The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1793: Find Tan Yushu

Ahmad and Zuo on the side heard them and looked at the big box of chickens and rabbits beside Chen Meng, looking at each other.

Does the girl mean to take the chicken and rabbit on the road?

After finishing speaking, I took Gu Xiaowan’s rabbit leg and bit it. While eating, he didn’t forget to slap Gu Xiaowan’s flattering: "Girl, your craftsmanship is really amazing. No wonder they don’t bake them, they are all waiting for you. Roast, I did the same as you last time, but the taste is too bad, it’s not as delicious as before. This time I ate the meat you roasted, this is the meat! The ones I ate before, then It's the firewood stick! This is delicious, it's delicious!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "If you want to learn, you will return to the capital next time. You come to Qingyuan to find me and I will teach you!"

"Is this really true?" Ding Lun didn't even eat meat, and the head in his eyes was like stars, shining!

"Well, seriously!" Gu Xiaowan nodded.

I saw Ding Lun eating meat wherever he took a bite, busy putting the meat aside, rubbing her hands on her body, and when Gu Xiaowan didn’t understand his behavior, she saw Ding Lun knelt on both knees and made a five-body throw. Posture, shouted: "Master is here, please be respected by the apprentice!"

This person, the feeling is afraid that Gu Xiaowan will go back, and apprentice in advance!

Gu Xiaowan was so dumbfounded by this Ding Lun's posture that she had no choice but to accept someone who could be her father as an apprentice in advance.

The cage where the box of chickens and rabbits jumped was also hung at the back of the carriage, and a box of chickens and rabbits was full. On the way, I was afraid it would be really lively.

Chen Meng's life and death persuaded Ding Lun not to take it. The boxes on the road were hung on the back of the carriage. What if the Anping princess was smoked?

Gu Xiaowan saw Chen Meng’s worried look, but it didn’t matter. She hadn’t lived next to the chicken coop when she was a child. Besides, it’s winter again. It’s winter, and it’s time to wash the cage. It doesn’t matter. !

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan agreed to take the road, Ding Lun was about to jump up with joy, "Master, you are the best!"

Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry because of the appearance of the old naughty boy.

After eating the meat, everyone continued on the road.

Just as she got into the carriage, Gu Xiaowan raised her eyes and looked at the regret mountain hidden behind the dense forest. For some reason, she felt her heart suddenly jumped violently, as if she suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. Feeling that when she got on the carriage, her body suddenly trembled.

The strange feeling made her feel strange.

After Ding Lun and Chen Meng got on their horses, they were still laughing and cursing just now, and they were frozen like ice at this moment.

How could it be possible that the mountain of regret that the world can't find is so easy for them to find today? and after they returned to the capital, the two reported to Tan Yexing. Tan Yexing was shocked and sent someone to search for this secret mountain, but returned without success.

It seemed that the mountain they had passed by and the many chickens and rabbits they had bought was like a dream.

Of course, this is a story.

Everyone continued to rush, through storms and storms. A few people arrived in a market town. They originally planned to leave overnight. How did they know that they encountered Tan Yushu in the only small hotel in this small market town!

Seeing Tan Yushu entering the hotel, Gu Xiaowan widened her eyes, for fear that she had made a mistake: "Azuo, look, that person, is it Yushu?"

Zuo also saw it at this moment, although it was only a back view, but because of the keenness of martial arts people, she saw the familiar back view at a glance, and he was the Lord Huguo!

"It's really the princess! Girl" everyone saw Tan Yushu, and they were all excited. After meeting with Tan Yushu, they saw Gu Xiaowan who had come a long way to find herself, but because he was worried about Gu Ningping's safety, Tan Yushu rushed to Gu Xiaowan. In his arms, he cried loudly: "Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave without saying goodbye. I was worried about Ning Ping brother, but I don't want you to worry! I heard the conversation between Grandpa and Vice General Chen, and then I knew that Ning Ping My brother was badly injured, so I want to see him!

Gu Xiaowan hugged Tan Yushu, tears also fell: "Silly boy, you ran here alone, if something unexpected happens, how can you tell me to Ningping? Even if you want to come, you have to follow I said, I will come with you!"

Along the way, I saw Tan Yushu’s originally white, soft and rosy wind, the wind and rain ravaged by the rain forest and the sun’s smoothness, and the original smooth and tender small hands, which were held by the reins because of the wind blown. After a long time, the upper head has worn out the skin, and the cocoon has appeared.

Thinking of Tan Yushu's love of beauty, and seeing where Tan Yushu looked like the semi-precious princess in the past, Gu Xiaowan's tears couldn't stop.

"I have suffered you during these days!" Gu Xiaowan said sadly, touching Tan Yushu's somewhat humiliated face.

Tan Yushu shook his head suddenly and said in a choked voice: "Sister, I don't work hard at all. I'm just worried about the safety of Ning Ping brother. I want to fly to him to see if there is anything wrong with him!"

When Gu Xiaowan saw Tan Yushu's affectionate attitude towards Ning Ping, she felt as if she had tasted honey.

"It is his blessing that Ning Ping can have you, a beauty and beauty, in this life!" Gu Xiaowan sighed, "If he is sorry for you, I must kill him!"

"Sister Wuwu, I only want Brother Ning Ping to be well!" Tan Yushu choked.

Gu Xiaowan was moved.

In recent days, the two of them had a hard time and finally got an inn. They washed their bodies in the inn. After washing their bodies, they had a big meal. Then they felt tired and went to sleep.

I found the county lord Huguo and saw that the lord Huguo was safe and sound. Ding Lun and Chen Meng’s hearts fell to the ground. Brother Fei sent a book to the capital and told General Tan that the lord Huguo was safe. On the road.

There was still half of the journey, and everyone hurried to the road, but unexpectedly, after getting up the next day, Gu Xiaowan noticed Tan Yushu's anomaly.

She got hot and fell ill.

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