The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1730: Gu Hai hides and sleeps

After the agreement was reached, several people agreed that starting tomorrow, they would prepare to visit all the buddies once, and strive to finish them all before the New Year's Eve.

Gu Xiaowan still went to see Lanyue Pavilion, because Li Fan had something to do, and now Lanyue Pavilion had all been handed over to Gu Xiaowan. Seeing that she didn't need to go by herself, she let Gu Xiaowan go alone.

Gu Xiaowan came to Lanyue Pavilion. As the New Year was approaching, Gu Xiaoyi had been preparing winter clothes at home, so she didn't prepare new dolls. The door was deserted.

As soon as Gu Xiaowan walked in, a chirping greeting came from inside: "Hello, welcome!"

It doesn't sound like a human voice.

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised. After the reaction came over, she immediately came under the concierge and saw the parrot hanging on the concierge talking again: "The shopkeeper, shopping, miss, one hundred taels."

This is a parrot that Gu Xiaowan once bought from a small vendor. When he first bought it, the parrot already said the words hello. Gu Xiaowan saw the cuteness, so she bought it with money, but I didn't get it to Qingyuan, but threw it to Lanyue Pavilion, that is, seeing the colorful and beautiful parrot's fur, it added a bit of vividness to Lanyue Pavilion.

However, I didn't expect that when I came back, I heard the parrot say so many things. Gu Xiaowan was overjoyed: "You can speak so much!"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice came from behind: "Princess, you are here!"

Jiang Bu was still wearing a gray padded jacket, standing behind, looking at Gu Xiaowan and said respectfully.

When the parrot saw someone coming, he said: "Hello, welcome, hello, welcome"

Gu Xiaowan saw the parrot's sharp mouth and smiled: "You trained this parrot?"

Jiang Bui scratched his head in embarrassment, "Well, this parrot is very smart, and I learned it after a few studies."

The "smart and smart" parrot Xu knew that Jiang was still praising him, and laughed and jumped around in the cage.

Seeing it so jubilant, Gu Xiaowan was very happy, teasing the parrot, and went to the back hall: "There are no guests today, you call the ancient housekeeper to come together, I have something to say!"

Jiang didn't just want to say something, Gu Xiaowan had already opened the door of the back hall, and saw a man lying on his head in the back hall, lying under the quilt, and making deafening "snoring" from time to time. , It seems that sleeping Zhengxiang.

Who else can sleep in this place besides Gu Hai!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Zuo who was aside: "What time is it?"

"If you go back to the girl, it's noon now!"

At noon, I haven’t eaten lunch yet, so it’s almost less than 12 noon.

Gu Xiaowan quietly retreated from the back room, without disturbing Gu Hai's sleep, but went to the side room to drink tea.

"Gu Guan's family has something at home recently, are you overworked?" Gu Xiaowan took a sip of tea and asked Jiang if he would return it.

Seeing that the shopkeeper opened his mouth, he didn't question the ancient housekeeper, but instead asked whether there was something in the house of the ancient housekeeper, and his admiration for Gu Xiaowan increased.

If this is in other places, the guy slept lazily while working, and was discovered by the shopkeeper, either he was beaten up or he was punished, maybe he would have to deduct the monthly money and be driven out of Lanyuege!

Gu Xiaowan didn't lose his temper. On the contrary, she asked with a worried look if he knew that there was something in Gu Hai's house that caused him to rest while doing things. Although Jiang Buhuan had a lot of resentment towards Gu Hai, he said in accordance with the facts: "Small I don't know, I only know that the old housekeeper's eyes have been bruised recently and how tired he is!"

Gu Xiaowan saw that Jiang didn’t know yet. It seemed that he would only know when Gu Hai woke up: "Okay, in that case, you can first talk about the situation of Lanyue Pavilion during this period. When the steward Gu wakes up, I will Ask him!"

Jiang did not follow his words, and said one by one, collecting the recent business situation, income and expenditure of Lanyue Pavilion, and the opinions and suggestions of some nobles who came to buy things one by one, picking up what he thought was important. Said a few things.

Finally, for the puppets that Lanyuege will make in the future, he personally made a few pertinent suggestions. Gu Xiaowan listened and couldn't help nodding in praise.

"Yes, it hasn't been a long time since you came to visit Yuege Pavilion, you have learned a lot!" Gu Xiaowan praised.

Jiang did not hurriedly said: "The treasurer treats the small person as a mountain, and the small person can only be worthy of the treasurer's trust by doing things with all their heart and responsibility!"

Seeing that he was honest and trustworthy and responsible, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but chatted with him a few more words. The more he talked, this person had a lot of pen and ink in his heart, and he also had his own unique opinions on some opinions. Gu Xiaowan praised him more and more.

The two talked engrossedly, completely unaware that Gu Hai was awake, and at this moment, they heard laughter and voices walking towards this side.

Hearing the voices of Jiang Buhui and Anping Princess, Gu Hai's expression changed immediately.

He was sleeping lazily, and Princess Anping came!

Has she caught herself being lazy?

Gu Hai's heart thumped, and he was so scared to death!

He knew that although the Anping princess looked like a smiling Bodhisattva on the surface, in fact, she was so pretended to die!

Sleeping lazily while working is a punishment!

Gu Hai was scared in his heart, but didn't know what to do! While scratching his head and trying to explain the excuse, the door suddenly opened.

"Gu butler, you are awake!"

The voice came faintly. It was the voice of Anping Princess. Gu Hai heard it, like falling into an ice cave.

"Princess" Gu Hai hadn't thought of how to get away, so he could only bite the bullet and went into the room.

He raised his head slightly and gave Jiang a fierce look. It must be him, he must have said bad things about himself!

Otherwise, every time the princess came over, he would only turn around in Lanyue Pavilion and leave after nothing happened. Why would he come to the back court today?

This backyard, the princess has never been here.

However, no matter whether she went or not, she asked if the words she woke up were not what she saw with her own eyes, or Jiang did not tell her!

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