The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1792: Mysterious old man

Ding Lun had a bitter face and looked at Chen Meng bitterly.

He understands it. Last time, no matter what he said, these Ahmads didn't understand etiquette, but these few did not move. It turned out that they knew that they were not good at baking!

This time, Ding Lun was also determined not to do anything. Those bad guys who said he wanted the second-grade princess to give him barbecue, let's go!

The sky is big and the food is the biggest, and he enjoys such delicacies even if they are cooked on fire after eating.

Gu Xiaowan knew why Chen Meng said this, and hurriedly said to the side: "Okay, it just so happens that I want to eat too, let's do it together!"

After speaking, he got up and came to the fire. Ding Lun hurriedly followed in excitement and put the meat on the grill.

Two people were sitting in front of the fire. Ding Lun did the same as Ahmad and the others last time. They flipped the meat on the shelf and put the box beside him. As long as Gu Xiaowan said what he wanted, he would immediately find the corresponding one in the box. Hand it to Gu Xiaowan.

That diligent appearance was clearly made by Ahmad and the others, whom he disliked last time. This time, he was willing to do so, even if others said that he didn't understand etiquette, he couldn't care about it.

When Chen Meng saw Gu Xiaowan take Ding Lun and two people together, he was full of gratitude to Gu Xiaowan.

After getting along for so long, he could see that this Anping princess, although noble, can endure hardship, treats scary people and is courteous, and is completely different from the delicate daughters in the capital.

There is no half-pointed airframe, anyone in her eyes is the same as her.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's serious barbecue appearance, Chen Meng's worry was also let go.

The group of people all sat around the fire, grilling the fire, greedyly waiting for the barbecue in Gu Xiaowan's hand.

The old man returned home, and the young children who had been following him were a little puzzled: "Grandpa, why can they come in? Did they break through your barrier? It's impossible. For so many years, no one can. They rushed in. Even if those people rushed in last time, they would have damaged a lot of people. In the end they came in, all of them were seriously injured! But this time, how could these people be all right? It’s really strange! Do these people know how to break the barrier of Grandpa?"

The old man stood still, shook his head slightly, and said in a ruinous voice: "No, these people don't even know that the forest has a barrier!"

"How is it possible? The poisonous gas and the lost forest in this forest. For so many years, no one can enter. Even if they enter, they are all dead or injured. How could it be completely useless to them! Unless" the child He looked incredulous: "Unless grandpa, the person you are waiting for appears?"

The child looked shocked and looked at the old man in front of him in surprise. He never felt that today's grandfather is so exhausted, and that his rickety body is almost dying.

"I have been waiting here. I thought I wouldn't see it until I died, but I didn't expect that I could finally wait for that person before I die!"

"Then grandpa, why didn't you keep that person? Haven't you been waiting for her?" the child asked puzzled. Grandpa has been waiting all his life. I finally saw him today. Why didn't he stay?

"The time is not here, maybe she just got here by marriage, even if she leaves her, what should happen will still not happen!" The old man sighed, his voice broken like the wind.

Seeing the vicissitudes of the old man, the child did not speak any more, standing behind the old man, looking at the fearful mountain of regret in front of him.

Regret Mountain, after all, how much you hate and regret!

The chicken and rabbit meat that had been roasted until his hands were dripping with oil, Ding Lun almost didn't bite his tongue after smelling the smell of the nose.

It's so fragrant, the fragrant floods the population. Seeing Ding Lun who is almost half a hundred people, he is like a greedy monkey. Seeing that the fleshy eyes in the hands of Anping Princess are almost green, Chen Meng can't help but feel funny. .

This Ding theory, when doing things, is serious, but when not doing things, there is still half a serious, like an old urchin.

"Okay! You can eat it!" Shen Qingzhu sprinkled the powder one last time, and after evenly spreading it over, the skin of the meat was golden brown, which made people salivate.

When Gu Xiaowan said that it was okay to eat, Ding Lunxi laughed three times. Seeing that excited look, Gu Xiaowan was really afraid that he would eat it all.

However, fortunately, Ding Lun still retained a little sense before eating. After dividing the chicken and rabbit in his hand into five parts, he shouted everyone to come and eat.

He took the lead in eating one piece of each.

However, he chose the most unpalatable chicken back. That piece of meat was dead, tasted bad, and had many bones, and the meat was only a thin layer. The same was true for rabbit meat. He took the lead in picking the five most delicious ones. A bad portion, and then squatted aside and feasted on it.

When Gu Xiaowan saw that he only chose the worst portion to eat, she couldn't help feeling a little moved. Although this person kept clamoring to eat, but when he really wanted to eat, he left the best to others and eats himself. The worst one.

So, holding the rabbit leg that Zuo handed him, handed it to Ding Lun: "Uncle Ding, you can eat it, I can't eat that much!"

Ding Lun was eating the barbecue, and the tender and spicy taste almost made him bite off his tongue. He ate a piece of meat in his hand after three times, and he still had some meaning, so he saw Gu Xiaowan holding himself. The share for myself.

Ding Lun still wanted to eat it, but he divided it into five portions. After eating his portion, he was embarrassed to ask Princess Anping, so he shook his head and said embarrassingly: "Girl, eat it, I have already eaten it. pass!"

Gu Xiaowan handed it to him and didn't move it away: "You eat, Uncle Ding, I'm really full already!"

"Then keep it on the road and eat when you are hungry!" Ding Lun said. Although he wanted to eat, he definitely had no reason to eat what the girl had in his hands.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "You bought so many chickens and rabbits. You can roast them when you are hungry!"

When Ding Lun heard it, an old face of joy was about to smile: "Oh, good!"

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