The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1822: I forgot my roots a long time ago

And Shu Min whispered to Song Qingshi quietly in a place where no one had seen it: "It just so happens that I and her are at odds. If it weren't for her, my Broken Yu Gu Zhai would be the best restaurant in Beijing, she robbed me. I have to do a good job with her for her business, this account! If you need me, even if you speak, I will do my best to help you!"

"I want her to be ruined, and then look at her talents, those knowledge, after the ruin, even a peasant girl is inferior to her, just see how she marries into the palace!" Song Qing said viciously.

The two smiled at each other, and they saw the viciousness and viciousness in each other's eyes.

At this moment, a voice came: "Princess, everything is ready, the banquet can start anytime!"

"Okay, thank you Mr. Gu!" Shu Min looked up and saw Gu Chuanlu standing in front of her respectfully, not flattering.

"This is all the little ones should do!" Gu Chuanlu didn't expect Shu Min to thank him, and said happily.

A few days ago, he went to work in the Suiyu Guzhai, and sure enough, the inside of the Suiyu Guzhai was very different from the restaurants in Ruixian.

The magnificent decoration here, such a luxurious restaurant, he has never seen before. The tables and chairs here are made of yellow rosewood, and the dishes and chopsticks used here are all first-class. Fired from the official kiln, exquisite and delicate.

And the clothes they wore. Gu Chuanlu is now the accountant of Suiyu Guzhai and the shopkeeper of Suiyu Guzhai. The clothes he wears are naturally the best in the restaurant, silk satin and feather towel.

This man relies on clothes, horses, and saddles. When he wears this silk and satin, he looks like a master!

The most amazing thing is Gu Chuanlu, he has never seen such a good fabric.

Now, this hair is three sets in hand, and when worn, it looks personable and elegant like a teacher.

Moreover, there is a monthly salary of fifty taels of silver each month. He used to work in other restaurants, even if he did not earn fifty taels of silver in one year!

None of this is said, the key is to stand in this broken jade ancient house and stand behind the counter. Those guys in the restaurant respectfully call themselves Mr., and those who come to dine, those guests, who are they not? If you are rich or expensive, when you see yourself, you don't say that you are respectful, but the three-point thin face of this face is also for yourself!

You know, there are many ministers who come here to eat. They are those in front of the emperor, and he can see them. If Ziwen enters the official career in the future, he needs these people to help, it is like a fish in the water!

No, no, King Ming is one person above 10,000 people. He has the favor of King Ming. What kind of official does Ziwen want to be?

Now he only needs to agree with the Mingwang family!

Gu Chuanlu was respectful, even a little flattering, Shu Min took Song Qing's hand: "Master Qing, let's sit in!"

Then I heard Caiyue next to Shu Min say loudly, "Ladies, please come in!"

When the ladies who were looking at the calligraphy and painting heard it, they moved to the nearest position beside them. After a while, the three tables were full.

Gu Xiaowan was standing at the back, naturally choosing the back seat and sitting down.

As soon as I took the seat, I saw a voice: "Anping Princess, Huguo Princess, Mingdu Princess invites you to sit here!"

Gu Xiaowan heard this sound a little familiar, and when she turned her head to look, she didn't expect to see a familiar face, a servant of the wind and dust before, but now it looks like a red face, full of silk and silk, with compelling extravagance!

"Uncle" Gu Xiaowan called.

Gu Chuanlu didn't even lift his eyelids, and hurriedly lowered his head: "The princess, the little one, dare not be a princess. You are the princess, but the little one is just a clerk! I dare not be, dare not be!"

Gu Xiaowan saw his triumphant face, where he seemed to be half humble, and his face full of joy, but very happy!

Shu Min walked over at this moment and asked in surprise, "Mr. Gu, I asked you to invite two princesses to sit here, why didn't you come over!"

Gu Chuanlu bowed his head and said respectfully: "If you go back to the princess, this will go!"

Shu Min hurriedly went to pull Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu with a smile, and said with a smile: "This Daqing is our three princesses. Why are you sitting here? You two are sitting here. Let's dare to move the others! Come, Come with me soon!"

After speaking, they took Gu Xiaowan's hands affectionately and they were about to leave. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Gu Chuanlu asked suspiciously, "Mr. Gu, I heard that you are also from Liujia Town in Ruixian County, the lord of Anping County. You are also from Ruixian County, and both of you have the surname Gu, you, don’t have any relationship!

Gu Chuanlu did not speak, and could not see his expression.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Gu Xiaowan said, "He is my uncle!"

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Gu is the uncle of Anping County Lord! Unexpectedly, you still have this relative! This is a relative who can no longer be relatives!" Shu Min smiled and clapped his hands in praise.

I heard Gu Chuanlu arching his hands toward Shu Min and saying, "The Mingdu princess is not good at this, and the youngest takes people as relatives, but they are already high-ranking princesses, but they dislike the humble status of the young. That's it!"

"Where do you start? Mr. Gu? Anping county lord is a benevolent person, so kind and charitable, you must not wrong the Anping county lord by your words!" Shu Min hurriedly shouted: "You are Anping county The Lord’s pro-uncle, in her blood, she sheds the same blood as you! Even if you are now in a high position, the roots are still there and you can’t forget your roots!"

Su Min's words successfully attracted the attention of all the daughters. After listening to Shu Min's words, everyone looked here, and they looked at Gu Chuanlu and Gu Xiaowan.

Unexpectedly, the accountant of Suiyu Guzhai was still the uncle of Anping County Lord, and listening to this uncle's tone seemed to have a lot of dissatisfaction with Anping County Lord.

Gu Chuanlu glanced at Gu Xiaowan on the side with cold eyes: "I have been away from home for too long, and I have forgotten everything about it! Even my big living person has now forgotten, let alone the dead things in the house. That's it!"

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