The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1733: Get what you want

According to Gu Ningping’s previous practice of writing letters, it is usually one letter a month, and it takes about a month to travel between the border and Kyoto.

She finished writing the letter here, and it took another month to post it. It has been more than three months since she received a letter.

Last time, she sent the winter clothes and quilts and some food to Gu Ningping, and didn't watch someone come and send a letter. Didn't she receive those things?

Was it not delivered, or no one received it?

More than two months have passed since the back and forth, and the person who sent the goods hasn't come yet. Is something really wrong?

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but feel a little worried!

Seeing that she was not speaking, Tan Yushu flashed some bad thoughts in his heart, and asked anxiously, "Sister, is something wrong with Ning Ping brother?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to stop her heart, but the frontier was hundreds of miles away, and who knew what happened there.

Seeing Tan Yushu’s small face pale in fear, he hurriedly persuaded him: “It’s okay. Ning Ping may be too busy during this period, so he’s too busy to write to us! Maybe wait for him to get through this Day, his letter will come."

After Tan Yushu heard it, he could only believe: "I hope so!"

However, I was full of worries for Gu Ningping in my heart.

Gu Xiaowan originally planned to ask if anyone in the General Tan Yushu's mansion knew anything about it. After all, the people in the General Mansion knew better about what happened on the border, but seeing Tan Yushu's worried look on his face, Gu Xiaowan swallowed the words back into his stomach. , I hope she is thinking too much, and worrying about it!

After having lunch with Tan Yushu, thanks to Gu Xiaowan's enlightenment, Tan Yushu's mood improved. After returning to Qingyuan, someone sent the itinerary for the visit.

There are a total of more than forty people up and down in Jinfu Building and Fujin Building. From the accountant to the dishwasher, they all arranged a visit time and a gift list for the visit. The man who came said it, and the shopkeeper Li said it. After Anping princess looked over, if he agreed, he immediately went to buy things, and started visiting from tomorrow.

This was all arranged by Li Fan. What she wanted to express, Li Fan also wrote clearly in it. She has no objections, but because she is a girl, it is not convenient to show her face, and it is not listed. Get on her.

In addition, the list of Gu Hai and Jiang Buhui who visited the Moon Pavilion was also listed on the top, and Li Fan personally visited them.

She knew what Uncle Li meant. It’s always bad for a girl to show her face. It’s not good. After all, she is a second shopkeeper in Jinfulou. It would be better for this visit to be made by Uncle Li. Yue Ge has nothing to do with it, so how can I bother Uncle Li to go two more trips.

He said, "I have no objections to the others, but the visit of the two men of the Moon Pavilion, I will go by myself! Uncle Li has to visit so many people these days, it is already hard and tiring, these two people , I will go there by myself!"

The man got the order and went back to his life.

When Li Fan saw that Gu Xiaowan went to visit Gu Hai and Jiang Buhuan by herself, Li Fan followed her, but told him to send two copies to Qingyuan after he bought the things, and the county lord of Anping from the province went to buy the things again.

The New Year is about to come, and everything seems to be quiet, everyone is beamingly busy with all the matters needed for the New Year. Inside each mansion, there are lights and festoons, and it is very lively, but there are still some people who are destined to be very disturbed this year.

The Fang family is about to get married. Because Fang Zhengxing has no mother, and he has to deal with official duties every day, Liu Nianrou is in charge of all matters related to marrying Huang Ru.

At this moment, there are only a few days left before Fang Zhengxing marries Huang Ru. Liu Nianrou left Fang Mansion by going out to buy.

After leaving Fang Mansion, Liu Nianrou did go to some cloth workshops and gold jade shops. After buying some things, she went directly to a medical clinic in a carriage.

And she didn't go in through the front door, but the back door.

After she got out of the carriage, she saw no one everywhere, and walked over directly. The sneaky look was not like an ordinary patient.

After she entered the hospital with the help of a maid, the carriage parked at the door left immediately, as if she didn't want people to know that she was here.

Liu Nianrou came to the hospital by car and walked through the secluded corridor, and found a doctor who was cold in the hall at the moment-Wan Tingchun. The scale of the Xuanhu hospital in Beijing cannot be underestimated, so there are many doctors in it. Here, Wan Tingchun is one of them.

Because it is a newly recruited doctor, the common people are not very clear about the medical skills, so the hall in his hall is cold and cold at the moment, no one is there, and the patients in the other halls are bustling. It's not lively.

Liu Nianrou did not go to see the doctors who were ranked high in the capital, but went directly to Wan Tingchun.

When Wan Tingchun sighed to himself, he saw someone in his hall and looked up happily. Isn't this the lady who came back?

Wan Tingchun immediately picked up his sad face, and said with a smile on his face: "Madam, you are here!"

Liu Nianrou was directly opposite Wan Tingchun, put her hand on the pulse pillow, and said with a smile: "Doctor Wan, please help me get the pulse!"

Hearing the words, Wan Tingchun stretched out his hand hurriedly and got the pulse carefully. There was only Liu Nianrou patient in the hall, and her maid Dongxue was standing at the door, guarding the door carefully so that no one would come in.

Although Wan Tingchun is a newcomer, but because of his erudite medical skills, and his wisdom and know-how, he has also learned medical skills very well. At this moment, the pulse in his hand is stronger and stronger than before.

It seems that this lady has got her wish.

Wan Tingchun retracted his hand, his expression soft.

Seeing that he had moved his hand away, Liu Nianrou hurriedly asked, "How's it going?"

Wan Tingchun handed over and said happily: "Congratulations, Madam for getting what you wanted!"

"What you said is true?" Liu Nianrou said with joy when she heard it.

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