The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1790: Regret Mountain

When the villager saw the silver, his face was happy, and he passed the chicken with one hand and picked the silver with the other.

After changing two chickens at once, Ding Lun saw it, beaming his brows, patted his thighs and laughed: "Haha, there is meat to eat at noon!"

Seeing this man go crazy again, Chen Meng beat him up. Ding Lun was beaten, daring not to speak, so he stood aggrieved: "I just want to eat meat! You have all eaten, I Haven't eaten it yet!"

This person is still thinking about the girl's barbecue!

Chen Meng shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

The bunny baked last time can still be eaten, and even the girl has no remedy, so she can only lose it whole.

No, during these days, if you want to catch a rabbit, you can't catch a pheasant. After eating so many days of dry food, Ding Lun's greedy eyes are green. It's normal to see the chicken and dance happily.

The people in hiding saw that someone had really made the money, and then looked at the fierce man just now, a child dancing and dancing after eating meat, and they felt that these people really seemed to have come for meat!

After staying for so long, these people didn't do anything, so they were relieved.

One by one they came out, carrying chickens or rabbits in their hands, dozens of chickens.

When Gu Xiaowan saw so many, her eyes straightened.

Do you have to change so many?

And Ding Lun jokingly stood in the crowd, paying the money in one hand and delivering the goods in the other. He was very busy.

Among them, standing behind the crowd, there was an elderly man who looked respectable, like the clan elder here.

I saw that clan elder standing there, staring at the outsider with full face alertly, besides that, he still frowned, as if it was incredible!

Gu Xiaowan and Chen Meng looked at each other, and they stepped forward.

"Old man, may I ask, where is this place?" Chen Meng asked first. He really hadn't been here, and he didn't know that there were so many people living in this dense forest!

This village is located at the foot of a mountain surrounded by mountains on three sides. There is still a dense forest in front of which is densely foggy. It is winter now, and venomous snakes and beasts have passed the winter. If it is other times, find this village, I am afraid it is this It will not be easy all the way!

How can these people live here?

The old man glanced at Chen Meng and Gu Xiaowan, his cloudy eyes glistening!

"How did you get in? There is fog and poisonous gas everywhere outside this place, how did you get in?" the old man asked vigilantly.

"That's how we walked in!" Chen Meng said, "There is no fog in this dense forest. You can see Lu in front of you at a glance. We entered without any obstacles!"

The old man was full of disbelief, but these people walked in neatly, neatly, and vigorously, not as if they were caught in the wind and waves outside.

However, he couldn't help but believe it!

The old man touched his beard, took a deep look at Gu Xiaowan and Chen Meng beside him, his tone was full of: "Are you from the official family?"

The old man's eyes seemed to look at Gu Xiaowan's face more than anything else. There was a flash of surprise in his cloudy eyes, but he quickly returned to normal.

Chen Meng and Gu Xiaowan patronized the villagers, but they didn't notice the strangeness of the old man at all.

Chen Meng shook his head: "We are just ordinary passers-by! Want to do business!"

When the old man heard that this man was just a business man, and that no one had been here for so many years, he continued: "Look, what is the difference between my villagers here and other places?"

Gu Xiaowan looked intently and saw the people around Ding Lun, those with hands or eyes, some with scars on their faces, looking fierce and vicious, and some women who looked like No different from normal people.

"These people fled to Remorse Mountain!" The old man sighed.

Chen Meng was startled: "Escape? What is the difficulty of escape? This is Regret Mountain?"

Seeing Chen Meng's surprised look, Gu Xiaowan was also taken aback.

"Yes, this is the Regret Mountain, the Regret Mountain that has been cursed for hundreds of years, and the Regret Mountain that is regarded as an ominous place by the Qing Dynasty and Nanling!" The old man gritted his teeth and said with a look of anger.

When Chen Meng heard that it was indeed a mountain of regret, his expression was tense, as if he had heard something terrible.

Gu Xiaowan had never heard of Regret Mountain, but seeing Chen Meng's nervous look, she knew it was definitely not easy here.

The old man continued: "Why? Afraid?" The old man sneered: "We have lived here for more than ten years, and nothing happened. What are you afraid of?"

"These people just saw that this mountain of regret will ruin the world, ruin the dynasty and the generations, and they are all scared. We are all rotten people with only one life, nothing, what are we afraid of!" The old man sneered in a cold tone. Tao.

"These people suffered inhuman treatment in their hometown, and they couldn't survive, so they all came to Regret Mountain!" said the old man: "I have lived here for more than ten years, and I have always been alone. , I didn’t expect that it was coming soon, and so many people would come to accompany me! We built a village here and live in seclusion here! You"

The old man squinted at Chen Meng, "You are the second group to find here!"

"Someone else has been here?" Gu Xiaowan thought of the fearful expressions of these people. These people must have been frightened last time. What did those people do here?

"I've been here, a group of officers and soldiers! Come to me and **** someone away!" The old man sighed and said, "That girl is also a poor girl. She is probably in trouble. I don't know why she came to me. Here, she was looking for death, but was discovered by people in the village. After saving her, she has been living here. Not long ago, a group of officers and soldiers came to take her away. Everyone who makes trouble is like a frightened bird! Don't blame these villagers, they haven't seen outsiders for a long time, it was once last time, this is the second time! They will be nervous and normal!"

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