The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1789: Don't have a cave

"Uncle Ding, where are we now?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a frown.

"We have already left the realm of the Qing Dynasty! And we have just come from the road, half an hour after walking, I have never been here!" Ding Lun replied seriously.

This dense forest seemed to have magical powers. He had been here before, but because of the fog and poisonous gas everywhere, many soldiers came here, either they were killed by poisonous snakes or bitten by beasts, right. Here, they all retreated.

If he hadn't eaten it for the purpose of beating rabbit meat, I'm afraid he wouldn't run into this deep mountain forest.

Unexpectedly, in this winter day, the dense forest is unimpeded. The fog before even the people close to Chi Chi could not be seen. This time it was a miracle to see through it at a glance!

Who would have thought that there is no cave here, and there are still so many villagers living here.

The middle-aged naughty boy who was still howling for no meat just now suddenly became a wise middle-aged uncle. This change is also very fast!

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Ding Lun, who was now frowning. She looked like a consultant at the moment.

Gu Xiaowan walked two steps forward, Ahmad and Zuo on the side looked at them, and immediately pulled her sleeves, and said nervously, "Girl, don't go!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "It's okay, they are ordinary people. With you around, they can't hurt me!"

If it is hurt, these villagers are still afraid that they will hurt them!

Only by asking these people can we know why these people are so afraid of themselves!

"Girl, let's go, it's a bit weird here!" Codan also said from the side.

Seeing the nervousness of these girls, Ding Lun was aroused: "What are you afraid of, I haven't eaten meat yet! I don't know who has rabbits, I will trade him for money!"

After speaking, he walked straight into the inside and shouted: "Hello? We are not malicious. We are here to exchange food. After the food is changed, we are on our way!"

No one cares about him!

Still lying in the window watching.

Ding Lun yelled again: "Which one of you has a rabbit or a chicken at home, I'll exchange it for you with silver!"

No one cares.

"Okay, nothing is right!" Ding Lun's face was somber, he finally found a village where meat can be eaten, but these villagers avoided seeing them just like avoiding the plague. How can they eat meat?"Well, you guys are not coming out, are you? So whoever comes out to change it, I will pay five taels of silver for a chicken, and twelve taels for a rabbit!"

My dear, the biggest chicken is only about five or six catties, and this one is only five taels? And a rabbit, one dozen silver?

The villagers hiding in the house heard such a tempting and completely unequal bargaining terms, all of them were moved.

However, this group of people appeared to face, looking at their unknown origin, no one dared to step forward, fearing that the same thing would happen again not long ago.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, and immediately, someone came out cautiously, a picture like an arrow on a bow, running away at any time.

"What you said is true? A chicken is fifty taels of silver, and a rabbit is ten taels of silver?" The man looked at Ding Lun and asked in disbelief.

"Nonsense, what I'm talking about is the water that was poured out, there is no reason to take it back!" Ding Lun exclaimed, with a fierce look.

The villagers who had finally gotten their heads out, seeing Ding Lun's fierce appearance, they hurriedly retracted and hid in shock!

Upon seeing this, Chen Meng yelled, "Old Ding, your loud voice scared everyone!"

Ding Lun said aggrieved: "I'm used to it! I can't change it, right?"

Seeing this Ding Lun is sometimes calm and sometimes looks like an old naughty boy, I don't know what kind of talent this person has, and he will be favored by General Tan.

Gu Xiaowan stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Dear folks, don't be afraid. We are passing through this place. Because of the days of rushing, the dry food is almost running out. We found here, but came to the folks to buy some dry food. Malicious!"

"Buy dry food? Who are you cheating?" Seeing a weak and beautiful girl came, someone boldly said: "We are a place where Daqing and Nanling don't care. We are a group of people who are unregulated. Daqing or Nanling, when you come to me, you can burn, kill, and loot. We are children without parents, and we don't care! If you kill us, who else will avenge us!"

"Don't worry, we are really just here to exchange dry food!" Gu Xiaowan saw that these people did not believe, and knew that something must have happened here, so that these people were scared and not in a hurry. She brought a purse and took it out of it. Some silver: "Look, this is the silver I brought. We are just here to exchange the silver for your food! We will leave after the exchange! Don't worry!"

Ding Lun and Chen Meng on the side also took out food boxes and the like from the carriage. Chen Meng also agreed: "Don't worry, we are really just here to exchange food!"

Ding Lun wanted to say something, Chen Meng on the side immediately gave him a twist: "Shut up, what do you do if you are so scared!"

Ding Lun grinned with painful teeth, a middle-aged strong man unexpectedly showed an aggrieved look, looked at Chen Meng sadly, bit his lip, and said nothing.

The villagers had been hiding behind the door or the window waiting for movement, and finally someone walked out with two chickens in their hands and walked tremblingly towards Gu Xiaowan. When walking, one foot was high. One foot is low, as if a little lame: "Do you really only need food? I have chickens here, you give me money!"

When Chen Meng saw this, he was going to step forward and give him money. Gu Xiaowan stopped him: "Let me go, I am a woman, and he thinks I should not cause him any harm!"

When Zuo and Kou Dan heard this, they followed Gu Xiaowan nervously. Although they didn't have a sword in their hands, they kept pressing their hands on the place where they were equipped with a soft sword, protecting Gu Xiaowan's safety.

Gu Xiaowan took ten taels of silver, walked a few steps, and then a few steps away from the person, Gu Xiaowan stretched out the silver in her hand: "No, here it is!"

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