The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1795: Old friend

Gu Xiaowan searched for this person in her mind, but couldn't remember who this was, where she had seen it, and why she knew it.

After eating a cup of tea, Chen Meng also drove in the carriage. After loading the items purchased by Gu Xiaowan and others on the carriage, Gu Xiaowan and Zuo were sitting in the carriage, just in time to hear the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes speak with a low voice. , Like the echo of the empty valley.

Gu Xiaowan became more and more sure that she must have seen this person!

Even the voice is somewhat familiar.

Seeing that there was something strange when Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage, Zuo helped her get into the carriage and asked softly, "Girl, what hasn't been done?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "Let's go!"

The voice was soft and soft, just like Huang Ying's tactful, once upon a time, it seemed that he had heard what this voice said!

The middle-aged man glanced across the carriage, but he didn't see anything. It seemed that the soft language just now was an illusion.

"Master Zhao, what's the matter?" The young man on the side was a little surprised to see that the master looked at the carriage outside.

When Gu Xiaowan heard that Zhao Ye, she suddenly thought of someone in her mind.

It was many years ago, I think she had a few pairs, won Zhao Sheng's praise, and gave her an extremely sharp dagger!

I haven't seen it in six or seven years, but I didn't expect to encounter it again here.

Gu Xiaowan showed a clear look. When Zuo saw this, she asked, "Girl, what's wrong?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head, and Chen Meng drove away in the carriage.

The people in the tea stall were a little surprised looking at the carriage going away.

Back at the inn, Gu Xiaowan went to see Tan Yushu, who was ill, and saw that her fever had subsided, but she was still asleep because of exhaustion the previous day.

The doctor also said, let her rest, and when she is full, she will wake up naturally! Gu Xiaowan asked Kou Dan what was happening with Tan Yushu today, and learned that she hadn't burnt up today, so that worry was relieved.

"Go to the inn's kitchen and cook some gruel!" Gu Xiaowan said.

Kou Dan took the order, and Zuo on the side saw Gu Xiaowan's haggard look between her eyebrows and her eyes.

The girl is also made of meat, and she hasn't had much rest during this period. She is still taking care of the princess Huguo. If she keeps on like this, I am afraid that the princess Biehuguo will be cured and the girl will be sick again.

Before the master left, Qian reminded them not to let the girl get sick. During this period, they also waited on the side cautiously, for fear of something wrong with the girl.

"Girl, let me come here, go back and rest first!" Zuo said hurriedly.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No need, let me do it, you and Kou Dan are tired these days, go and rest first!" Zuo hurriedly said: "Girl, I have time to be by my side. This little thing can't trouble me. Your flesh and blood body, during these days, your suffering is no better than this. Eat less, you'd better go back and rest, if you fall ill again, we really won't have the backbone!"

Gu Xiaowan wanted to wait and see if Tan Yushu would wake up tonight. In this case, the two could discuss their plans to return to the city next time.

Now seeing what Zuo said, her body is indeed getting tired, looking at Tan Yushu who has not yet awakened, she is also a little timid!

If she is also ill, these people will really lose their direction!

"That's OK, you can watch it in good health. If nothing happens, take a good rest on the soft couch! Don't delay your body, we have already fallen one, but don't fall the second one!" Gu Xiaowan said, getting up and walking towards her room.

Zuo asked, "Girl, do you want me to wait for you to rest?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No need, just rest here, I got it myself!"

Gu Xiaowan opened the door and came out, just in time to see a buddy leading a group of people up.

"This guest official, I am the only inn in Pingyao Town. It's a coincidence that you have come, and there are still a few vacant rooms. I will bring you here!"

The guy nodded and bowed his head and brought up a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit, his words full of flattery.

Gu Xiaowan swept around and saw that the middle-aged man headed by him was the Zhao Sheng he saw in the afternoon!

I haven't seen it for many years. This Zhao Sheng is still as good as six or seven years ago, except for occasional weather, but he doesn't see any old attitude.

No wonder Gu Xiaowan thought of seeing him somewhere at a glance!

Gu Xiaowan recognized Zhao Sheng, but did not say hello to Zhao Sheng, and stood there quietly, waiting for Zhao Sheng and the others to go back to the room.

When Zhao Sheng passed by Gu Xiaowan's side, he suddenly glanced at Gu Xiaowan, his eyes filled with inquiry and scrutiny, and it seemed that there was some doubt.

When Zhao Sheng and the others walked inside, Gu Xiaowan walked to the next room.

After walking in, Gu Xiaowan suddenly felt a strong sense of discomfort. Just now, Zhao Sheng's eyes were sharp like a sharp knife, poking hard at Gu Xiaowan's heart.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know why, she just took a look at Zhao Sheng, and she felt this way. Six or seven years ago, Zhao Sheng was clearly just a housekeeper of the Zhao family. He was kind eyebrows and good-looking, so now, it makes people feel so trembling.

Gu Xiaowan decided not to have too much contact with Zhao Sheng. This Zhao Sheng seemed very dangerous.

As soon as Gu Xiaowan cleaned herself up, a happy cry came from the wing next door: "Girl, you finally woke up!"

Although the town of Pingyao still belongs to the Qing Dynasty, it is too far away from the Qing Dynasty, and because of the developed traffic, the merchants and pawns will settle down in this town.

And there are some people here, although they are dressed in the Qing Dynasty, but no one knows if they take off this dress, will they be the citizens of Nanling.

Because Qing and Nanling were in peace during this period, and there was no war. Many people from Nanling would also go to the neighboring town of Pingyao to purchase things. After all, if you go to Nanling, you might have to go further than Pingyao. the distance.

Gu Xiaowan heard the call and hurriedly went to the next door. When she saw Tan Yushu opened her eyes, the tears flowed down all of a sudden: "You kid, you scared me to death!"

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