The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1800: Ran into

It's really just a word from the matchmaker's mouth that old trees can sprout.

If this is an ordinary woman who has heard such tempting words, who would not blush and wish to see this three young master who looks better than Pan An and has a literary style.

It's just that if this lady of the flower tells others, maybe others will be moved, but who is the person in front of you?

Gu Xiaowan chuckled, and winked at Zuo who was on the side, and saw Zuo pinched a purse and gave the mother-in-law Hua: "Mother-in-law, my princess is still young, so let's not mention this marriage for now!"

"Young? Not too young, not too young, the princess, you are seventeen! My lady Hua is at your age, and the children are three or four years old!" Lady Hua heard that Gu Xiaowan was using it. When I was young, I started to yell, "Girl, you are in a good time now!"

As soon as Zuo heard this, his face went black immediately.

This is the master's daughter-in-law. Where can anyone be allowed to come in? It's not bad to let this person in. This person is still here chirping, talking about messy things.

Although she knew that the girl would definitely not agree, but a matchmaker came

If the master knows about this, they will not have enough heads to cut!

"Mr. Hua, I'm still young, and the relationship is not in a hurry, please come back first!" Gu Xiaowan did not want to say any more. This matchmaker came to the door, it was a fruitless thing, and she did not want to waste other people's time.

"Hey, princess, don't! If you think it's still early, you can make a date first, and it won't be too late to get married after a year or two!" Granny Hua still didn't give up.

But Zuo had already half-pushed and half-pulled Granny Hua to the gate. The Granny Hua still didn't give up, and shouted as she walked: "Princess, this is a good marriage. I passed this village. But there is no such shop. The third son is a good beloved, I’m"

The second half of the sentence was not finished by the mother-in-law Hua, so she creaked and cut her off, as if someone had covered her mouth, or the person didn't dare to say it after half of it.

Gu Xiaowan was clean anyway, and she smiled bitterly when she thought of the red and green matchmaker coming to propose marriage.

And Tan Yushu on the side began to ridicule: "Sister, you are now the celebrity next to the Empress Dowager, and Anping Princess. With this wave, I am afraid that it will be behind."

"What's behind?" Gu Xiaowan asked hurriedly.

"I'm afraid that the threshold of your clear garden will be stepped on!" Tan Yushu said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan glared at her: "I don't know what to say, my threshold has been stepped on, and who will help me fix it!"

It's no wonder that Tan Yushu said this, the threshold of clearing the garden was indeed stepped on in the next half month.

I don't know who revealed it. The grandmother Hua in the capital proposed marriage for the third son of the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War. The Anping County lord did not agree.

This is good, some people started, and the rest of life is afraid that they will be too late to eat, and there will be matchmakers going to Qingyuan every day.

The few days come one, and the more days come three or four strokes.

It was not the children of this family, or the children of that general. In short, after half a month, everyone in the capital would know.

The Gu family girl in Qingyuan is now a hundred families.

Suddenly, Gu Xiaowan's fame was outside. Whoever mentioned Gu Xiaowan from the Gu family was envious of those who did not mention her thumb.

This Gu's eldest girl is terrific. People are all shopping around. She is a family with a hundred women who want, and she can compare with a hundred.

Gee, it's really a good fate!

Gu Xiaowan, as the heroine of the incident, can only assume that she has never heard of it or seen it.

In addition to the Iceman, some of the officials and family members who came to come to the matchmaker specially invited some very prestigious women to come as a matchmaker in order to pay attention to them. They were all regarded as young by Gu Xiaowan. Blocked back from the head.

Suddenly, the Anping Monarch was picked up by the Iceman with dozens of hundreds of matchmakers, but they were not sure, but everyone's hearts were stretched like a string.

On this day, the spring was bright and beautiful. When Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu went to Fujinlou to eat hot pot, they ran into a group of people.

Tan Yushu saw it behind him, and said in a puzzled manner: "Sister, I don't know what luck Gu Xintao has had, but now he is entangled with the two concubines of the Fang family!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard it, she hurriedly lifted the driving curtain and looked at it. Sure enough, she saw Gu Xintao dressed in silk and satin, with delicate makeup, and a little girl in green clothes behind her. Seeing that posture, she seemed to be like a young lady. , Following among a few people, those who hugged and hugged also entered Fujinlou.

"Hey, the girl next to her looked downright, as if she had never seen it before!" Tan Yushu asked.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at it and said, "That's Liu Siyi, the niece of Liu Ju, Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple!"

Gu Xiaowan felt strange that when Liu Xue greeted her last time, didn't it mean that they had sent Liu Siyi back to her hometown? And also said that she was never allowed to return to the capital?

What, how many days have passed since then, are you back?

Gu Xiaowan sneered in her heart. Gu Xintao and Liu Siyi were getting mixed up, and she was afraid that something messed up again.

Although I saw it at the door, it was not in the same box after all. Xiao Shengzi reserved the quietest room for Gu Xiaowan. The big guy didn’t insist on whether he was the master or the servant. They are holding their stomachs and shouting for satisfaction.

After resting for a while, Gu Xiaowan and the others went downstairs.

What a coincidence, as soon as I left the house, I saw a few people coming out from the opposite wing. Hearing the delicate voice, Gu Xiaowan didn't need to look at it. It wasn't Gu Xintao, or who!

"Oh, isn't this Princess Anping?" When Gu Xintao saw Gu Xiaowan, where there was a blushing face, she immediately changed her face, and came to Gu Xiaowan's side as she trot, with a sincere expression on her face: " Xintao wishes the Anping Princess and Huguo Princess!"

That respectful and humbling look, as if it was not her cousin Gu Xiaowan who was waiting in front of her, but the emperor Lao Tzu who wanted her life.

The three of them rushed over to see Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu all bowing one by one.

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