The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1728: Establish an assessment mechanism

When Songqin saw this, he hurriedly took her hand and said, "Miss, calm down. Only the two of us know about this. He will definitely not talk nonsense about that season. Let's think about it, this child, Did it fall or keep it?"

"Keep it? You asked me to keep it?" Huang Ruyi hissed in a deep voice, "How can I keep it? I'm going to get married soon!"

"Miss, listen to the slaves!" Songqin saw that Huang Ru was about to be mad, and he followed in his heart: "This child must be going to fall, but is it not now? The medicine will take seven days after taking it. It’s a meeting with Hong. What if you saw Hong as soon as you married to Fang’s family? You can fall in four or five days. After five days, you will be married. If it is the day of your wedding, you will come down. Countless guests, what should you do? We can't afford to bet on either situation!"

Song Qin’s analysis is very reasonable, but if he doesn’t fall, would he have to wait for Fang’s to fall?

"Then you mean, you want me to take this child to marry Fang Zhengxing?" Huang Ruyi looked at Songqin blankly, without any expression in his eyes.

"Miss, don't worry, the slave and maid must help you with this matter. Anyway, there are still a few days to get married. You will be the same as before. What should you do? Just do it all. Come." Songqin comforted Huang Ruye and said: "Let's marry first, and when the time is right, we will secretly shed this child again! Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong!"

"Are you serious?" Huang Ru is as sure as Songqin said, holding her hand and asking hopefully.

Song Qin bit her lip, and said firmly, "Miss, don't worry, the slave and maid will surely protect you even after fighting this life!"

After listening to Song Qin's words, Huang Ru's pale, paper-like face improved a little: "Okay, I listen to you!"

The Chinese New Year is only a few days away, and Gu Xiaowan intends to take some time to visit Jinfu Tower, Fujin Tower and Lanyue Pavilion.

After determining the date, Gu Xiaowan took Ah Zuo and Ah Mo out, and the carriage drove directly to Jin Fu Lou.

After arriving at Jinfulou, because it was not time for lunch, the door of Jinfulou was vacant. After Gu Xiaowan’s carriage arrived, she pushed the door and walked in. You can see that the Chinese New Year is approaching. It is a festive and joyful atmosphere.

Red lanterns were hung everywhere, and red colored silk was hung above the fence, which looked unusually festive.

Seeing that it was Gu Xiaowan coming, Mr. Cheng hurriedly put down the pen and paper in his hand, and stepped forward to ask for peace: "The little one pleases the Anping County lord!

Seeing this, the other young servants who were in the hall with their sister-in-law's sanitation also put down their work and greeted them one after another: "Lord, Anping County lord please peace!"

In the past, Gu Xiaowan was the head of Anping County, and she never asked these people to greet herself. Now, seeing these people greet herself, she was a little uncomfortable. She hurried forward to help Mr. Cheng and said, "Mr. Cheng, you just like this. Zhe Sha Xiaowan, in the future, you will still be the same as before. You don't need to please me, everyone will call me the second shopkeeper!"

"How did you make it?" When Mr. Cheng heard it, he waved his hand and said, "You are now the princess. There are only three princesses in the whole capital. You are the treasurer of our restaurant. That's our face." The glory of the world!"

"Yeah, yeah, Princess, our Jinfulou is now in the capital. Who else would dare to mess around. But it's all thanks to you!"

Seeing their enthusiasm, Gu Xiaowan was a little embarrassed: "I am also a member of the restaurant, and the restaurant business is my business!"

"The princess, because of you, we have something to do. You are our food and clothing parents. From now on, the younger one must follow you closely!"

"Yes, Princess, we must all follow you!"

The efforts of the guys are very passionate.

Since coming out of the prison of the Five Cities Soldiers and Masi last time, Gu Xiaowan’s monthly payment for those who killed those who did not speak ill of Jinfulou has been raised by 20% every month, which is regarded as repaying everyone for their sincere treatment.

For those who follow the crowd because they can’t stand the punishment, as long as they don’t say anything that is crucial, Gu Xiaowan will only turn one eye and close one eye. After all, in such a situation, it’s important to protect your life.

Everyone paid a sum of money for tranquilizing the nerves, and then they were sent back to Jinfulou to do things, but everyone's monthly money was only increased by 10%.

Those people knew why they were only raising 10%. No one complained. On the contrary, they were more diligent and conscientious than before.

Later, because of the performance of these people, Li Fan raised the monthly money of these people by 20%. Now, everyone's monthly money is almost the same.

Because of this approach, the cohesion of the entire restaurant has become stronger.

Everyone worked diligently, and Jinfulou's business got better.

Now when I see Gu Xiaowan, I think that it was because of Gu Xiaowan that Jinfulou came back from the dead last time. It is because of Gu Xiaowan that his mothers can continue to do something and continue to have money. The admiration for Gu Xiaowan is like a surging river. Endless.

I saw Gu Xiaowan now, and the admiration in my heart was even greater, and I wished to show Gu Xiaowan a look at each of them.

Seeing their high expressions, they need to have high passion and a strong sense of responsibility to do things. After passing through the death of You Qian last time, Gu Xiaowan fully felt in her heart that if the people in the restaurant work together, everyone will be towards Jin Fulou, what happened at that time may not happen.

When he arrived in Li Fan's private room, Li Fan was rushing over from the kitchen.

Since then, Gu Xiaowan and Li Fan have regarded the poisoning incident last time as the most serious accident in their store opening career. With the attitude of being a teacher of the past and not forgetting the future, Gu Xiaowan and Li Fan have done what to do in the future. Very detailed assessment mechanism.

The responsibilities of everyone in the restaurant are clearly divided, and a one-month assessment mechanism is established.

The staff in the restaurant are divided into three groups, the back chef, the dish washer, the first floor and the second floor of the lobby, each group has a team leader and a deputy team leader. While completing their own work, they also have to deal with others. The attitude and sense of responsibility of the guys are supervised and assessed.

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