The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1796: good news

Although Tan Yushu woke up, he was still very weak and had a splitting headache. He couldn't get up at all while lying in bed.

Seeing her sister’s tearful appearance now, Tan Yushu felt a little distressed. He reached out his hand and touched Gu Xiaowan’s face, and said weakly and relievedly: "Sister, don’t worry, I’m all right!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, wiped her tears with her kerchief, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't cry, you have slept for so long, are you hungry? I asked the kitchen to cook gruel for you, and now I will bring it for you to eat. it is good?"

Tan Yushu nodded weakly.

Gu Xiaowan personally fed Tan Yushu and drank half a bowl of porridge. Seeing that Tan Yushu was in good condition, Gu Xiaowan told Tan Yushu of her plan!

Gu Xiaowan spoke up: "You have been ill for many days. I am also worried about Ning Ping over there, so"

Before Gu Xiaowan finished speaking, she saw Tan Yushu getting up from the bed with an anxious expression: "Sister, I'm fine, let's go to Ning Ping brother now!"

"You look like this now, how are you going?" Seeing her insisting on struggling to get up, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly held her down, her words were agitated: "The doctor said that you were in a bad shape some time ago, and you are very weak now. You can do it!"

"But sister" Tan Yushu saw Gu Xiaowan not let her go, sobbing and crying: "I'm worried about Ning Ping brother! I want to know how he is now! Ooo"

Seeing Tan Yushu like that, Gu Xiaowan's tears also fell: "Don't worry, I have told Uncle Ding and Ahmad to go to the border to see what happened! You take care of yourself first, you get better, Ning Ping knows , He won't worry!"

"What? Uncle Ding and Ahmad have gone?"

"Well, you've been in a coma for several days. If they rush in, they should be there in three days! They should be back in about ten days!" Gu Xiaowan calculated.

If they were faster, it wouldn't take ten days.

"It's just this period of time when you are here to recuperate, and see what news they bring back!" Gu Xiaowan let Tan Yushu lie back and said, "Don't think about anything. Hurry up and get better. Your grandpa will worry. You, I will worry about you, and Ning Ping will worry about you even more! There are people around you who are worried about you. Don't be willful anymore, okay?"

Tan Yushu thought that because of his own willfulness, without anyone telling him, he ran out secretly. Grandpa must be anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He nodded obediently: "Okay, sister, I'll take care of my illness. , Just wait here for news!"

"Okay, you are obedient!" Seeing that Tan Yushu was obedient, Gu Xiaowan put her mind at ease. During this period, we will take care of your body. Kou Dan and Azuo will take turns to take care of you in your room. If you have something, you will shout they! I live next door! "

Tan Yushu nodded obediently.

Gu Xiaowan just walked out the door, and when she was about to return to the room, she inadvertently glanced at the end of the corridor, and saw two people standing at the end of the corridor, arms around her chest, looking around vigilantly.

Look at that mysterious and vigilant look, where it looks like an ordinary walking businessman.

She took a look and went back.

She herself knew that in this town of Pingyao, although it was also in the realm of the Qing Dynasty, it was not a safe place in the end, so you must be careful in everything.

On the second day, she accompanied her for breakfast in Tan Yu’s study. When she went out, she saw a man cleaning at the end. When Zhao Sheng and the others entered and exited the guest room yesterday, they quickly closed the door. Walk towards her.

Gu Xiaowan was a little puzzled: "Excuse me, brother, have the guests inside have gone?"

When someone asked, the guy nodded hurriedly and said, "Yeah, let's go, but it makes me feel strange!"

"Strange?" Gu Xiaowan frowned, "What's so strange?"

"When this person left, we don't know!" The dude replied, "There are still a few taels of silver left in our inn. They didn't want it, so they left!"

"Then how do you know they are gone, maybe they got up early and went out!" Gu Xiaowan asked casually.

"Impossible!" The guy said with a certain look: "The bedding in their room is neat and tidy, exactly the same as when no one was sleeping! Also, the things in their room, and the horses in the backyard, are all Take it away! This is not what it's gone!"

Hearing this guy's explanation, Gu Xiaowan nodded secretly.

Checked in the inn, but couldn't stay at all, and left secretly in the middle of the night. Why?

The guy went downstairs and muttered as he walked: "So many people, why don't there even a sound? Why do I sleep so dead, I don't even know when people go, if there is a culprit doing bad things, what can I do? !"

Gu Xiaowan frowned secretly and let out a sigh of relief. She recognized Zhao Sheng, but Zhao Sheng did not recognize her.

In the past six or seven years, Zhao Sheng couldn't see other changes except occasional wind and frost, so she could recognize it at a glance.

And Gu Xiaowan, six or seven years ago, she was just a child. In six or seven years, her body, appearance and expression have undergone earth-shaking changes. Zhao Sheng couldn't recognize herself, and it was natural.

However, it is good not to recognize it!

This Zhao Sheng, with the sneaky appearance of a group of people, must not be an ordinary businessman. I am afraid that the identity of the housekeeper in Liujiazhen six or seven years ago is also a disguise!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan was startled in a cold sweat, secretly afraid.

Gu Xiaowan didn't think too much about Zhao Sheng's affairs, anyway, she had already left.

She settled down to take care of Tan Yushu and nursed her body.

During this period of time on the road, she also knew that her body was much lacking, so she asked Chen Meng to buy fresh ingredients at the market every day, and paid to ask the chef of the inn to eat it!

After six or seven days of rest, everyone's complexion gradually improved after recuperating.

On this day, Gu Xiaowan was walking with Tan Yushu in the backyard of the inn, when she heard Chen Meng’s voice, she was very excited: "Two girls, Lao Ding, they are back!"

came back?

When Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu heard this, they both turned their heads excitedly, and saw Ding Lun and Ah Mo Fengchen rushing forward, accompanied by a thin middle-aged man.

Gu Xiaowan looked intently. This was the postman and uncle who delivered the letter at home: "He uncle, why are you here?"

I have not seen the things and letters sent to Gu Ningping for a long time, and my uncle has sent them back. How come I see him here?

"Gun!" That and Uncle were about to kneel down and salute, and Ahmad pulled him up and shook his head.

Uncle Na and Uncle looked at Ahmad's eyes, then realized, and hurriedly changed his words: "Girl, I've been in the barracks all this time when I was young, and the young man is indeed injured!"

"Is the injury serious?"

When Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu heard this, their eyes widened in shock.

"Girl, don't worry!" Ding Lun said hurriedly, seeing Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu's astonished look: "The little boy's injury is no longer a problem. Now he is alive and kicking, so good! He can kill a cow if he is strong!"

"Yeah, yeah, after the little one sent the things and the letter, he was supposed to go back to the capital to deliver the letter, but the people next to him told me to wait until the young man woke up and left, and then waited for the young man to wake up. Now, the little son said that he will be leaving when he gets better! Say yes, I am afraid that the little one will miss the word. If the news of his injury is leaked, the girl will be sad. Therefore, the little one has been in the military camp. Long time!"

Uncle He also hurriedly explained.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan still had a look of disbelief on the side of Ahmad, he also said: "Girl, son, everything is okay. He also asked his subordinates to bring a letter, please read it!"

After speaking, he took out two letters from his arms, one was handed to Gu Xiaowan, and the other was handed to Tan Yushu who was looking eagerly: "This is a girl."

Uncle He also took out a letter from his arms and said: "This letter was written by the little son before. When he wakes up to recover from his injuries, he will write as long as he has time!"

Gu Xiaowan took it, a thick pile of letters, and I don’t know how much Gu Ningping wrote!

"This kid, why do I write so much, I don't know how to take a good rest and recuperate my body!" Gu Xiaowan scolded angrily, but even though it was annoying, his words were full of gentleness.

I saw Tan Yushu on the side, and tears fell involuntarily: "Sister"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu both crying, Ding Lun said seriously: "Girl, the son knows that you are sick and wants to see you all the time. It's just a military order. He can't enter and leave the barracks at will. This is a military rule!"

When Tan Yushu heard this, he cried more!

"I don't want him to come to see me, I'm fine, as long as he's fine, I'm relieved!"

Tan Yushu started crying. Gu Xiaowan took her into her arms and comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry! Ningping is fine, it's fine, he is fine, and you should be fine too! Let's go back to the room and read the letter. it is good?"

Tan Yushu sobbed and agreed, and the two went back to the room to read the letter.

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