The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1786: This scent kills

Ding Lun thought secretly, but he couldn't control so much, he took the small half of the rabbit and bit it. The one that was gnawed was called a relish, and the small half of the rabbit was gnawed away.

Although the taste is not as good as the food in the restaurant, but eating too much dry food, eating this fresh roasted rabbit, the taste is also wonderful!

Ding Lun patted the dust on his body and was very satisfied with the taste of roast rabbit meat and a pot of hot tea.

However, just satisfied with the time without two breaths, when he looked back and saw what Gu Xiaowan was doing, he was completely stupid.

I have long heard that the Anping princess is proficient in poems and songs, but I want to come to the hobby of some women in the boudoir who groan without illness. They can't be eaten or dressed. What's the use?

Now it seems that this princess knows how to understand poetry, but he is hard-working and does good poems.

The fire he was roasting rabbit meat was still burning, and he saw Ahmad brought four long branches over and put on all the rabbit meat he had just divided, just like skewers of candied haws.

Ahmad held it on top of the fire, and the Anping princess was brushing something or pouring something.

I saw that the box I just brought was opened at this moment, and it turned out to be some bottles and cans. If I didn't look carefully, I would really think it was a girl's rouge gouache.

But if you look intently, you can see the contents of the bottles and jars, which look like the seasonings used in cooking, pepper, salt, and oil.

Ding Lun looked, his eyes straightened!

This person, the feeling is to bring the kitchen to pretend.

Chen Meng looked at it, and was immediately stunned: "Auntie, what are you bringing with you!"

After leaving the capital, Gu Xiaowan asked them all to call themselves girls, and it was convenient to go out.

Ding Lun said with a sullen face: "So I brought everything from the kitchen, girl, you thought this was playing the house!"

Play house?

Gu Xiaowan smiled, and did not mind Ding Lun's cynicism at all: "This is a long journey to the frontier, and there will always be a time to cook and eat!"

"You are the princess, how can you do this!" When did Chen Meng have seen the second-grade princess actually start to eat barbecue, her two guards and the maid actually watched from the sidelines.

Wherever it looks like the master and the subordinate, this is clearly the subordinate and the subordinate.

Ahmad, Azuo, and Koudan saw Chen Meng saying that they couldn't let Anping Princess do it, so they looked at Chen Meng bitterly.

Chen Meng did not expect that the three servants next to Princess Anping looked at him aggrievedly. When he was wondering, he saw Gu Xiaowan and said, "Codan, give me the pepper!"

Kou Dan immediately took the pepper powder with a "swish", and took the chili powder that Gu Xiaowan handed over.

And Ah Zuo and Ah Mo had something in their hands like doglegs. As long as Gu Xiaowan said which one they wanted, whoever had it would immediately hand it to Gu Xiaowan. In that way, wouldn’t they have performed their duties as a subordinate? !

"This" Ding Lun looked at these three people with guards and servants, and even let the master bake them something to eat, a little bit dumbfounded.

This Anping princess is really a freak!

Chen Meng was also a little surprised. These three people actually surrounded Gu Xiaowan. Seeing that serious appearance, they were a little different from the other masters and subordinates. He was the first time he saw the master bake something for the subordinates. Seeing back, the subordinates are so at ease enjoying the blessing!


Suddenly a gust of wind blows, and there seems to be something mixed with it!

When Ding Lun smelled this smell, he sniffed his nose and then took two sips vigorously. The smell became more and more intense. He sniffed while patting Chen Meng's shoulder: "Old Chen, what do you smell? No?"

Chen Meng smelled it too, and sniffed his nose, the more it smelled, the more fragrant it was, and the fragrant became crispy even with the bones: "Smell, what kind of smell is this? How come I have never smelled it!"

The smell of the fireworks, mixed with the fragrant meat smell, and some other smells, drifting down the wind, the smell

Simply kill!

This place is so big that you can smell the fragrance, isn't it the only thing in the hands of Anping Princess?

Ding Lun was delicious, and he immediately leaned to Gu Xiaowan's side. I never remembered that I was sarcastic just now: "Girl, what is this thing? Why does it smell so fragrant?"

After speaking, he also fanned the wind with his hand, pour the fragrance into his nose, showing a face of satisfaction, then stared at the roasted rabbit meat in Gu Xiaowan's hand and swallowed.

Ahmad on the side remembered that this person was talking coldly just now, and squeezed to the side, trying to squeeze out Ding Lun: "Master Ding, here is one piece of mine!"

Zuo: "This piece is mine!"

Codan: "That piece is mine!"

One piece left

Zuo: "That piece belongs to my girl!"

All have masters.

Ding Lun: ""

I said I want to eat it?

Ahmad glanced at him with a look of contempt, as if saying, your drooling voice is too loud!

If you have eaten your share, then you can always ask. The condiment box that he just dismissed just now, Ding Lun immediately became interested: "Girl, what's in your small bottles and cans? Something? Why does it smell so sweet!"

After finishing speaking, he fanned the wind with his hand again as if he didn't give up, swallowed violently, and his Adam's apple moved.

Chen Meng saw that Ding Lun had just said that people had brought things to the house, and now he smelled the smell, he ran up to flatter others, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Only Ding Lun can do it. He has a big heart!

"It's very simple. The jar contains pepper, there is chili powder, salt, and the jar contains castor oil, and that is vegetable oil." Gu Xiaowan didn't care about what Ding Lun said just now, and explained the same.

When Ding talked about roasting rabbit meat, only salt was placed on the rabbit meat. Seeing that Gu Xiaowan brought so many seasonings, the tangy scent was almost always the smell of baking with so many seasonings. Ding Lun couldn't help being arrogant: "So, no wonder it's so fragrant!"

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