The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1825: Not afraid to say you won't die

Isn’t it mad that the Anping princess, who has been rumored throughout Beijing, kicked the slave?

Isn’t the Anping princess a person who sees gain and forgets righteousness, starts chaos and finally abandons, dislikes the poor and loves the rich?

Why did the Anping princess say that he was bitten by a mad dog?

Could it be that the rumors did not match?

But if it is false, why doesn't she clarify it?

Let this rumor fly all over the sky, really, people can't understand, can't understand!

But the talent of this Anping princess is afraid that no one in this capital will dare to say a word.

Just relying on the funeral flower chant that she had thought of when she refuted Master Song Qing, all the people present were convinced!

This woman, literary talent, and Qing dynasty, is afraid that no one would dare to confront this person anymore.

The identity of the first talented woman in the Qing Dynasty, to this Anping princess, I am afraid that no one would dare to say a word more?

Seeing Gu Xiaowan and others leave, and hearing the whispers of everyone, Master Song Qing understood.

Gu Xiaowan is turning around and calling herself a mad dog?

Master Song Qing's face was instantly distorted, and she stared fiercely in the direction Gu Xiaowan was leaving, wishing to step forward and smash her into pieces.

The same is true for Shu Min. The reason why she chose Suiyu Guzhai was to let Gu Chuanlu come out and say that Gu Xiaowan's cold-blooded ruthlessness, chaos and abandonment, such a woman, still has such a high prestige in the capital, this It is simply trampling on the dignity of the royal family!

Shu Min looked at the direction Gu Xiaowan was leaving, and patted the table angrily. With a "bang", all the ladies present did not dare to take a breath.

I saw Shu Min's eyes with cold eyes, and said angrily: "These people have such big tempers. They just said a few words. They are just like this. I really think I am a bazaar. I want to come. Come, go as long as you want, don't even say hello to the master!"

Master Song Qing was indignant at the moment: "Min'er, this Gu Xiaowan is really hateful, even if she is the princess, what about the second grade, she is not of the royal blood, so the position of the princess is under you. Besides, you kindly invited them to a banquet, so I don’t know how to do so, I must tell the emperor brother, let the emperor brother decide!"

Shu Min frowned, and heard Gu Chuanlu on the side bow his head and say, "Princess, Miss Song, I'm afraid you don't even know, right? My third sister-in-law was killed by Gu Xiaowan!"

"What?" When Song Qing heard this, he asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

When the ladies around heard it, they all pricked their ears. Look at me, I look at you, how many shocking things Gu Xiaowan has done!

Set up privately with the slave for life, then abandon the slave and kill the little girl again?


What is going on? After hearing this, Shu Min frowned and asked: "What is it, you can make it clear!"

After Gu Chuanlu finished speaking a long story short, he blamed all Cao Xinlian's death on Gu Xiaowan. If no one knew what happened at the time, wouldn't it look like Gu Xiaowan killed him?

When Gu Chuanlu finished these words, everyone was surprised to hear from ear to ear!

This Gu Xiaowan, where is a person!

It's a beast, it's really hateful to do something to frame up his little aunt!

No wonder such a person would climb into the position of the second-rank Anping princess, with scheming, means, dark heart, and unscrupulous for the purpose. Such a person is now powerful and powerful. If she wants to harm people again


That's easy!

Thinking of this fresh and elegant Anping princess, there was a femme fatale behind his back, everyone couldn't help but breathe.

Everyone whispered: "Why is this Anping princess so dark-hearted? You must know that there have been so many house fights in this high gate, and they have never been so fierce!"

"Yeah, no wonder you can climb to the position of Anping County Lord! People have methods! Whoever is useful can use whoever is useful. If it is of no use value, just kick it away. Such shameless people will not learn in our entire life. come!"

"Yeah, it's so scary! We live in this high door, and we have never seen such a dirty thing. She, a little peasant girl, is so scheming! No wonder, she can be favored. I am afraid that the emperor will be kept in the dark too!"

Everyone talked about Gu Xiaowan's bad things. Song Qing and Shu Min were excited when they heard it.

However, he dared not reveal it at all on this face, but said: "This matter is over and it is over. You can't tell others about it next time, so as not to damage the reputation of Anping Princess, you know?"

Gu Chuanlu nodded hurriedly: "The little one knows, the little one will definitely put it in his heart, no one will say it!"

Nowadays, in the lobby of the broken jade ancient studio, there are already more than thirty young ladies who come from different mansions and famous gates. More than 30 pairs of eyes have seen it, and more than 30 pairs of ears have heard it. Who knows, 30 Open your mouth, which mouth will miss it, and if you are not careful, tell the story of Gu Xiaowan's death of her little aunt?

Anyway, Shu Min's goal has been achieved. What she wants is to let these people say that the more they say, the better, the worse Gu Xiaowan's reputation becomes.

Then let's see if Brother Zi Yue will be tempted!

Such a person wants her to be ruined. The peasant girl is a peasant girl. She wants to climb onto the branch and become a phoenix. Then she waits for the branch to fall, even a pheasant can't do it.

After Gu Chuanlu finished speaking, he stepped back in due course. Anyway, he did everything the princess asked him to do.

That Gu Xiaowan has really changed a lot now. When has he seen such a cold and noble?

It seems that only when you get to that position, this noble demeanor can come easily!

If one day, he also becomes the master, he can do whatever he wants!

At present, the most important thing to do is to please King Ming, Xiao Shizi, and Princess Mingdu, and he can do what he wants. Princess Mingdu hates Gu Xiaowan to death, and he happens to know that Gu Xiaowan had everything he had when he was in the country. Things.

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