The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1784: Sister and brother missed

Gu Fangxi originally wanted to ask, but seeing Gu Xiaowan's solemn look, he still didn't ask.

"Auntie can't take care of your affairs. Go ahead. There are still me and Xiao Yi in this house!" Gu Fangxi knew that there were some things that Gu Xiaowan could not ask, so she could only silently pray for safety along the way.

After packing up his things, Ahmad also brought four ordinary cyan linoleum carriages with maroon big horse drawn.

It's just that after I got on the carriage, I realized that there was no heaven in here.

The carriage doesn't look big outside, but the space here is not small.

The soft inside is no different from the previous carriage. It is a small table with tea and pillows inside, but the cushions on the ground are softer than before, as if they were two pads. Floor, in addition, there is a spacious place next to it, it doesn’t matter if three people lie flat.

I want to come here to rest on the road.

When I got on the carriage, I heard a voice coming from outside: "Girl, let me go too!"

Kou Dan carried a small baggage and stood outside the carriage and said, Gu Xiaowan was about to speak when she heard Gu Fangxi say: "We are fine at home. If you are away from home, you can bring more people!"

Zuo also said to the side: "Yes, girl, many people take care of many people on the way! There is Kou Hai at home!"

Gu Xiaowan had to give up: "Let's go!"

Seeing the carriage farther and farther, Gu Fangxi only felt his heart beating faster and faster.

She looked sadly at the back of the carriage leaving, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became.

It is not that she does not want to ask Gu Xiaowan who she is going to find, but she does not say that she knows that she will not be able to ask. Now she is noble as the princess, and there are some things that she can't know. Hopefully, the journey is safe. , Everything goes well.

Gu Xiaoyi realized her aunt's sadness, took her arm, and said with relief: "Auntie, don't worry, my sister has so many people with her, that is to find someone, don't worry!"

"It's just, why are you in such a hurry to leave!" Gu Fangxi sighed, "It's still Chinese New Year, why should I leave!"

"Auntie, Xiao Yi"

Suddenly, an excited voice came from behind. Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi listened to them and turned their heads excitedly. They saw a lanky young man standing in front of them with a smile on his face, but he hadn’t seen him for half a year, and Gu Ning’an was already there. grown up.


"Ning An, you are finally back!"

After I asked, I learned that Ning An was accompanying Mr. Fang to celebrate the New Year, but Mr. Fang was afraid that he would let Gu family pass the whole year, so he advanced the New Year’s Eve dinner for his New Year’s 30 and let Gu Ningan accompany him. After he had eaten the New Year's Eve dinner, he was sent to the capital.

"Aunt, sister? Why are you all standing at the door?" Gu Ning'an asked.

"Sister left just now!" Gu Xiaoyi deliberately pretended to be very relaxed and said, but her heart was like a drop of blood.

In addition to looking for someone, there is also a need to see your brother, who was seriously injured, but the sister didn't let herself say it, so she could only act as if she didn't know what to do and didn't say anything. If she had said it, she would be afraid that her aunt would not know what she would be sad and upset like!

"Leave?" When Gu Ningan heard this, his excitement suddenly became lonely. When he entered the city gate just now, a carriage happened to pass by them, and the carriage stopped at the city gate, as if at the gate. Waiting for someone, there are two middle-aged men in strong costumes riding tall horses and rushing directly outside the city.

The carriage probably waited for people, and then left with a whip.

The horse ran so fast and soon disappeared.

Gu Ning'an regretted thinking that there might be her sister sitting in that carriage. He had known that he should have stepped forward to ask!

"Brother, don't be sad, sister will be back soon!" Gu Xiaoyi suppressed the discomfort in her heart and said with a smile: "It's cold, let's go in!"

Treating people and things courteously, as if she had already become a lady in charge.

Gu Ning'an was very pleased to see it. After half a year's time, his younger sister was so dignified and polite by her younger sister. He didn't know what happened to Ning Ping!

Thinking of not hearing Gu Ningping's news for a long time, Gu Ningan felt a little overwhelmed.

"Auntie, does Ning Ping have news for the New Year?" Gu Ning'an asked.

"No, that kid hasn't written a letter back for a long time, and I don't know what it is!" Gu Fangxi sighed. At this point, Gu Xiaoyi took a long, frightened breath, and the whole person became nervous.

"For a long time?" Gu Ning'an frowned.

"Where has it been for a long time, aunt!" Gu Xiaoyi smiled: "Isn't it just three months? This time, it will take more than two months. Maybe the messenger was delayed on the road!"

Although Gu Ningan came back earlier than expected, Gu Fangxi had already prepared the things in the yard for him. Every application was brand new, and someone would clean the house every day. The inside is very tidy and clean. The mattress is covered with a thick quilt. Bed after bed will never be cold.

On the outside window, there is a window paper that has just been changed this year. The window is bright and clean. On the shelf of Bogu, there are thick and simple antique decorations, a large mahogany desk with the four treasures of the study neatly placed on top. Behind the desk, there is a bookshelf that covers half of the wall, and the bookshelves are filled with all kinds of Kind of ancient books and classics.

"This is a room specially prepared by your sister for you, saying that you love to read books, and there is no such well-made shelf in the store. Your sister drew her own pictures and specially painted this kind of book shelf for the people in the store to follow. Yes, there is this desk. Look, there is a small table on your right hand side. Your sister said it would be convenient to hold something in the future." Gu Fang was pleased to see Gu Ning'an showing a happy expression and laughed Introduced.

"Is this my sister specially made for me?" Gu Ningan asked excitedly, touching the bookshelves full of books.

"Yes, it's all made by your sister!" Gu Fangxi sighed, "You and Ning Ping are both her fate! The preferences of your brothers are the same in her heart. Knowing that you like spicy food, let me dry chili, bacon, and pickled fish. Anyway, your sister is all prepared and neatly prepared by you. Even if you eat it next year, you will not be able to finish it!"

Seeing the sight of this magnificent room, Gu Ning'an couldn't help but think of the big winter when he was a child. During the New Year, their family, in that poor home, their sister also made them the best food. , Put them in the best clothes.

It was also from that winter that they took care of the family and gradually got better and better. My sister used her own hands to support the family, and it was getting better and better! It’s so good that he wakes up many times and feels that this is a dream. If it weren’t for the softness and softness of the quilt covering his body, he would really mistakenly think that he was still sleeping in that poor, leaky home. .

"Auntie, I still miss my days in Wuxi Village. Although we were poor at that time, our sisters, Ning Ping and Xiao Yi, we all nest together. Although poor, we are happy!" Gu Ning'an is already a little adult. He looks like, but still a child in his bones.

Just like a child who has been away from an adult for a long time, he will miss home and his mother.

Gu Xiaowan seemed to be a mother in his mind, and the child was naturally depressed when he did not see his mother.

"When Xiaowan comes back and Ningping comes back, we will all be together again!" Gu Fangxi knew Gu Ningan's thoughts, and embraced him with relief.

Yes, this is a big Chinese New Year. Other people’s homes are reunited. Their homes are good, either they didn’t come to this one, or they left the other. After all, four are still two less. When will they be reunited? Of it!

"Brother, aunt, it's still Chinese New Year, let's not say anything unhappy!" Although Gu Xiaoyi felt bitter in her heart, she comforted the two people: "Brother, what news did you bring back this time? Lingling's sister-in-law? Have you given birth?"

Lingling's sister-in-law, Stone's daughter-in-law Fan Ling, received a letter from Gu Ning'an before saying that Fan Ling was pregnant, and she didn't know what happened now!

Gu Ning'an carefully wiped his face and said, "I gave birth to a daughter, but I gave Aunt Zhang a bad idea, saying that she just doesn't have a daughter. Now that the son has a granddaughter, it can be considered complete. !and also"

"What else?" Gu Fangxi heard that she was a daughter, and then smiled: "A good daughter, look at my Xiao Wan, Xiao Yi, that's a good one!"

"Auntie, what auntie said is the same as you!" Gu Ningan didn't expect the two of them to not meet, and they said exactly the same: "Auntie, she said that both elder sister and younger sister are leaders in the world, and in the future her granddaughter will also want her older sister. My sister learns, let her be the same person as my sister and sister!"

That's not it, Gu Xiaowan, now has become the myth of the entire Wuxi Village, the entire Liujia Town, and the entire Ruixian County.

The news that Gu Xiaowan was canonized as the head of Anping County had already been announced to the world, and everyone knew about the entire Qing Dynasty.

Although it took a long time for the small valleys to spread, they all exploded as soon as they spread.

Of the three princesses in the Qing Dynasty, one of them came from their village. This is a great happy event!

Even when Gu Ning'an was studying in Ruixian, everyone saw him with a respectful attitude.

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