The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1759: I'm Peya

Can he be unhappy?

The official luck is prosperous, and he married Meijiao Niang again. In the eyes of the world, this Fang Zhengxing is tantamount to having a great fortune!

Fang Peiya stared at Fang Zhengxing and Huang Ruye intently, and at this moment, there were two other people who also looked suspicious and stared at her fiercely with hostility.

The girl felt very familiar between her eyebrows and her eyes, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

This girl looks as old as they are at age. Could it be that this is the outer room raised by her father?

Thinking of this, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun felt as if they had a thorn in their hearts!

Finally drove away an ugly and fat prostitute, and this time came another beautiful and beautiful wild species who did not know where she came from!

There are some similarities between her eyebrows and Fang Zhengxing. Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are not fools. Just now his father complained that he wanted to drive her out, but if this person is really his father’s flesh and blood.

In this house, there may be another competitor in the future!

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun looked unhappy, and they were about to bang the young lady away.

The girl didn't know what was going on, she was so agile, she bypassed the chase of the group of guards in two or three strokes, and walked to the front yard in two or three strokes.

Hearing the movement here, Fang Zhengxing hurriedly glanced at his head, frowning, if it was normal, he would have ordered a severe death.

But today is a great day, with so many guests here, Fang Zhengxing must maintain his own image no matter what.

He said loudly: "This girl, I don't know you. Today is my big day. If you are all right, please leave as soon as possible! I won't hurt the girl if I don't have my fists and feet!"

Fang Zhengxing's touching words made some people nod frequently.

They all looked at the later girl contemptuously.

Long beauty is beautiful, how can it be a fool!

On such an important day, Master Fang ran over to make trouble. Was his brain kicked by a donkey, or was he caught by the door as a child?

Even if this person is the daughter of Fang Zhengxing, it would not seem like a wise move to choose one of these times to confess her!

The new lady came in, but this wild species who didn't know where it came from came to admit her relatives on such a happy day. Could it be that she still thinks that there are too many people and will force Master Fang to submit?

With so many people, Fang Zhengxing is also a good face, and the new lady enters the door, so Fang Zhengxing will save her a lot of face.

This girl, it's not wise to come at this time!

However, someone also spoke for the girl: "Master Fang, looking at this girl's eyebrows and Master Fang a little bit like, this girl, is she looking at Master Fang so bully, she came here to cheat?"

The guest winked a bit, his eyes swept back and forth in front of the girl and the other two concubines of the Fang family.

A person with a discerning eye can see if it is a lie.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are the best proof.

This Lord Fang is really a beautiful blessing!

Fang Zhengxing ignored that person’s accusations. Some of the court officials who came today are in the same alliance with him, but there are still others who are at odds with him, and some even face each other. Can't get along.

auzw.comToday he got married and many officials came. He was prepared for such remarks.

"Come here, blow this person out of me!" Fang Zhengxing knew that his words and deeds today are the subject of future discussions. No matter who this girl is, he must blast her out today.

I don't know why, he saw the sharpness in the girl's familiar eyebrows, and he felt a little uneasy.

Immediately more guards stepped forward, and they were about to drag this person away.

So many people came forward to pull a little girl, this girl’s famous festival

When everyone was squeezing a sweat for this girl, they only heard a faint voice saying: "Father, how long have we not seen each other, you don't know me? I am Peiya! Your aunt! "

After Fang Zhengxing gave the order, he pulled the red silk to bring Huang Ru into the bridal chamber. He suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind. Fang Zhengxing stepped forward and staggered, and he was about to fall down!


She said she is Peya?

how is this possible?

Not only Fang Zhengxing, but even people around who knew Fang Peiya who didn't know Fang Peiya opened their eyes in amazement, looking at the beautiful woman standing in the middle of the courtyard!

Isn't it that Fang Zhengxing's prostitute is ugly and fat?

Who is this beautiful and graceful woman in front of you?

People who have met Fang Peiya are also shocked at the moment.

Isn't Fang Peiya a fat man? she was

How long has it been since she hasn't seen her, how can she become thinner like this?

Moreover, it is so beautiful!

Where is the ugly and fat shadow before, her appearance is three points more beautiful than Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun!

A prostitute is a prostitute, and the demeanor in her bones is different from that of the prostitute of the little family.

Everyone whispered, all eyes were on Fang Peiya's body.

Fang Zhengxing turned his head and looked at the little girl who claimed to be Fang Peiya, his eyes were also unbelievable.

"Nonsense, how is my daughter, how could I not know! Who are you? Use my daughter's reputation to make trouble!" Fang Zhengxing shouted righteously.

He still couldn't believe it.

Last time he went to Lu Mansion, he had met Fang Peiya. She was still fat at that time. Although she was a little thin, she would not be what she is now.

The woman in front of her was beautiful and beautiful, so how could it be Fang Peiya.

When everyone saw Fang Zhengxing, they said it wasn't Fang Peiya, and it seemed that this girl had pretended to be.

"Really? Dad, do you really know me?" Fang Peiya was a little sad, and she reached out and lifted her hair behind her ears, revealing a mole under her ears.


"You are Fang Peiya? How could it be? How could you be that ugly monster!" Fang Zhuyun roared shrillly with a face of earthy color.

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