The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1787: I'm not full

Ahmad, Azuo, and Kou Dan looked at Ding Lun again, their eyes full of contempt.

You think barbecue is so good, try it if you don’t believe me!

Try it!

Ding Lun stood up, carrying his bow and arrows on his back, and headed into the forest. Chen Meng saw that he was going to leave, and hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm not full, I'll go get another one!" Ding Lun had disappeared into the dense forest with a flying body.

A girl can bake such delicious things, as long as he has so many spices, Ding Lun thought happily.

After Gu Xiaowan finished roasting the meat in her hand, it was then distributed to everyone. Everyone held the rabbit meat, and the smell of the scent made the population drain.

"Ah, I can finally eat it again! So fragrant, so fragrant!" Ahmad closed his eyes exaggeratedly, and took a deep breath of aroma.

Zuo and Koudan are no exception. They are obviously hot to death, but wherever they take care of their daughter's restraint, they also put the hot to death in their mouths, biting in small mouths, biting and saying that it is very fragrant!

Seeing their gluttonous appearance, Gu Xiaowan laughed. It was a coincidence last time, so she roasted them in the yard for a while. They only ate a few sticks each, which was definitely not addictive.

Chen Meng ate his own piece of rabbit meat just now, and now watching the four of Gu Xiaowan's master and servant eat it, he tilted his head and looked away.

It's not that he was not full, but the smell of the fragrant smell really makes people uncontrollable. It smells so good that the gluttons in his stomach are hooked up again.

When Gu Xiaowan saw Chen Meng sitting quietly, she looked at the fat rabbit leg in her hand, tore off a piece of meat and kept it for herself to eat. The remaining half, she got up, came forward to Chen Meng and said: "Chen Uncle, this is for you!"

When Chen Meng heard the sound and turned his head, he saw Gu Xiaowan standing behind him, holding the bones of the rabbit's legs in her hands. The meat on the bones was torn off in half, and the other half of the rabbit meat was left on top. .

Chen Meng saw that she handed the bone to herself, and she was a little confused: "Girl, you give it to me? No, I have already eaten it. This is your portion, you can eat it yourself!"

"You eat, there is still some dry food in the carriage. I will go and eat some dry food later!" Seeing Chen Meng still refuses, Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Then you can **** craft! Uncle Chen just now Didn’t I say that I made it delicious?"

When Chen Meng heard this, he looked at the golden-scented rabbit meat that was roasted, and swallowed again. This time he did not refuse, and accepted the thanks: "Thank you girl, then."

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Thank you, it's just a piece of meat!"

Chen Meng took the rabbit meat and took a bite.

Just chewed, and immediately disgusted!

I don't think Ding Lun just grilled the meat. It's dry and firewood, just a layer of salt, it's not tasty, it's no different from chewing firewood sticks.

But the meat was processed by Gu Xiaowan, and it was different. It was fragrant and tender. The taste of salt, pepper, and oil all penetrated into the meat, making the rabbit meat, which was originally the same as firewood sticks, suddenly It has become a delicacy on earth.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!" Chen Meng swallowed the meat in his mouth and threw up his thumbs excitedly.

Seeing Chen Meng said it was delicious, Gu Xiaowan smiled faintly and ate what was in her hand.

When everyone was about to finish eating, Ding Lun came, carrying two things excitedly, and yelling as he ran: "Lao Chen, Lao Chen, I have caught another rabbit, I will roast it for you!"

Gu Xiaowan ate half a rabbit leg and was almost full. She was standing under the tree, slightly moving.

This is her habit. After eating, she always stands and walks around.

Seeing Ding Lun carrying a rabbit in his hand, he ran over excitedly with a look of excitement.

"You wait, I'm here to bake it for you, I promise to be as fragrant as the girl's baking! Ding Lun said vowedly.

As soon as Chen Meng saw it, he saw that he had been cleansed by the rabbit, and the internal organs were also cleaned. Ding Lun set up the rabbit, went to the fire, and said, "Girl, borrow your sauce and use it!"

As long as you use these seasonings, you will be able to bake a delicious and delicious mystery confidence!

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "You are free!"

When Ding Lun heard it, he excitedly picked up the ingredients inside and sprinkled it on the rabbit. After a while, he had sprinkled pepper and chili powder into a half jar. He kept his hands and sprinkled them. With.

Following Gu Xiaowan's way, she kept spreading and brushing with a brush, full of confidence.

From time to time, he looked at Ahmad who was looking at him, raised his chin, his face was proud and provocative!

Gu Xiaowan was walking around in small steps nearby, Kou Dan and Zuo followed her closely.

Ahmad sat under the tree, looking at Ding Lun's roasted rabbit meat for a while, with a sneer on his face.

I really thought you could bake something like a girl's craftsmanship with a girl's. You are too confident!

You know, he is also an expert at baking things. After eating the girl's baking, he feels that he is still not enough, so he learns the way a girl is, and after a few times, thinks about the things he baked every time.

Gee, it’s not that there is too much chili powder, which is horrible, or too much pepper, which is horrible!

It tastes worse than his barbecue with salt only.

Ding Lun sprinkled the things that Gu Xiaowan had used, and dripped oil into the fire as the rabbit meat was roasted golden.

The scent of the barbecue is tangy, and the smell is exactly the same as the Anping Princess grilled just now.

Ding Lun looked at Chen Meng behind him excitedly, and smiled: "Old Chen, there will be delicious food later!"

Chen Meng really smelled a tangy scent, just like the scent that Gu Xiaowan had when he was baking something.

Could it be that Ding Lun really learned it at a glance?

Or, with these seasonings, anyone can bake as delicious as Anping County Lord?

Chen Meng just ate half of a rabbit leg. The taste was fascinating. He wanted to save some for Ding Lun, but in the end he couldn't hold back it and ate it in two bites!

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