The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1805: Lunar Pavilion damaged

Isn't this wine used for banquets?

There is no banquet in the house recently, so why do you buy so much wine?

Gu Xiaowan bought five or six cylinders of wine and filled them one by one in half-large containers. There were old wines that had been stored for many years, and new wines released this year. After paying the money, he gave the guy an address, and then he went out. Wine shop.

After getting on the carriage, Gu Xiaowan still looked excited, Zuo and Kou Dan were even more confused: "Girl, do you buy so much wine?"

"It's useful!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile: "I suddenly discovered that Xiao Yi is also thirteen this year. In two years, I am afraid I will watch her marry out. My eldest sister is like a mother. I want to buy more wine and keep it at home. My sister is just like my girl. When she gets married, I will take out all the wine and have a banquet for the guests.

Gu Xiaowan said excitedly.

At this moment, Zuo and Kou Dan realized!

Feelings are a whim of the girl's desire to buy a wedding banquet for the little lady!


Seeing the girl's excited look, Zuo and Kou Dan also laughed in their hearts.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"Girl, you are the eldest sister, you have not been married yet, if you want to use this wine, you should use it first!" Zuo said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan listened and was taken aback for a moment. Even if he returned to normal, she said with a thief: "Then you can rest assured, I buy a lot, and I bought both you and Kou Dan!"

To tease her? Don't look at how old Gu Xiaowan lived.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Zuo and Kou Dan were blushing like monkey buttocks. Zuo was okay, Kou Dan had a thin face, and he dared to talk wherever he was, so he lowered his head and poured tea.

Gu Xiaowan was quite relieved to see the blushes of the two of them.

However, I started to plan for these two in my heart.

Zuo and Koudan are not too young anymore, if they see something suitable, they should really plan for them.

I don't know why, since the Iceman came wave after wave, the things in her mind were different from before.

In a blink of an eye, she was seventeen, Gu Ning'an and Gu Ningping were both fifteen, and Gu Xiaoyi was also thirteen.

This age is not considered small at this time.

But apart from her and Gu Ningping, there is no movement from Gu Ning'an and Gu Xiaoyi! Gu Ning’an is not worried. After all, she is a man. It’s okay to stand at thirty, but the girl’s is different, although she knows that she is still young at thirteen. , Modern words have just entered junior high school.

But she doesn't care about going to the countryside, she doesn't care, after all, she is a woman of the new era, Gu Xiaoyi is different, she is from this dynasty, her thinking is different from her, she is too conservative!

Gu Xiaowan thought about it this way, and there were two more things in her mind.

After buying the wine, Gu Xiaowan did not go home directly, but went to Lanyue Pavilion.

When I walked into Lanyue Pavilion, I saw nothing but a guest in it.

Seeing people coming in, the parrot opened his mouth and shouted: "Welcome, welcome to visitor, visitor!"

As soon as the curtain was moved, it was lifted, and Jiang Bu was still coming out from behind, with a respectful smile on his face.

He originally calculated the bill at the back, and when he was about to come out, he heard the cry of the parrot and hurried out. He thought it was a visitor, but he didn’t expect it was the shopkeeper. of!"

"Why are there no guests today?" Gu Xiaowan looked at the cold look here, feeling a little strange in her heart: "Did you just send a batch of things yesterday? Why are they still there? They are not sold?"

As soon as Jiang did not hear this, his face was a little embarrassed. When he was thinking about how to answer, an arrogant voice came from behind: "Who is here? Isn't it another refund?"

Listen to that voice, it's not who Gu Hai is!

Looking back on Xiao Wan’s visit to Gu Hai’s house, I saw that Gu Hai said that the old mother was alive and well. Later, Zuo went to investigate and discovered that Gu Hai was obsessed with gambling. It excuses that there is an old mother in the family to take care of and gamble outside.

After Gu Xiaowan learned about Gu Hai’s gambling, she personally approached him. Xiaozhi moved him to reason and gave him fifty taels of silver to repay his gambling debts. Gu Hai also repeatedly said that he would not gamble anymore, and he didn’t know now What has become!

When Gu Hai said about refunding the money, Gu Xiaowan was a little curious: "What is the refund?"

Jiang Bui was still a little embarrassed, and blushed and said, "The shopkeeper is nothing!"

"Say!" Seeing Jiang Buhui's embarrassed look, how did Gu Xiaowan feel that this matter has something to do with him?

Before Jiang didn't speak, he saw Gu Hai walking out, with an arrogant look. When he saw Gu Xiaowan again, he immediately changed a flattering expression and stepped forward with joy: "The shopkeeper, you are here! "

"You just said to refund the money, what is the refund? Who will refund the money?" Gu Xiaowan asked again.

"You don't know the story, don't you know?" Gu Hai glanced at Gu Xiaowan, and saw the doubt on her face, so he didn't hide it, and said all the beans in the bamboo tube: "The shopkeeper, this is the capital of Beijing. It’s spread all over, saying that this Lanyue Pavilion was made by the domestic slave. Now that you are rich, you have driven away the domestic slave, saying that you hate the poor and love the rich, always abandon the chaos, and gossip."

Gu Hai said ill of Gu Xiaowan one sentence after another without panting. Gu Xiaowan frowned upon hearing it.

Seeing that Gu Hai was still talking, Jiang Bulu anxiously blushed behind him, hurriedly went to La Gu Hai, and shouted: "Gu butler, don't talk anymore!"

Gu Hai glanced at Jiang Buhuan displeasedly, and then saw Gu Xiaowan's brows frowning, and a trace of triumph flashed between her head and her eyes.

But she didn’t show it at all on the face, as if she didn’t care at all, she said, "Girl, the people outside have spread the word, your reputation is damaged, and it’s really a big blow to our Moon Pavilion. Since yesterday afternoon, People keep coming back! They said they don’t want the doll dolls of the Moon Tower, and they said that the doll dolls of the Moon Tower are not clean!"

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