The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1736: Visit Jiang Mu

"Go and ask, find out what kind of illness Liu Nianrou has, and who is looking for it!" Gu Xiaowan said.

This Liu Nianrou will not appear in the hospital for no reason. It must be a conspiracy. If he is sick, it is okay to walk through the front door openly. You have to go through the back door and cover your face with a veil. Obviously, you don’t want to let it. Others know she has been here!

Zuo took his orders, and returned soon after.

But he shook his head and said: "There was a medicine boy who said that the lady only found a doctor named Wan Tingchun to see a doctor! I don't know what the disease is, and the medicines prescribed are all body conditioning medicines!"

"Does Yaotong know who that person is?" Gu Xiaowan frowned.

"The medicine boy said that she didn't know. When she first came back, she walked through the main entrance. Because she was covered with a veil, no one asked more. After saying that the lady came in, she didn't go to the famous ones in the capital. Doctor, I only went to find the one named Wan Tingchun, and came here three times in a row!"

Came three times? Gu Xiaowan became curious, what kind of disease did Liu Nianrou have, and he had to come back three times in a row?

However, seeing her cautious and light body when she got on the carriage just now, it didn't seem like she was sick!

"Who is Wan Tingchun?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"I heard that it was a doctor from outside the city. After arriving in the capital, he entered the Xuanhu Medical Center, but I heard that not many patients came to see him because of his reputation!" Zuo Jiang just inquired about the news. Tell Gu Xiaowan one by one.

Fang Mansion seems to have its own doctor, right? Liu Nianrou didn't go to a doctor who knew her physique to take care of her body, but went to find a newcomer to see a doctor. Could it be that she had some hidden illness that was not enough for outsiders?

Or is there any other secret?

Just as Gu Xiaowan wanted to say something, she heard Ahmad’s voice from outside the curtain of the car: "Girl, Jiang Buhui’s house has been found, and it’s in the small alley ahead! It’s not easy to walk in the carriage, and the girl has to get down and walk. !"

Gu Xiaowan gave a hum, and got out of the carriage with Zuo's support. Today, she was wearing a purple and brocade jacket with a brocade and quilted dress of the same color. The skirt was embroidered with white plum blossoms. A white brocade belt tied the slender waist that was unbearable to hold. A green jade pendant hung around the waist, and the white jade bracelet on the wrist lined the skin like snow.

Zuo wanted to take out the silver rat cloak, but was stopped by Gu Xiaowan: "The sun is warm today, I have enough to wear, so let's go!"

Today, in order to visit Gu Hai and Jiang Buhui, she deliberately wore a very ordinary home clothes. If she put on the silver rat cloak that shone in the sun, she would be white. wore.

Ahmad led the way with things in front, Ah Zuo supported Gu Xiaowan and walked behind, passing through the dark and damp alleys, and finally came to a dilapidated house.

"Jiang will take his mother to rent here if he doesn't pay it back!" Ahmad finished speaking, and went forward to knock on the door. After a while, he heard Jiang not paying back: "Here is coming."

After opening the door, Jiang Buhui's hands were still red, as if he was doing something in an apron.

Seeing Ahmad, I was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

Seeing his stunned look, Ahmad pointed to the back and said with a smile: "You can make us look for it!"


Jiang did not rush to look back, and saw Gu Xiaowan walking over, with a smile on her face: "The New Year is almost coming, let's see you and your mother!"

Jiang Bu was still stunned, and didn't react at once, staring at Gu Xiaowan blankly, unable to say a word.

Seeing this, Ah Mo gave him a bit with his arm: "Why? Stupid? Why don't you invite the girl in!"

Jiang didn't hear about it, so he reacted, hurriedly opened all the doors, and said hurriedly: "Treasurer, you come in!"

Gu Xiaowan entered the yard, and saw that the yard was very small, with only one room and one small room inside, and the door was filled with firewood, like a kitchen.

There was a bamboo pole hanging in the yard, and a few wet clothes hung on it. Water was dripping down. There was a big wooden basin on the side of the well, and clothes were also in the basin.

It seems that Jiang was washing clothes just now!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan watching around, Jiang Bu said, "The weather is fine today, and I am taking a break again. Just now my mother washed her lower body, so I washed all these clothes!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and inadvertently swept Jiang's non-returning hand, and saw that the hand was red and red, with some signs of frostbite on it.

He is a filial son!

Gu Xiaowan had heard before that this would not be a filial son. I heard that the family had some savings before, but later because of the need to treat his mother, the foundation of the family was emptied, and Jiang did not pay it back. of!

"Who are you talking to?" An old voice suddenly came from the room and asked.

Jiang didn't listen, and hurriedly responded, "Mother, the shopkeeper has come to see you!"

Gu Xiaowan followed Jiang Buhuan towards the only room, and when he entered, he saw that there was a small and pitiful little room inside.

A small bed was placed in one corner. At the moment, an old woman with gray hair was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking towards the door of the house with a pair of godless eyes.

There is no glamour in his eyes.

Jiang Bulu said, "My mother can't see her eyes, she can only listen to voices!" Then he said with some embarrassment: "The room is messy, the shopkeeper laughed!"

In the room, besides the small bed just now, there was a door panel next to the floor wound on the bed.

Two beds of washed and faded quilts are neatly stacked on the top of the door, and there are two wooden boards next to them. On the top of the wooden boards, some books are neatly stacked. Next to the bed, there is also a simple low table. , There are some pens, inks, papers, inkstones, and books that are spread out and not closed. Jiang Buhuan usually sits here to read books.

Looking at the corner of the room on the other side, there is a wooden cabinet without a door. Inside it is some washed and faded clothes, but they are neatly folded.

The conditions here are similar to those of her home in Wuxi Village for the first time!

The conditions are so difficult for both mother and child!

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