The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1794: Stay to recuperate

Along the way, a girl’s house, although she has martial arts skills, was in good health, through wind and rain, and her nerves had to relax for a while. She wanted to rush to the border as soon as possible, but she met someone she trusted. Tan Yushu said that he was sick.

Early in the morning, after getting up at the agreed time, Gu Xiaowan saw that Tan Yushu hadn't gotten up yet, so she went to look for her. When she saw Tan Yu was flushed in writing, she thought it was feverish in sleep.

After yelling twice, there was no movement, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but was a little worried and hurried to look at it. As soon as she touched Tan Yushu's forehead, Gu Xiaowan was shocked.

Hot forehead, heavy breathing, flushing complexion, severe fever.

"Go and see, is there a doctor in the town? Hurry up and invite a doctor!" Gu Xiaowan ordered someone to take warm water, moisten it with a clean towel, and apply it to Tan Yushu's forehead to cool down.

Tan Yushu pressed his lips tightly, and because of the hot body, his dry lips made a broken moan or two from time to time. Because of overwork in the previous days, not eating well, sleeping well, coupled with the fact that I was raised delicately and expensively in the capital, I was tired again during this period, and I was still struggling before, so I suddenly became sick. fall down.

Gu Xiaowan's heart became a ball when she saw it.

In ancient times, the wind and cold were not bad, but it would kill people.

Gu Xiaowan saw Tan Yushu's painful appearance, and her heart was tugged. Gu Ningping hadn't seen it yet, Yushu was sick again.

The doctor came soon, and the doctor was shocked when he saw Tan Yushu's burning so badly, he rushed to prescribe the medicine, and told Gu Xiaowan to keep her cool before leaving.

Gu Xiaowan and Akoudan took turns to wipe Tan Yushu. After taking the medicine, the three of them were afraid to leave and stayed in the room.

She is ill now, the matter of going to the frontier must be put down.

On the frontier side, Gu Ningping knew nothing about his physical condition, and here, Tan Yushu was very hot and it was difficult to drive.

Gu Xiaowan, who was overwhelmed by matters on both sides, didn't know how to choose.

She wanted to see Gu Ningping's condition, but she couldn't let go of Tan Yushu.

Seeing the suffering of Tan Yushu, Gu Xiaowan finally decided not to go to the frontier, but to guard Tan Yushu here. If it improves a little, he will immediately return to the capital.

The wind and cold fatigue cause high fever. If this is not carefully treated, Tan Yushu may still be worried about his life.

Since Gu Xiaowan had decided to do this, she immediately called Ding Lun and Chen Meng. "Now that Yushu has suffered such a serious crime, I decided to cancel the trip to the frontier. Let's observe in the small town for a day or two. If Yushu's fever subsides, we Go to the capital now!"

The princess Huguo fell ill. Chen Meng originally thought it would only delay two more days. After the princess healed, he was still on the road. But after hearing Gu Xiaowan’s decision, Chen Meng and Ding Lun looked at each other Seeing surprise in his eyes.

"But, girl, we're almost there, don't you go and see Young Master Gu?" Ding Lun hesitated and asked.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No, Yushu's disease is fierce. I'm afraid there will be some accidents. She has always been expensive and has not suffered from this pain for a long time. I am afraid that this disease will be difficult to treat for a while. The conditions in this small town are limited, so we still have to go back to the capital as soon as possible to find an imperial doctor for treatment, so we can rest assured!"

Originally, the purpose of Chen Meng and Ding Lun’s trip was to find Tan Yushu. Seeing that Tan Yushu was found, their burdens were relieved. Seeing Gu Xiaowan said that they could not go to the border, they had no objection, but they thought of Anping. The princess's brother is still unclear on the frontier, and he has gone so much. If he didn't go and take a look, he knew that Anping princess would definitely be unable to let go.

After Ding Lun and Chen Meng looked at each other, Ding Lun said, "Thank you for the girl's willingness to think about my family master. Since this time we are almost reaching the border, I have to go and see how the Gu family is now. If you can put your heart down, Ding is willing to go to the frontier to visit the young master Gu's condition."

Gu Xiaowan curled her eyebrows and said nothing.

Chen Meng on the side also said at the moment: "Girl, let Ding Lun go. This time I came to the border area to find my little master, and secondly to visit your brother. My little master found it, Yu Qing Yu Li, we should all accompany you to visit Young Master Gu. You are worried about the safety of our little master. We will naturally go through this for you to see how the little Master Gu is doing!"

Gu Xiaowan thought about it, and now it can only be so.

She couldn't go, but she always wanted to know the situation of Ning Ping, so she nodded and agreed: "Then I will send Ahmad by my side to accompany you!"

Now that it was settled, Ahmad and Ding Lun cleaned up their things and set off immediately.

Gu Xiaowan took care of Tan Yushu every day. After drinking the medicine, Tan Yushu's high fever also slowly subsided. Although the whole person was still a little groggy, the fever had subsided, and that was pretty good! The next step is to slowly recuperate.

Several days later, Gu Xiaowan asked Kou Dan to take care of Tan Yushu in the inn at home. She took Zuo and Chen Meng to the top of the town, bought some things and put them on the carriage. When the time came back to the capital, she would not be so in a hurry. .

Gu Xiaowan made a list of things to buy in advance. According to this list, the three people were divided into two groups to act. Gu Xiaowan took Zuo to buy some dry cakes and the like, while Chen Meng went to buy some food to bring in the car. Prepare for emergencies.

Gu Xiaowan bought some pastries and dry food, and it was almost done. He was waiting for tea at the place agreed with Chen Meng when he saw a person walking in from outside the tea shop.

He was of medium height, with short beards, and dressed in dark golden garb, about forty or so, his eyes were piercing, and he was quite heroic.

I saw a few people dressed up as small servants behind that person, all dressed in gray, looking like businessmen coming out to buy.

I saw that middle-aged man walked into the tea shop and glanced in the tea shop. Xu was looking for a seat. When he scanned Gu Xiaowan and the others, his eyes didn't stop, as if he didn't know Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan raised her eyes, and when she saw the heroic man headed by her, she suddenly felt that this man was familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

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