The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1799: Matchmaker

The two were drinking tea when they saw Codan walking hurriedly. After whispering in Zuo's ear, they saw Zuo's face suddenly changing color: "Really?"

"It's right at the door, it's true!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the panic look of the two maids, and smiled amusedly: "What's wrong with the two of you? Why are you looking like the sky is falling down? What scares you like this!"


Innocent is going to fall down!

Zuo's small face turned pale with fright, and hurriedly ran into the tea room: "Girl, someone is here!"

"Who's here? It's such a fuss, how can your face be so scared!" Tan Yushu had never seen Zuo panicked so much, and smiled funny.

"Who's here? It scares you like this!" Gu Xiaowan also asked.

"Auntie, there's an iceman outside!" Zuo finally stammered, and saw everyone present in shock.

When Gu Xiaowan sat down in the main hall, she saw Kou Dan brought a woman in her fifties. She was wearing a thin flower jacket, her face was covered with white powder, and her lips were blood-red, as if she wanted to eat. People are average.

There is a flower on the back of the ear, and a big mole on the corner of the mouth. It looks so funny and funny. This is really an iceman!

Before Gu Xiaowan spoke, she saw her mother-in-law praying for a salute, and she spoke: "Princess Anping, overjoyed, overjoyed!"

Sure enough, when the matchmaker opened her mouth, she was an unchanging joy!

"Oh, dare to ask this lady, where do I like to come from?" Gu Xiaowan said as if she didn't know.

The woman was happy to bloom at the moment: "Anping Princess, I am a famous flower woman in the city, who specializes in the marriage line and tells people to match the marriage. Do you think this marriage is a big joy?"

Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Really?"

"Princess, I heard that you are the biggest in this family. Although you can't tell you directly about this matchmaking matter, but if you have the final say in your family, you can only tell you. Come to propose a marriage and tell the three sons of Shang Shufu's family, do you think it will work?"

Granny Hua finished speaking, and immediately praised the reincarnations of Maebi Panan and Wenquxing from the third son of the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War. What she said was a silly descent, and this person was not well appointed to the name of the Jade Emperor.

The mother-in-law Hua said a lot, and then asked: "Princess, you see, if you agree to this marriage, Shangshufu's family is willing to offer an eighty-eight betrothal gift, do you think it is not?"

It's really not good that no one in the house is in charge. Gu Xiaowan heard such a naked begging. Although she had lived for more than 30 years, her skin was still red.

After living so long, only seventeen years old in this life, it's the third or fourth time that someone has come to match.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan not speaking, the flower lady thought that there was a play, so she said, "This man is gentle, kind and considerate. If the princess marries, it will naturally be a husband and wife who love each other and raise their eyebrows. It's full, the princess's life is Fukuzawa!"

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