The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1810: Can't wait

Su Qianyue said, "Mother, don't you know, now the whole capital is open. It turns out that when she was in the country, she once saved a beggar, and later, when she saw that the beggar could do things, she stayed at home and became a home. The slave also had feelings with the beggar. The two made a kiss. With that beggar, their family's life was getting better and better. Later, after Gu Xiaowan arrived in the capital, Xu saw that the beggar was shabby, and she just kicked it. The beggar was kicked away! Now, I don't know where the beggar went, whether it is alive or dead!"

"Is there such a thing?" Madam Su frowned. Although she was surprised in her heart, she was a little grateful. Fortunately, she didn't send anyone to propose a marriage. Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to put this matter on anyone's head!

"How can there be fakes!" Su Qianyue said with a serious face: "This is one of her cousins ​​who came from a rural area and went to her. How did you know that Gu Xiaowan was disgusted and drove everyone out of the door, let alone this. It's a relative who has broken bones and connected tendons. Even ordinary strangers can't be so cruel when they see people in despair!"

Madam Su nodded: "Yes, I didn't expect this Anping Princess to look glamorous from outside, but I didn't expect such a nasty thing to happen!"

Su Qianyue coldly snorted: "Who said no! I thought she was a pure country girl, and she got everything she has now step by step by her own ability. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect it to be earned by others. Yes, she would be better. She didn't thank others, and kicked others. Mother, who is a woman who has forgotten her righteousness like this, who marries and who is not unlucky?"

Mrs. Su nodded and said, "Indeed, how about those who go to propose marriage now?"

Su Qianyue laughed: "What else? Fortunately, Gu Xiaowan didn't agree to anyone. Now, everyone is secretly rejoicing that Gu Xiaowan didn't agree to anyone! But who knows, maybe tomorrow, she just Knowing her own position, she agreed with a good one! But, her reputation is so stinky, who will marry her! It's just humiliation!"

Madam Su nodded, now she doesn't need to sigh.

On the side of her son, she is not allowed to need what she is talking about. Gu Xiaowan's reputation is already like that, and she is an innocent and unclean woman. This time when Zi Yue comes back, no matter what she says, all this will pass.

As the mother and daughter were talking, Su Qianyue was full of emotions in her heart: "Mother, the lower the girl in this world, the more nasty. With a lowly identity, flying to the branch, but there will always be one On the day, I will fall heavily, and my body will be broken to pieces!"

Madam Su nodded approvingly: "I hope your brother can wake up this time and never fall into the quagmire again!"

No one knew that Su Ziyue had returned at this moment, two or three days earlier than the scheduled time.

He entered the gate of the mansion and went directly to Mrs. Su's courtyard to greet him. No matter how he knew it, just when he approached, he heard the voices of his mother and sister from inside.

And the person they were talking about was not Gu Xiaowan, but who was it!

He who has been thinking about it all these days!

Su Ziyue has been doing business outside all this time, and naturally, he has never heard of the rumors about Gu Xiaowan.

At this moment, Su Ziyue was taken aback when she heard Su Qianyue and her mother talk about Gu Xiaowan.

After listening to some, he frowned, and went back to his courtyard without asking Ann.

The beginning of chaos, the end of abandonment, the dislike of the poor, the love of the rich, the unchastity and uncleanness, one after another ugly words stuck in Su Ziyue's heart like a steel needle.

Lai Qing also heard the conversation between the lady and the lady just now, and when he heard these things, he was surprised.

During this period of time outside, the son will always be distracted from time to time, looking at no one place as if he is looking at someone. When other people ask the son, he only says that he is thinking about something, but Laiqing knows that he is probably thinking about who again Anping princess is now.

However, it is good to have such news.

The son no longer has to think about it all day long. He originally thought he was a good girl, but he didn't expect to be such a person.

A girl got a name that started chaos and abandoned her. This life is probably ruined, but don’t let the son go to the Anping princess again. If you go forward again, I am afraid that the Anping princess will be pestered. The son will not let go!

When Laiqing thought about it like this, he naturally had a plan in his heart. When Su Ziyue went out, he casually asked, "Master, where are you going?"

Su Ziyue rushed out: "Go to Qingyuan!"


Isn’t Qingyuan the place where Anping County Lord lives? What is the son doing at this time?

Seeing Gongzi's gloomy look, Laiqing thought in his heart, maybe Gongzi was going to a showdown with Anping County Lord!

Laiqing was excited and hurriedly followed.

Where did I know, Su Ziyue hurriedly turned around, saw him following, and said, "You don't have to follow!"

After coming to Qingli Madon to live, he saw the son hurried out of the yard and disappeared from his vision.

This is a good thing, a good thing!

Su Ziyue hurriedly left Su Mansion, and Da Ma drove towards Qingyuan.

He didn't believe it, even if he heard it with his own ears, he didn't believe it.

Su Ziyue's horse quickly arrived at the gate of Qingyuan. He got off the horse and hurriedly knocked on the door.

Kou Hai heard the knock on the door and soon knocked on the door's face. When he saw Su Ziyue, he was suddenly puzzled: "Master Su, you are"

"Is the princess of your family here?" Su Ziyue couldn't wait to ask, with an anxious expression on his face, putting his hand on the door frame, with faint strength inside.

"Why did the son look for my princess?" Kou Hai felt Su Ziyue's recklessness, and said a little displeased: "My princess doesn't see the foreigner, please come back!"

After speaking, he secretly forced the door to close.

Su Ziyue hurriedly resisted, and said anxiously: "Thank you, go and report to your princess, saying that Ziyue doesn't see the princess today, so he has been waiting here until the princess sees me!"

Nowadays, there are so many people who avoid Qingyuan and Gu Xiaowan, especially those who have come to mention relatives, but they are not enough to avoid Qingyuan. In the past two days, no one has come to the house.

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