The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1823: Right and wrong

Gu Chuanlu's words seem to be ironic of Gu Xiaowan's becoming the head of Anping County, she has forgotten her roots and is ruthless!

Shu Min was surprised: "Mr. Gu, how do you explain this?"

Gu Xiaowan watched Shu Min and Gu Chuanlu say something to me, and there was no chance to speak for themselves at all, so she looked at her with cold eyes.

I saw Gu Chuanlu knelt in front of Shu Min with a sudden thump, and said angrily: "The subordinates who dragged their family to the capital last year, were thinking of going to Anping County Lord, after all, Anping County Lord is now the second grade. There must be a place for us to live in, and we just praise it, and it will not delay the princess's time! But where do you know, she does not care about family affection at all, and cruelly put her My sister and auntie drove out of the house. Life and death did not allow us to live in her house. I felt sorry for our family. Those who were unfamiliar in the capital and met walls everywhere. Now, they finally got a place, which is already a gift from God. Now, how dare to ask the Anping Princess to know us! As long as she doesn't despise our low status, she is afraid of tarnishing her status and not driving us away, we will be Amitabha! Others, we don't dare to expect too much!"

Gu Chuanlu's voice was filled with crying, and it seemed to be heartbroken!

After Shu Min listened, she glanced at Gu Xiaowan.

And the group of people around, after listening to Gu Chuanlu's words, who wouldn't believe it!

There have been rumors last time that the Anping princess kicked her off as a cow and a horse and died as a domestic slave for life, and he didn’t recognize her relatives. This Anping princess was simply cold-hearted. People!

What is beautiful like a flower, proficient in all poems and songs, in essence, he is a villain who does not remember kindness and always gives up in chaos!

Why should such a person become Anping Princess?

Master Song Qing also stared at Gu Xiaowan in irritation after hearing these words. Such a woman is nothing but a vicious-hearted person. It is true to her relatives and to the people around her, but to other people. What?

Is it useless to kick it away and never talk to each other again!

Shu Min looked at Gu Xiaowan guiltily: "Princess Anping, look at this Mr. Gu, are you telling the truth? You really kicked them out of the house and didn't want to take them in?"

The truth?

What is the truth?

What Gu Chuanlu said, he drove them out of Qingyuan?

This is indeed the truth!

This Gu Chuanlu would reverse black and white, a basin of dirty water would only spray on others, but he never thought about why others treat him this way!

But now, it's useless to say these things, what Gu Chuanlu said is true!

Now, she can only tell the truth. After all, if there is no such thing, Gu Chuanlu’s rebuttal will come immediately.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Yes, it's true!"

Gu Chuanlu kept his head down and sneered when he heard Gu Xiaowan's words.

No matter what Gu Xiaowan said, she fell into Gu Chuanlu's trap.

If she says no, then he must argue with reason and tell her that she is a ruthless, unjustified person, after all, to drive them out, it can't be true!

If she says yes, then she is a real person. She is a ruthless and unjust person who can ignore her relatives!

As soon as Gu Xiaowan’s words fell, I saw a hint of joy flashed across Shu Min’s face, but after a while it passed away. She looked at Gu Chuanlu a little embarrassedly, and lamented: "This is my housework in your family. Up"

Shu Min was embarrassed and self-blaming. When Gu Chuanlu saw it, he wiped his face, and his voice was a little choked: "Princess, you don’t have to blame yourself, you are young, and you are living well now. It’s good for anyone, a small family doesn’t have such a good life. In this life, being a clerk is also a lifetime of peace and joy! I feel more at ease than those vain glory and wealth!"

Shu Min nodded: "You can think of it this way, it's the best! I shouldn't have interfered with the housework in your house, but it's wrong. Since you have come to me to do things, you must do your best. Do it well! Do you know?"

"The little one knows, the little one must do their best and do their best to manage the broken Yu Gu Zhai!" Gu Chuanlu said quickly and firmly. With that determined appearance, Shu Min can't help but nod his head.

After Shu Min had finished talking with Gu Chuanlu, she looked at Gu Xiaowan on the side and said, “Princess Anping, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know that he was your uncle. If I knew, I would not let him He is here!"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head indifferently: "Since he is the accountant of the Mingdu Princess, he should be here. Besides, I am not sorry for him. Whether he comes or not has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's nonchalant look, Shu Min's blood rushed upwards suddenly.

Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan, your reputation is so stinky, why are you so indifferent?

It seems that you really don't cry without seeing the coffin!

Shu Min sneered and asked: "Why, what the Anping county lord meant is that what my accountant just said was wrong? Or did you not drive them out? Anping county lord, you are now a golden leaf, these things If it is possible to clarify, it is better to clarify. After all, this reputation of being chaotic and ungrateful is weighing down on you, but it’s bad for you!"

"Thank you for your concern, Princess Mingdu, I did drive them out!" Gu Xiaowan said softly, "Uncle, he was right! I did drive him out of Qingyuan!"

"That Princess Mingdu meant that you drove your uncle out of the clearing garden, did you do the right thing?" A young lady sitting on the third table sneered mockingly.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at the bright young lady faintly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "Right or wrong, haven't you all heard it, and has you already identified it?"

Shu Min's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Glancing at the young lady who had just interrupted. Seeing that Princess Mingdu's face was unhappy, the young lady immediately turned pale in shock, and her head was about to drop under the table!

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