The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1735: As long as you are loyal

Seeing Wan Tingchun’s face loosened slightly, Liu Nianrou continued: "Doctor Wan, only you and I know about this. You give me medicine and I will give you gold. From now on, we will not offend the river water. You take it. Kaneko left the capital immediately, and we will never know anyone from now on!"

Wan Tingchun frowned, thinking of Liu Nianrou's words.

Take the gold and leave the capital, no one knows anyone?

Yes, when the sky is high and the emperor is far away, this world is so big, even if this person confessed to himself, who can find himself?

Thinking of this, Wan Tingchun nodded and took the initiative to take the gold on the table into his arms. When Liu Nianrou saw it, her brows were frivolous, with a smile on her face.

After I got out of the hospital, the carriage came back again, and a charming lady came out with a veil on her belly, and was carefully supported by Dongxue into the carriage, with a smile on her face.

After getting on the carriage, I saw Liu Nianrou tear off the veil on her face, her face was triumphant. Seeing this, Dongxue asked happily, "Auntie, did you get what you wanted?"

Liu Nianrou cast a glance at Dongxue, with a triumphant smile on her face, she reached out and touched her unswollen abdomen and back lovingly, wondering if it was possible.

When Dongxue saw this, she immediately understood the meaning of this, and knelt down in the carriage to salute Liu Nianrou: "The slave maid, please peace of mind first!"


If it is carried to Fang's flat wife, isn't she the wife?

Mothers are expensive with children, and all this depends on the children in the belly!

Liu Nianrou touched her abdomen again, and the pride on her face grew more and more, but before the melons were ripe, she must take good care of the child!

This is a symbol of her prosperity and wealth, a springboard for her to reach the sky, and a guarantee for her prosperity in the coming decades!

Never let anyone hurt him!

She stretched her hand into her cuff, touched the thing that Wan Tingchun had given herself just now, and thought of what Wan Tingchun had said to herself: "This medicine is well-prepared, as long as you put it in his food. A little bit, at most seven days later, the descendant root is injured, and the **** will continue as usual, but this descendant?"

Wan Tingchun hadn't finished speaking, but Liu Nianrou didn't need to listen to know what he was going to say! Isn't all this what she needs?

Under Dongxue's light, Liu Nianrou leaned on the soft and thick cushions, touching her abdomen with her hands, her expression was a little concentrated, she couldn't guess what she was thinking!

Dongxue also sat quietly, taking care of Liu Nianrou carefully.

Liu Nianrou thought of something. She turned her head to look at Dongxue, who was sitting quietly beside her, and suddenly asked, "Dongxue, do you blame me for not letting you go with the master?"

Dongxue was thinking about something, and suddenly she was startled when she heard Liu Nianrou's feminine voice. When she raised her head, she saw Liu Nianrou looking straight at herself, as if she wanted to see her inside.

Dongxue had a "crumbling" in her heart, squatting on the ground, and respectfully said: "Auntie, are there no slaves or maids!"

"You and Xia Yu came to me at the same time. Do you know why I chose Xia Yu instead of you?"

"Slaves and slaves don't know. But the slaves only need to stay with your aunt and serve you with peace of mind. Other slaves and slaves have never dared to think about it!" Dongxue didn't expect Liu Nianrou to ask herself this question, so she squatted her loyalty: " The maidservant only needs to stay with her aunt, have a meal and wear warm clothes, and don't want other maidservants!"

"Okay, I'm very happy if you have such an idea!" Liu Nianrou saw Dongxue's appearance like a sieve, and she helped her up and comforted: "Xia Yu is beautiful, and she has her own calculations in her heart. She is not a peaceful Even if I don’t allow her to have this opportunity now, she will still look for opportunities in the future. It’s better to let her think about it! And you, honestly, have been with me for so many years, you can rest assured that I will not treat you badly your!"

When Dongxue heard this, she was very excited, and said hurriedly: "Thank you auntie! The servants know!"

"When the child in my stomach is born, when the time comes, I will have whatever I want, and I will definitely find a good future for you! It will definitely be better than Xia Yu!" Liu Nianrou said seductively.

That Xia Yu wasn't a peaceful place, just because she had a body this time and couldn't have sex, so just let Xia Yu step forward and top her up.

Dongxue was overjoyed in her heart when she heard it. The little suspicion she had had because of Liu Nianrou's support of Xia Yu's failure to support herself is now gone. She nodded in a hurry: "The servant girl knows that the servant girl will do her best to serve her aunt. Go through all fire and water, and will not hesitate!"

With this word from the maid, Liu Nianrou felt a lot of peace in her heart. Xia Yu had already opened her face, and the next step was to let the master know Xia Yu!

When he opened his face, he naturally wanted to lift his concubine, but he had to wait for the new lady to pass the door.

But these days

Fang Mansion, she still has the final say.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianrou smiled softly: "Master is about to go down, let's go back soon!"

Dongxue said to the coachman outside, and the carriage moved faster and faster.

No one saw it. At this moment, an ordinary cyan linoleum carriage was also parked outside, and an onion-like Qianqiansu hand was opening the curtain of the car. Looking outside, it happened to see the woman holding her belly.

"Isn't that Aunt Liu from Fang Mansion?" Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the carriage when she happened to see Liu Nianrou coming out from the back door.

Today was just a day off, Lanyue Pavilion closed for a rest, she happened to go out to visit and condolences, and walked into this small alley. When Ahmad was going to inquire about Jiang Buhui’s residence, she happened to see Liu Nianrou.

"Yes, it's Liu Nianrou!" Zuo looked at it and nodded.

"Where is this?" Gu Xiaowan asked when she looked at the house.

"It's the back door of Xuanhu Medical Hall!"

back door?

Go to the hospital and go through the back door?

Is this Liu Nianrou suffering from an unspeakable illness, or is there any unspeakable secret?

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