The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1760: Don't scold me

How could Fang Zhuyun dare to believe that the girl in front of her, who was even more attractive than herself, said she was the prostitute of the Fang family.

However, the mole on the back of the ear was exactly the same as Fang Peiya's, and Fang Zhuyun screamed as if she had lost her heart.

Ugly with open mouth, ugly with closed mouth, a concubine actually insults her prostitute like this, the style of this family is simply

Someone directly said, "Master Fang, your family style is really impressive!"

Fang Zhengxing's face was gloomy and dripping, looking at Fang Zhuyun who couldn't distinguish the occasion, he wanted to step forward and slap her in the face.


"Shut up!" Fang Zhengxing shouted, glaring at Fang Zhuyun fiercely. Fang Zhuyun immediately fell silent and shrank and hid behind Fang Lanxin.

It's just that Peya's eyebrows are cast aside from time to time, eyes full of disbelief and jealousy.

Fang Zhengxing also glanced at Fang Peiya, frowned and frowned, thinking of entering the bridal chamber here, it would be bad if the hour was missed.

He deliberately found two boy presses. He heard that on the day of marriage, before entering the bridal chamber, if the boy presses the bed, the first child will be born!

Seeing that the time for the Taoist priests to count is coming soon, Fang Zhengxing is a little anxious: "You go back first, and I will find you when I'm done!"

After speaking, leave.

Seeing him in such an urgent manner, Fang Peiya twitched the corner of her mouth and suddenly said loudly, "Father, I'm not in a hurry, I'll take my mother's things, and I will leave!"

Fang Zhengxing thought that there was still a bit of Lu Wenxin's things left here, and he couldn't control that much, so he waved his hand and said, "Go get it!"

Fang Peiya didn't feel annoyed when he saw that he could not wait to leave. She chuckled and did not look at the congratulating people around her, and suddenly said behind her, "Do it!"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen people suddenly emerged from the crowd, all holding something in their hands, running to the side hall.

At this moment, the one-hundred-eight dowry was placed in the huge side hall. Several family members of the Fang Mansion were watching over them. At the moment, a dozen or so men in strong costumes rushed towards the side hall, all of a sudden. I was stunned.

Fang Peiya also held something in her hand and walked towards the side hall.

Not only was the Pian Ting Ding stunned, even the guests who came to congratulate him were also stunned.

Didn't Fang Peiya say to get her mother's things?

How did she go to the side hall where the dowry was placed?

Seeing this, Fang Lan hurriedly stopped: "What are you going to do? It's all mother's dowry!"


Fang Lanxin would judge the situation and call for a girl not much younger than her to be her mother. is really filial!

Fang Peiya curled her lips when she heard the affectionate call.

The mother was in Fang's house, as the mother, in order to please Fang Zhengxing, she digs her heart out for these two people.

Although the other party Zhengxing has hatred in his heart, the mother loves his father, loves Wu and Wu, and in order to please him, she is extremely polite to Liu Nianrou and her daughter.

The cost of food and clothing, everything is based on the cost of her mistress and prostitute. It can be said that it is a heart and a heart, but even so, when the three of them seem to have a firm foothold, the mother and daughter Where can the three of them look at them with their faces.

Don't say it's a mother call, sometimes you are so polite that you don't even ask for an Ann!

It's really surprising that after so many years, Fang Lanxin could hear the word "mother" again.

The concubine could only call her mother to the mistress of the house. Liu Nianrou was a concubine. Although Fang Zhengxing was favored by Fang Zhengxing, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun only dared to call her a mother.

However, Fang Zhengxing petted their mother and daughter, fearing that if they wanted the stars in the sky, Fang Zhengxing would not give them the moon.

It's just

Seeing the new lady enter the door, all the boys on the bed were found. It seems that this time, Fang Zhengxing is planning to have a male baby for his first child.

Where did Fang Peiya’s face still have the smile just now, her lips curled at the moment, and she looked at Fang Lanxin who was righteous and aggrieved, and said aggrievedly: "Why are you stopping me? I'll take my mother's things! "

"This is mother's thing, you have to take it, and go to your mother's yard to take it!" Fang Lanxin whispered to Fang Peiya. Seeing Fang Peiya's aggrieved expression, he would go forward to pull Fang Peiya.

"My father and mother are getting married today, don't mess around! We are all members of the Fang family, and we have to think for the Fang family!" Fang Lanxin's voice was not too big or small, just so that everyone around him could hear it.

That line of understanding and general, she wrinkled slightly between her eyebrows at home, aggrieved, her daughter's pampering state was fully displayed, and it was even more beautiful like a painting.

Fang Lanxin stretched out her hand and was about to pull Fang Peiya's sleeve.

How could Fang Peiya let her catch herself and step back quickly, Fang Lanxin frowned without getting to Fang Peiya.

When Fang Zhuyun saw this, she immediately yelled in discomfort: "Fang Peiya, sister asked you not to mess around, have you heard it! Today is a day of great rejoicing, why are you here to make trouble!"

This Fang Zhuyun really thought that Fang's prostitute was her!

Fang Peiya’s tears fell all of a sudden, like a frightened white rabbit, her eyes filled with terror, her body kept moving back, "Lan Xin, Zhu Yun, I just came to get Don’t scold me about my mother’s stuff!"

The crowd around, immediately stunned!

It seems that the concubine of this Fang family is really not as good as the concubine! The rumors are true, and the key is more than that, the Fang family's concubine has reached the point where it depends on the concubine's face to survive!

It's horrible!

The panic in Fang Peiya’s eyes, the tears in the corner of her eyes, and the words of grievance made everyone believe that the prostitute of the Fang family should have been angry with these two concubines on weekdays before the concubine said something. In other words, the prostitute was so scared to cry!

"I saw it for the first time. The prostitute is even bigger than the prostitute. Only the Fang family can do this!" someone mocked.

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