The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1785: Roasted Rabbit Meat

"Your sister's fame and fame are all earned by her, and you must learn from your sister! Our Gu family has what it is today, thanks to your sister!" Gu Fangxi sighed and said earnestly, "You have Xiaoyi. , You have to learn from your sister in everything, dealing with others, etiquette and knowledge, your sister is your role model. It happens to be this time that Xiao Wan is not there. You take advantage of this time to improve yourself, and when your sister comes back, you will also be happy. do you know?"

Gu Ningan and Gu Xiaoyi nodded heavily: "Auntie, don't worry!"

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan's carriage had left the capital far away. The cushions in the carriage were thick. Although the mud road was bumpy and bumpy, it didn't cause much discomfort because of the thick cushions.

This way, I was rushing to have an urgent business, not for sightseeing. The carriage ran all the way without resting. The two generals who followed Gu Xiaowan, one was Vice Admiral Chen Meng, and the other, Gu Xiaowan did not know him. .

I heard that it was Ding Lun, the staff officer next to General Tan, who was a military division, but looking at his agility, he was also a man of courage and strategy.

There were not many people called by General Tan, but both of them were his right-hand men. It seemed that for this trip to the frontier, and to protect Gu Xiaowan's safety, he thought well.

If there are too many people, it is not necessarily good for finding someone. On the contrary, everything will be tied up. Moreover, there are many people and it is not easy to manage.

The carriage ran for several hours at once. Seeing that the sky gradually darkened, Chen Meng suggested: "Princess, the sky is getting dark, let's take a rest at this place, right?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No, let's go early, when the sky gets dark, we will find a place to rest at random!",

"Go forward, after this village house, there may be nothing in front!" Chen Meng said.

They have been marching and fighting outside all the year round. They have been accustomed to sleeping out and eating, but the Anping princess is a girl’s house after all. After driving for so long, he must be tired. The carriage has been running for a few hours. As an ordinary girl, she has already cried for her father and mother, but she is so calm.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head again: "No, I suffer! Let's go!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's determination, Chen Meng turned his horse's head around and continued to lead the way.

Ding Lun looked astonished when he came back: "Will you go?"

"Go!" Chen Meng replied simply.

"She's a girl, doesn't she need to rest?" Ding Lun asked.

Chen Meng shook his head, did not answer, just said: "Let's hurry up and find a good place to rest before it gets dark!"

Na Ding Lun originally thought that Gu Xiaowan had just taken a car and found it fresh, but she was going to look for Tan Yushu and to see her brother. She hung up. After waiting a few days, after this moment, there were more carriages and lots of bumps. It should feel tired. For several days, I hurried on the road just after dawn, and only rested at lunchtime, in order to let the horse rest, rest, and drink water.

Ding Lun saw that the face of the legendary Anping princess was almost green when sitting in a carriage, but he still didn't say that he would stop for two days and take a rest.

The princess who had suffered since he was a child, did not expect that even after eating good food, he would still suffer and endure tired. Involuntarily, Ding Lun had a little more respect for Gu Xiaowan.

Ten days have passed unconsciously on this journey. Along the way, everyone wore stars and moon, day and night. Ding Lun and Chen Meng originally thought that the arrival time would be delayed, but they didn't expect that if they went to the border at this speed, they might be five or six days less than the scheduled time.

Although Ding Lun is more than 40 years old and is also a staff member, he should logically be the kind of immortal wind road, but because of martial arts, this person is in excellent health and appetite. All meals have to eat meat, but the conditions are limited after all, and it’s winter. How can you eat fresh meat? You can only eat it once in the village.

Later, when I walked through the village, the road became more and more deviated, and I never saw pedestrians in the village. Only then did I eat dry food every day, but Ding Lunkuai became a green face.

The weather was very good that day. The carriage had been running for more than half a day. When we arrived at a beautiful place, Gu Xiaowan asked the carriage to stop. Ding Lun wanted to eat meat, so she went to the dense forest after a horse, specifically looking for food in winter. Little animals.

Coincidentally, he really caught a rabbit that sneaked out to find food.

Ding Lun didn't care about that much. Xu was already familiar with it, plucking the hairs and digging out the entrails, setting them on fire, and making them straightforward. Although convenient, it just tasted a bit bad.

Watching Gu Xiaowan looking at the food in her hand, Ding Lun sneered: "Why, can't eat? Although this thing looks ugly, it can fill your stomach. There are still more than 20 days from the frontier. In the future, it will be mostly barren mountains and ridges with no village in front and no shop behind, so we will only have to eat these things!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the roasted rabbit leg in her hand. This was already the best thing Ding Lun had given. However, the taste was weak and there was no oily water. Just looking at the appearance made people appetite.

However, fortunately, there are still too old and too burnt, there is still a lot of room for remedy!

She looked at Ah Zuo and Ah Mo, and saw that they were also staring at the things in their hands in a daze, not knowing how to make their mouths!

Who said no, who is used to eating Gu Xiaowan’s grilled barbecue, who still eats something without oil, salt, and tasteless!

"Go and bring my suitcase!" Gu Xiaowan said softly.

Zuo and Ahmad must both raise their heads excitedly, and ran to the carriage in unison: "I'll go"

Seeing the two people in a hurry, Ding Lun was a little puzzled, eat a meal, what box to move, do they still have any dry food?

It's been more than ten days, and after these few days, there are no villages in the wild, and in the winter, there is a lot of movement, and there is a lot of food, and the dry food brought can not cope for a few days!

What good things can there be! Even if there is something delicious, it is also dry food, which is better than this rabbit meat!

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