that their mother and daughter will be unforgettable for life!

Fang Peiya went to Mrs. Lu's place, and the two closed the door and talked for a long time, until it was time for dinner, the two said nothing.

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