The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1811: Look at her nicely

Kou Hai frowned, seeing Su Ziyue's stern and determined look. He was afraid that he would not let it go if he didn't see the girl today, so he nodded and said, "You wait here, I will go back to Tongbing. My girl!"

A hint of gratitude appeared on Su Ziyue's face: "Thank you!"

Kou Hai entered Gu Xiaowan's yard and asked Kou Dan to talk. Kou Dan was surprised and hurriedly reported the matter to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan was lying lazily under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, basking in the sun, reading a book, covered with a thin blanket, making it even more lazy.

Hearing Codan's report, Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised: "What is he here for?"

"He said, I must see you girl today, otherwise, he said he will wait until the girl sees him!" Codan conveyed his brother's words intact.

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she gently closed the book she was reading, put it on the coffee table beside her, took a sip of hot tea, and muttered to herself, what is he doing now?

When Su Ziyue looked at herself, Gu Xiaowan could see the love in her eyes clearly, and she knew exactly what her reputation had become now.

Gu Xiaowan took a sip of hot tea, put it back on the coffee table, got up and said softly, "Let him go to the main hall!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan went back to the room and cleaned up. She is at home now, naturally how comfortable she is. Now that she wants to see guests, she naturally wants to go back and take care of it again.

It was just a moment's effort, Gu Xiaowan took Zuo to the main hall.

When Su Ziyue heard Kou Hai come to invite him in, his heart jumped. He wanted to enter the gate of Qingyuan many times, but when he returned to the gate, he didn't have the courage to come in. Now, he finally got what he wanted.

I heard that Qingyuan was rented by Gu Xiaowan. No one had lived in this garden before. Therefore, outsiders were full of curiosity about the appearance of Qingyuan.

After Su Ziyue came in, but took a faint glance, he closed his eyes and followed Kou Hai to the main hall.

When he got to the main hall, Kou Hai asked him to sit down and pour the tea. The tea was served quickly. Su Ziyue was fidgeting and stood up, staring at the door, looking baffledly.

After a while, I saw a person walking lightly at the door, not who Gu Xiaowan was!

He went out of town a few days ago and didn't know what excuse he could find to see her before he left. He hadn't seen each other for months.

I just feel that after this period of time, her stature is much taller, her complexion is slightly reduced, but her face is still delicate and moving.

Those beautiful eyebrows, as deep as a pool of water, can **** most of the human mind.

Su Ziyue looked at the woman who was getting closer in this way. The exquisite and magnificent face and the smile on the walk were like a piece of poison, which made him feel heartache and sweet.

It's like crazy.

At this moment, there were no other people except the people in Qingyuan. Su Ziyue didn't know why, and suddenly had the courage to look at the people who came by with such a good eye!

It seems to be engraved in the heart and in the mind of the shadow that came! Gu Xiaowan came with this style, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Su Ziyue standing at the door.

She was a little curious as to why when no one greeted her, she saw Su Ziyue staring at herself, the enthusiasm in her eyes made it hard to resist!

Looking up, I saw that Su Ziyue's eyes were full of affection, and he looked at himself so nicely, as if full of affection.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi are naturally affectionate in the usual days. When the two look at each other, it is naturally you and me.

However, she has nothing to do with Su Ziyue, and she looks at people affectionately.

Gu Xiaowan frowned, glanced at Su Ziyue, there was already anger between her eyebrows, and she turned to leave.

But Su Ziyue seemed to have found nothing, with a dull expression. He just looked at her like that, and didn't even dodge!

When Zuo saw this, she became even more angry. She looked at Gu Xiaowan and her expression was bad, and she asked, "Girl, why don't I drive him out!"

Gu Xiaowan kept walking. Seeing the person opposite, she didn't know why, but her mind moved, and her anger was reduced by three points. She shook her head and said, "No need!"

After speaking, he strode towards the main hall, getting closer and closer to Su Ziyue.

Su Ziyue's thoughts were all on the opposite person, watching her getting closer and closer, the whole person seemed to be nailed by a nail, and he couldn't even move. Yes

Even if Gu Xiaowan had arrived in front of him, he didn't react at all, and his eyes moved with Gu Xiaowan's movement.

Kou Hai, who was on the side of "Su Gongzi, Su Gongzi" hurriedly shouted a few times, his voice getting louder and louder.

And Su Ziyue didn't react at all, just watched it so nicely.

Gu Xiaowan ignored him, sitting in the top position and drinking tea calmly.

She didn't care much about Su Zi reading this book, naturally she was fearless in whatever he did.

But today, this is really a great opportunity!

Therefore, when Zuo said that he was going to drive him out, Gu Xiaowan suddenly thought of something and decided to come to see him.

It wasn't until Kou Hai stood in front of Su Ziyue to block his sight, Su Ziyue reacted, conscious of his gaffe just now, he hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "I'm sorry the princess just now."

I heard that Su Zi was very knowledgeable and had never seen stage fright when he fought against the Confucians, but at this moment

Gu Xiaowan was drinking tea, pointing to a side position, and Lang Sheng said, "Sit down, please!"

Su Ziyue was overjoyed, and hurriedly picked up a seat that was closest to Gu Xiaowan's position, pretended to drink tea, and glanced at Gu Xiaowan secretly: "I haven't seen the princess for a long time. The princess has reduced a lot, but what happened recently? "

Seeing the tiredness between Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows and eyes, Su Ziyue asked with concern and concern.

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to be entangled in this indifferent matter. She put down the tea cup in her hand and waved her hand in a cold voice: "I'm fine! What's the matter with Master Su coming this time? If there is something wrong, just say it!" !--rm-->

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