The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1732: Two people worried

After leaving Jinfulou, Gu Xiaowan saw that it was late, so she proposed to go to the General's Mansion.

Tan Yushu hasn't gone to Qingyuan for some days. Gu Ningping hasn't written a letter for a long time. She wants to ask if Tan Yushu has received a letter from the frontier.

Or, you can find out something in General Hussar's Mansion.

Gu Xiaowan came to the General's Mansion, and Tan Yushu happened to be in the mansion. Because Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu had a very good relationship, the people in the General's Mansion saw that Anping Princess had arrived, and they were busy and politely guiding Gu Xiaowan to Tan Yushu's courtyard.

Ayu was sitting on the steps in the courtyard embroidered with a purse. Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming, she got up to greet her. Gu Xiaowan gave a "hush" and asked softly, "What is the princess doing?"

"If we go back to the princess, the servants don't know. The lady let us all come out, locked in the house alone, and don't know what we are doing!" Ayu said with some worry.

In recent days, the young lady’s mood has been a little depressed, and I don’t know what caused it. Seeing Gu Xiaowan here, she can persuade the lady: "Princess, please persuade my lady, my lady is in a bad mood these few days. !"

"In a bad mood?" Gu Xiaowan curled her eyebrows: "Why are you in a bad mood?"

"The slave and maid didn't know, but for a long time I could see the lady sighing, looking at a place in a daze, and she didn't have much energy to eat!" Ayu said about Tan Yushu's performance these days, her expression full of worry.

Gu Xiaowan asked, "Isn't it cold?"

The New Year is almost here, because every household has to prepare things for the New Year, and there are not enough staff in the Qingyuan. Tan Yushu knows that Gu Xiaowan will be very busy during this period. In addition to busy with the Qingyuan, there are Jinfulou and Fujinlou. The three shops of Lanyuege and Lanyuege had to be checked and accounted for at the end of the year, so she never went to find Gu Xiaowan during this period.

Ayu shook his head: "No, there are earth dragons in the house. When the sun is warm during the day, the lady will go out to exercise according to the princess's instructions, and the doctor will come to the lady from time to time to treat her body. Miss's body is not serious!"

Since there is no coldness, what is the cause of the lack of energy?

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand: "I'll go in and take a look, you guys are all guarding outside!"

Gu Xiaowan quietly entered Tan Yushu's room and saw that Tan Yushu was sitting behind the desk looking at something. She was attentive and did not notice Gu Xiaowan's arrival.

Gu Xiaowan tiptoed over to her, only then saw what was in Tan Yushu's hand.

The familiar handwritings spread out on the desk, one by one, were all letters from Gu Ningping.

Tan Yushu looked at Gu Ningping's letters and was fascinated by it. From time to time, one or two silly smiles appeared on his face, a young girl cherishing spring.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but sneered, perhaps he found the reason for Tan Yushu's ailing spirit. Hearing a smile on the side, Tan Yushu reacted and said a little displeased: "Didn’t you say it, you are not allowed to come in without my summons?"

While talking, he hurriedly gathered the letters on the table, for fear that his treasure would be spied on.

Seeing her hurriedly trying to accept it, Gu Xiaowan finally saw how she was so awkward, how could she succeed, reached out and snatched a letter from Tan Yushu that was too late to receive on the table, and said pretentiously: "Dear Yu Book, see the words as well, not see in March, ninety-three days, every day is like a year"

Tan Yushu saw that his baby had been robbed by others, so he turned around and saw Gu Xiaowan was smiling at him holding the letter and read it out.

When Tan Yushu heard those words, his cheeks blushed: "Sister, you make fun of me!"

After just a glance, Gu Xiaowan didn't read it again. She returned the letter to Tan Yushu, and said with a smile: "I just looked at your appearance, laughed for a while, blushed for a while, the granddaughter of the dignified General Hussar, her face is still so skinny. Bo, aren’t you pretty heroic in everyday life. Don’t you say one thing?"

Tan Yushu snatched the letter from Gu Xiaowan's hand, hurriedly hid the letter, put it in the drawer of the desk, carefully put it in the lock, and then blushed and mumbled softly: "Sister, you know to make fun of me. I'll see you who wrote to you again, I want to peek too!"

Gu Xiaowan saw that she was talking about her head and immediately raised her hands to beg for mercy: "Well, I was wrong. I will never peek at your letters or make fun of you again."

When the two sisters said this, they both chuckled.

I came here for Gu Ningping’s business. Just as Gu Xiaowan wanted to ask directly, she saw Tan Yushu’s expression full of anxiety. Looking at Gu Xiaowan, she was about to cry: "Sister, did Ningping brother give me anything this time? Your letter? How is he lately? Is it cold in the frontier? Did he receive the winter clothes that he sent back in the past? Is it warm?"

She also knew that Ning Ping's letters were all sent to Qingyuan, one for two, and she had never sent them to herself alone, and all letters to her were sent to Qingyuan.

It's just that Tan Yushu hasn't received Gu Ningping's letter for too long, and there is a trace of anxiety in his heart, wondering if Ningping's brother is too busy, and only wrote a letter during this period.

So, I have all the thoughts in my mind.

Is it because Ning Ping brother doesn’t care about him anymore? Is it because Ning Ping’s brother is upset by what I said in the last letter? stand up.

When Gu Xiaowan heard that Tan Yushu was about to cry, she immediately understood what Tan Yushu meant.

She was afraid that Gu Ningping would only write to herself, but not to her, and she was thinking madly in her heart, so she asked.

Seeing that there are always little girls who are in love, Gu Xiaowan said softly: "Unexpectedly, it has been more than three months since I received a letter from him last time!"

More than three months, that is, two letters sent back last time.

Tan Yushu's heart just let go, and he raised it again.

I haven't written a letter for more than three months. Is something wrong?

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