The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1797: Promise you to be together

Since Gu Ningping has nothing to do with Tan Yushu, Ding Lun and Chen Meng have begun to discuss matters about going back.

There are still many things in the capital. Moreover, these are not the most important. Pingyao Town is close to Nanling. If the identities of the two princesses in the Qing Dynasty are revealed, none of them can bear the consequences.

The two went back to the room to read the letter. What they wrote in their hearts was about what they were doing in the frontiers. The letter that he and his uncle gave was a letter from Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu.

This large letter was written before. Although Gu Ningping was still recovering from his injuries at the time, there was no half of the message between the lines. He still wrote the letter to Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yu in a normal human condition.

The letter said that the grain and cotton quilts that Gu Xiaowan sent in the past were delicious and warm. After being distributed to some of the better soldiers around him, they all wanted to thank Gu Xiaowan!

The two people looked at the letter and realized that Gu Ning was safe and sound. They breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Gu Xiaowan knew that Ning Ping was well, and the next step in her heart was to return to the capital as soon as possible.

Although Tan Yushu wanted to see Gu Ningping very much, he also knew that the discipline in the barracks was like an iron barrel and was unbreakable.

After listening to Gu Xiaowan's advice, Tan Yushu reluctantly agreed to return to the capital.

Everyone rested in the inn for the last night, and at dawn the next day, they drove back in the carriage.

On the way, I didn't rush too much. Tan Yushu's illness was almost healed, and there was no worries and worries in his heart, and the illness would naturally heal quickly.

Although it seemed to be on the road, I just rested when I was tired. I got off for a picnic when I reached a place with beautiful mountain scenery. I ate up all the chickens and rabbits Ding Lun bought in Regret Mountain.

In addition to roast chicken and rabbit, in Pingyao town at that time, Gu Xiaowan specially bought a large pot, which could be used to make soup and stir-fry.

Therefore, along the way, Gu Xiaowan changed his tricks to make delicious food for these people, such as stewed chicken, braised chicken, roasted chicken, roasted rabbit, braised rabbit, and the people who ate were all drooling.

Although they had been on the road for several days, everyone was amazed when they arrived in the capital, how could these people have been on the road for such a long time, one by one they were still fat. Of course, this is something later.

It took more than 20 days on this journey, and when it came to the capital, it was already March.

Trees sprout, and the peach trees that can be seen on the road have two or three beautiful peach blossoms. In this green spring, a little red is added.

Gu Xiaowan sent Tan Yushu to the General's Mansion first. Just after getting off the carriage, she saw Tan Yexing standing at the gate. A wrinkled old man stared at Tan Yushu who got out of the carriage.

When Tan Yushu saw Tan Yexing, and goodbye to his sideburns with a lot of white hair, his heart felt like anguish, tears filled his eyes, and he ran forward and shouted: "Grandpa"

Although Tan Yexing had received the Flying Pigeon Biography a long time ago, and everything was fine with Tan Yushu, when he saw his granddaughter, he couldn't help crying. He hugged Tan Yushu and cried, "You child, you are killing me!"

Obviously he is a man with strong bones. He has killed countless enemies on the battlefield. When did he cry his eyes, but the only flesh and blood left without saying goodbye. How could Tan Yexing not be sad!

"Hey grandpa, I won't be so headstrong again next time, I must be obedient!"

The two grandparents hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Gu Xiaowan looked around. Someone looked over here and reminded: "General Tan, there are so many people here, let's go in!"

General Tan huffed: "Go, go back!"

Tan Yexing did not announce to the public that Tan Yushu had gone to the frontier, only that Tan Yushu was seriously ill and was recovering at home.

After entering the house, Tan Yexing was satisfied when he saw Tan Yushu who was safe and sound, and who had gained some weight.

After looking at Gu Xiaowan, she said in a deep voice, "Princess Anping, thank you very much. Thank you for this trip!"

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan got up and knelt in front of Tan Yexing: "General Tan, the junior is here to apologize to you!"

Tan Yexing saw that Gu Xiaowan suddenly knelt in front of him. He was a little dazed, and hurriedly went forward to help her: "Princess Anping, you are" Gu Xiaowan didn't get up, and said, "General Tan, Xiaowan is not good. I have never told you about my Ningping and Tan Yushu. That's what happened! "

When Tan Yushu heard this, he knelt down and said, "Grandpa, this is all my business, not my sister's business! Sister, it's none of your business, it's all my willingness!"

"General Tan, this matter Xiaowan still hopes that the general can give Ning Ping a chance. Although my brother is young and ignorant, and he has no fame, he went to the military camp just to earn a little fame. In the future, Good Shangyushu! These words should not have been said by me, and it is not appropriate to say them now."

Gu Xiaowan paused, and then said, "When this happened, you will definitely have some misunderstandings about my brother. But I can guarantee that Ning Ping is definitely not the kind of villain who tends to be invincible and want to climb higher!"

Tan Yushu also echoed: "Yes, grandpa, brother Ning Ping went to the barracks to be worthy of me. He told me that he wanted to build a fame and marry me in the future! Grandpa, I will listen to you in the future, and I will never be so headstrong again!"

Only then did Tan Yushu understand why Gu Xiaowan said such things just now.

She is the majestic county guardian, the granddaughter of General Hussein Tan Yexing, and the proud daughter of the sky raised by the empress dowager. She can leave casually, or go to the frontier to see a man. If this matter is known, Not to mention how embarrassed Grandpa's face will be, just say that his reputation will also be affected.

Gu Xiaowan was even more worried. Gu Ningping has no fame and fame now, and because of the injury, Tan Yushu has left everything in Beijing to go to the frontier alone.

To put it better, the two people agree.

But if it’s a bit ugly, it’s abducting everyone’s young ladies. If this is spread, Gu Ningping’s reputation will be completely ruined!

Tan Yushu also realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment. She looked at Tan Yexing worriedly, hoping that he would stop worrying about it.

I saw Tan Yexing's face was always gloomy, as if trying to think about something.

"Grandpa, please, I will not run around in the future! Don't worry, I will stay in the capital, stay by your side, I will not go anywhere!" Tan Yushu saw Grandpa's dark face , The scared tears that just stopped coming out again.

I couldn't help but hate myself so much, why didn't he obey and ran away without saying hello.

If it is because of this incident, grandpa does not agree that he is with Ning Ping brother, what should I do!

The more Tan Yushu thought about it, the more sad it became. He raised his head and looked at Tan Yexing beggingly.

Tan Yexing looked at Tan Yushu and asked, "But what you said is true?"

Tan Yushu nodded hurriedly: "Really! It must be true, I won't go anywhere! It's in the capital!"

"Okay, then you will stay in the capital. If you can, embroider the wedding dress early by the way!" Tan Yexing said.

"What? Grandpa" Tan Yushu's eyes suddenly widened when he heard this, "Who do you want me to marry? I won't marry, I won't marry!"

Gu Xiaowan on the side frowned when she heard this, and looked up at Tan Yexing and said again: "General Tan, our Ning Ping has a deep affection for Yushu. Please also give them a chance for the two children who are in agreement. , Give Ning Ping a chance!"

Tan Yushu also stared at Tan Yexing with amazed eyes: "Grandpa, you have always loved me the most, you can't"

Tan Yexing snorted coldly: "What? Didn't you ignore it when you went to find him? It was just asking you to embroider a wedding gown, and you were pushing back and forth? Didn't you want me to reconsider?"

"Huh?" Tan Yushu didn't understand it. After he understood, he smiled and said hurriedly: "No need, I'm going to embroider, I'm going to embroider!"

Gu Xiaowan understood what Tan Yexing meant, and followed with a long sigh of relief: "Thank you, General Tan!"

This was an unexpected surprise. Gu Xiaowan didn't expect it to be that General Tan had allowed the two children.

Leaving the General’s Mansion, when Gu Xiaowan was about to get into the carriage, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind. She saw Ding Lun standing behind, arching his hands and saying to her: "Girl, you promised that you won’t forget the things you belonged to. ?"

The words are full of grievances.

Seeing his aggrieved appearance, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "How could you forget, when you are free, go to Qingyuan to hand over the post, and come with Lieutenant General Chen! I'm waiting for the clearing of the garden at any time!"

"What the girl said is true?" When Ding Lun heard it, his brows were overjoyed.

"Naturally, I promised Uncle Ding's thing, so I won't regret it!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and got into the carriage, smiling Ding Lun was still happy as a child who had picked up a candy.

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