The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1826: Song family who can't offend

Even if Gu Xiaowan did not make a mistake, add a spoon of oil and vinegar. Gu Xiaowan is like a chicken on a fire rack. You can cook it as you want!

Gu Xiaowan and others left Suiyu Guzhai, got into the carriage and left. They hadn't eaten the lunch for this big lunch, so Gu Xiaowan suggested that everyone go to Jinfu Tower.

Fang Peiya and Tan Yushu had this intention, and the carriage went straight ahead and soon arrived at Jinfulou.

Knowing that Gu Xiaowan was here, the kitchen was busy serving food as soon as possible. Gu Xiaowan didn't have so many rules. All the maids sat on the table in the next room and ate at the same time.

What the three people inside were saying, the people outside couldn't understand it. Codan and Azuo especially liked Jin Fulou's dishes, and they were feasting.

Seeing that they were eating so happily, Ah Qing didn't say anything. He was a little worried and couldn't help asking: "Two sisters, can Ah Qing ask you a question?"

"What's the question? Ask it! We are all listening!" Zuo wiped his mouth with the kerchief and asked.

I only heard A Qing ask: "I rarely serve the princess. I have been following the princess to Anping princess in the past few days. I am a relatively stupid person. I don’t have sister Ayu’s agile mind. I feel a little scared in my heart. I just wanted to ask the two sisters, what are the taboos of the Anping princess on weekdays? When I watched the two sisters talking to the Anping princess, I was very casual. I also wanted to chat more with the masters, and I was more courageous. However, I just don’t know the taboo of the Anping County lord. I’m afraid that I will say the wrong thing and make Anping County lord unhappy. What should I do?"

Zuo put down the chopsticks in his hand and asked intently, "Do you want to ask my girl's preferences and taboos?"

"Well, my master is at home on weekdays, and the one who mentions the most is the Anping county lord, but I haven’t been here for a long time. I don’t know much about the Anping Army’s anger, so I’m afraid that I will make a fool of myself. , The two masters who are offended are upset!" A Qing said sincerely.

Zuo groaned slightly and said, "My girl is a very talkative person, and she has no taboos in her daily life!"

Ah Qing didn't believe it, and asked again: "Anping princess has a lot of knowledge, what books do you like to read on weekdays?"

"My girl reads miscellaneously, she reads everything!" Zuo thought for a while and replied.

"Then what does she don't like in Su Ri? Just don't like what you mentioned?" Qing continued to ask.

She asked two questions, and Zuo answered, just as if she didn't answer, and she couldn't ask in depth.

"What don't you like?" Zuo thought for a while, shook his head and said, "My girl is a kind-hearted person. She treats everyone kindly in the past, nothing special!"

"Not at all?" A Qing asked unwillingly.

"No!" Zuo was a little strange. Seeing Ah Qing cared about this issue so much, he said curiously: "What do you ask so clearly?"

"Nothing?" Seeing that Zuo was already a little skeptical, A Qing stopped the topic hurriedly and said with a smile: "I'm just curious!" Zuo didn’t say anything, but Codan pulled her sleeves and whispered, “You forgot? Our girl is really taboo about one thing. !"

Kou Dan's voice was very small, he leaned close to Zuo's ear, and spoke in a voice that only two people could hear. He didn't notice a surprise on the face of the opposite person at the moment, and it disappeared.

"What are you talking about? Why are girls taboo?" Zuo didn't believe it, and shook his head again.

Kou Dan was a little anxious, pinched her and said, "Did you forget? The girl told us not to mention the eldest son of the Su family! She said that no one had ever come directly to propose marriage, which made the girl extremely embarrassed. It’s not true, it’s not true! Do you remember?"

"Oh, you said it was that time!" Zuo suddenly realized, shaking his head and said: "The girl is really pitiful, there is no adult in the family, and even the marriage proposal has to be dealt with by yourself! You said a big girl's house. Yes, she is so embarrassed with such a thing!"

The two of you said something to me, whispering in a whisper, completely unaware that Ah Qing, who was opposite, was listening attentively at the moment, with a smile from the corner of his mouth, as if he had succeeded.

A Zuo and Kou Dan talked for a while, and immediately shut up, thinking that the two were talking quietly, and Ah Qing kept his head down for dinner, surely he wouldn't overhear their speech!

After the three of them had eaten, they entered the master's wing and waited on them. When the food was served, the carriage sent everyone home one by one, and Gu Xiaowan returned to Qingyuan.

In the carriage, Zuo and Kou Dan looked at each other and smiled: "Girl, what you asked us to say, we have all said!"

"Well, well done! How is she?" Gu Xiaowan picked up a cup of hot tea and drank it carefully.

"She kept her head down, pretending that she didn't overhear our speech!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Shu Min thought that Master Song Qing would come back and let this person deal with me. Unexpectedly, Master Song Qing didn't ask for the slightest favor today. I'm afraid Shu Min won't give up! A Mingdu princess is not enough. There is one more century-old Song family. From now on, we all have to be more on guard!"

Zuo and Codan hurriedly said yes.

Gu Xiaowan was a little tired. She leaned against the carriage and closed her eyes to rest. Both Zuo and Kou Dan didn't talk much, and sat quietly on the side. The head of the carriage suddenly became quiet.

Although Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes, she still kept thinking about Song Qingshi in her mind.

This Song Qing master has a harmonious relationship with the Anping County Lord. According to Song Qing master's arrogance and rudeness, Shu Min's proud temperament will at least be angry, but Shu Min not only is not angry, but also comforts this person.

It seems that this Master Song Qing, Shu Min cannot easily offend him!

Gu Xiaowan had to beware of what Tan Yushu said in the wing.

It turns out that the emperor's master of martial arts was invited by Song Qing's father!

And that master of martial arts is a master of martial arts, if it weren't for owing a kindness to Master Song Qing's father in his early years, he would not go to the palace to be the emperor's teacher, and he taught for more than ten years.

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