The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1806: Things must be reversed

"Presumptuous, Gu butler, do you know who the person standing in front of you is? So rude!" Gu Hai is really rude, and it's totally unreasonable to say something ugly!

Zuo was still yelling, and he saw Gu Xiaowan waved her hand, motioning her not to say anything, turned her head, and asked Gu Hai, who was dissatisfied, "Oh, is it?"

Gu Xiaowan's voice was cold, and she didn't see any joy or anger at all.

Gu Hai nodded, and there seemed to be a hint of resentment in his voice: "Isn't it? Now it's crazy outside! The shopkeeper, you said you Jinzhiyuye, how could you do such an unbearable thing! Now, everyone in Beijing knows After this incident, you said that your reputation is so unbearable. The puppet dolls made here are probably the same. People who ordered here before are now coming to refund money, saying that they would rather have an imitation than not. This is true!"

Behind him, Jiang Buhuan's face was pale, frowning and staring at Gu Hai.

Gu Xiaowan chuckled slightly: "So, I didn't expect my business to delay the business of Lanyue Pavilion!"

"The shopkeeper, this Lanyue Pavilion is relying on this puppet doll to live, and now that so many customers are lost, how can I live the future!" Gu Hai lamented, it seems that Lanyue Pavilion is about to It seems to be closed down!

Gu Xiaowan ignored Gu Hai and said to Jiang Bu, who was behind him: "If someone else comes to refund the money, you should return the money to them in accordance with the procedures. Don't delay others' time!"

Jiang didn't expect that the shopkeeper would not consider himself or those people at this time. Although he lamented in his heart, there is nothing he can do about it!

This is the business of the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper is not in a hurry, what can he do! I can only return the money to others according to what the shopkeeper said!

After Gu Xiaowan said this, she lifted her foot and walked outside.

Gu Hai saw that she was gone and didn't send it out, so he sang at the back: "You, the shopkeeper, go slowly, I have a lot of things here, so I won't send it out!"

He raised his slightly drooping head, with a look of arrogance and contempt.

Jiang Bulu also sent Gu Xiaowan out, with a worried expression on his face: "The shopkeeper, the ancient butler, don't take it to heart!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled. Just about to talk about Hu, she looked up and saw Gu Haiyin behind the door, seeming to be eavesdropping on what they were talking about. After thinking about it, what came to her lips became this: "Lan Yue Pavilion thanks to Gu butler, and he too Taking Lanyue Pavilion as his business, that's why he speaks rudely. I can save it!"

Then Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage, and through the gap of the curtain, it seemed that he could still see a corner of Gu Hai's gorgeous costume.

Jiang Buddy frowned and returned to Lanyue Pavilion. He saw Gu Hai standing behind the counter with a look of arrogance: "What are you doing with frowning now? Anyway, the monthly monthly salary is so much, and you can do more business. You can't have one more copper plate, and you can't miss a copper plate if you lose one business. What are you worried about!"

This Gu Hai, turning his mouth full of thoughts just now for the sake of Guanyue Pavilion, said dismissively at this moment.

Jiang didn't hear this, and he was a little angry: "Gu butler, this Lanyue Pavilion is our food and clothing parents, I am naturally in a hurry! Don't you?"

"I'm not in a hurry? Of course I am in a hurry!" Gu Hai said dodgingly, "Without business, maybe our job is gone!"

When Jiang didn't return it, he was anxious: "Ancient butler, Lan Yuege is well, and he will definitely get up later!"

Gu Hai saw that Jiang didn't return that angrily, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and stopped talking to Jiang, but walked inside and said, "Who knows! Things must be reversed. Everyone knows the truth!"

Inside the carriage, Gu Xiaowan didn't speak, but Zuo was a little worried: "Girl, what should I do now?"

The girl was just trying to stop those ice men from entering the house to propose marriage. I didn’t expect that these people would say such ugly words, and it would affect the business of Lanyue Pavilion. If the situation develops, who knows it will be derived. What kind of thing comes.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "It's okay, Xiao Yi is also tired recently, so I took this opportunity to let her take a good rest!"

"Girl, everything else is easy to talk about, but it's about your reputation. If these people talk nonsense, who knows what ugly things will be said!" Kou Dan said angrily.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "Now that I think I dislike the poor and love the rich, Chao Qin Muchu is already the most ugly. What more ugly things can I say. Let them go!"

"Girl" Zuo saw that Gu Xiaowan was completely unmoved, and was a little surprised: "This is your fame and reputation. Do you really care about it?"

"Naturally, I care!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and replied, "What are you doing with Brother Yizhi? How can these people say it in a few words? It doesn't matter whether I am too poor or rich, I am not such a person. Brother Yizhi is not such a person either. Both of us don't care. How can they hurt me even if they say so much?"

After Gu Xiaowan finished speaking, she stopped talking.

Zuo and Kou Dan glanced at each other. There is no way. Although the girl is a gentle temper, her temper is stubborn. The things she recognizes, no matter what others say, will not change.

Sure enough, to everyone’s expectations, no iceman stepped onto the door in Qingyuan anymore. Those who had gone to beg for a kiss before, but now they patted their chests in fear. It was very dangerous that Anping County Lord did not agree to them at that time. If they did. If you do, marry a daughter-in-law who is so poor, loves the rich and has a bad reputation.

But overnight, Gu Xiaowan turned into a wicked woman from the Gu family, and no one dared to ask for it.

At the gate of Qingyuan, the courtyard was cold and the carriages were scarce, but in an instant, Gu Xiaowan's bad reputation was like a plague spreading throughout the capital.

Shu Min was lying comfortably on the soft couch, covered with a thin layer of silk quilt, closing her eyes and listening to Gu Xintao's report. Hearing that Gu Xiaowan has become a person all over Beijing nowadays, Shu Min excitedly shot Palm good.

"Good, good, good, good!" Shu Min even said several good things, which shows that she is happy.

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