The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1727: Huang Ru is happy

Although he is a doctor, he has seen how many hardships and secrets he has seen in Minshan to treat and save people, and he can guess the reason with his toes.

This lady wearing a hat and a veil, if it’s a lady, it’s a big fanfare, but she

Seeing this young lady's dress, she doesn't seem to be a dear woman at all!

Unmarried women get secretly knotted before marriage, this

Ji Chang felt that the paperwork in his arms was hot, hot!

Ji Chang's face was a little pale and didn't speak. Songqin saw that he had finished reading, and asked anxiously, "How?"

"This" Ji Chang squatted a bit, said but couldn't say it, in all helplessness, he could only hand over and whispered: "Miss is happy! More than a month!"

As soon as Ji Chang finished speaking, he felt the woman in front of him stiff!

Song Qin also covered her lips with a look of astonishment and did not speak. After a long period of astonishment, Song Qin opened her mouth in a panic, "Doctor Ji, is there a way to get this baby?"

Hearing what she said, Ji Chang became more and more sure that this was the secret matter in the back house. He was a little frightened, but thinking about such a valuable paperwork in his arms, he could get such a freshman by just helping. Everyone knows how to choose such a good thing in a hospital.

So he said hurriedly: "Yes, just to waste some time!"

"how long?"

"I need to prepare some medicinal materials. The young lady will drink it for seven days. After seven days, she will be able to fall the fetus!"

"Seven days?" When Song Qin heard it, he screamed in exclamation, "Why do you need seven days?"

"The young lady's body is already one month old. This fetus has grown up in the mother's body. It will take some time to fall! However, there are exceptions. After four or five days of medicine, the child will I can fall!" Ji Chang said, touching the sweat on his forehead.

"Is there any faster?" Song Qin frowned and asked.

Four or five days?

The wedding is about to take place in five days. What if you accidentally fall on the wedding day?

Ji Yan said they were anxious and shook their heads and said, "There is no other way. If you want to go faster, you have to take more doses, but this safflower is dangerous. If you eat too much, the child will fall, and I am afraid that it will also be hurt. Maternal body! If it affects fertility at that time, the gain is not worth the loss!"

Song Qin didn't speak any more this time, and looked at the lady wearing the hat who had never spoken, and saw that the lady swayed slightly, and Song Qin understood immediately. "My lady will go back and think about it, and I will come to see you again!" After Song Qin said, he went to help, and the two walked out of the yard.

Ji Chang nodded and bowed his head and sent the two out of the yard, his faces relaxed.

Before stepping out of the house, Song Qin suddenly turned around and said fiercely to the relaxed Ji Chang: "What happened today, if you dare to reveal half a word."

Ji Chang didn't expect this charming little maid to have such a ferocious expression, and his smile instantly froze on her face: "Don't worry, the girl, it's the patient's private matter. She has been in medical treatment for decades. You still know this taboo! "

"It's fine if you can think about it this way, but I still want to tell the ugly things first. If you have thoughts that shouldn't be taken up, don't blame me for turning your face and ruthlessly. I will get your medical clinic, including your life, back!" Song Qin After speaking viciously, she helped the woman in yellow and walked away.

Ji Chang was stunned on the spot right now, only to feel the cold sweat bursting out of his back.

It's just that, taking out the paperwork I just hid in my arms, looking at the words above, all of this belongs to me, and I can't help but feel happy again.

How can a person who has become a major event be constrained? As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are in danger. If you don't agree to see a doctor today, how can such a good thing in this medical clinic fall to his head.

Besides, looking at that girl who is all golden and precious, she must be a young lady from a powerful family. If she can climb into such a powerful family, then her own way of seeking money

The more Ji Chang thought about it, the more excited he became. Suddenly he felt that wealth and wealth were in the middle of the day. Just now he was a poor man. In a blink of an eye, he became a doctor with a large medical hall.

At this moment, after Song Qin helped the yellow-clothed woman onto the carriage, the coachman on the carriage immediately lifted his whip and drove away.

Disappearing in a narrow alley in an instant, the luxurious carriage is quite strange. It went around the streets and alleys of the capital, and finally stopped at the door of a remote house. Song Qin helped the woman in the yellow shirt get off. After the carriage, the two knocked on the door and entered the house, and the luxurious carriage left immediately.

After Song Qin helped the woman into the room, the woman in the yellow shirt took off the hat on her head. After taking it off, it was not someone else but Huang Ruye who was about to marry Fang Zhengxing!

Bing Qing Yujie Huang Family Miss!

I saw Huang Ruye's face pale at the moment and she was sitting on a chair. If you look closely, you can see her trembling in fright, and muttering in her mouth: "It must be that night, it must be that night"

"Miss Miss" Song Qin saw Huang Ru keep trembling, and hurriedly poured a cup of hot water to her, and said distressedly: "Miss, don't be sad, let's think of a solution!"

"Thanks to you, if it wasn't for you to stop me, if the doctor my mother was looking for took my pulse, then I" Huang Ruyi's back was cold in shock.

She asked Huang Mu to find a doctor to treat her body. Huang Mu was also active and soon found a doctor. But strangely, before seeing the doctor, her body was a bit strange. She loved to eat and drink before. But she was disgusted by the days, and she was nauseous and nauseous from time to time. She always thought she was cold. Fortunately, Song Qin reminded herself!

Otherwise, if the doctor takes the pulse to show that I have been pregnant for more than a month

She couldn't even think about it. A girl who had not been out of the cabinet was about to be out of the cabinet, but she became pregnant before she was out of the cabinet. If this were to be spread, then she would have only a dead end.

"Songqin, what do you think I should do? What do you think I should do? There is a child in my belly! Woo!" Huang Ru was ashamed and angry when he thought of this, and kept beating his belly with his hands. Wailing.

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