The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1830: Petal bath

Gu Xiaowan let out a cry, as if she said casually: "Would you like to change to another doctor? Maybe that doctor is not familiar with Ayu's disease!"

Tan Yushu did not speak, but was thinking about something.

And Ah Qing, who was waiting on the side, heard, hurriedly said: "Anping princess, that doctor Li is the best doctor in the Huichun Medical Center. My master is compassionate to his servants. The best doctor in the Huichun Medical Center came to us. Seeing a doctor, this doctor also showed us that he was ill for several years, and he has excellent medical skills!"

Tan Yushu also nodded at this moment and said: "Yes, then Doctor Li has been here for many years to see a doctor, and his medical skills are still good!"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at A Qing with a smile, her eyes were inexplicable, but quickly passed, and then she said to Tan Yushu who was on the side: "If she is skilled in medicine, then Ayu's condition is serious. With time, she will definitely get better. Don't worry too much! I made a new snack yesterday. Would you like to try it together?"

When Tan Yushu heard something to eat, he nodded hurriedly, and followed Gu Xiaowan into the house.

Behind A Qing raised her foot and was about to follow. Zuo Mian stopped her: "Girl A Qing, the masters have a whisper to say, don't bother you and me. There are fruits and refreshments here. We are right there. Wait for them here!"

"However, if we are not around, the princess wants us to serve us?" A Qing asked anxiously.

Zuo smiled: "It's only a dozen steps from here to the main house. If the masters need us, they just need to shout in the room and we will pass! Retreat and worry!"

After listening, Ah Qing had no choice but to give up, and followed Zuo back to the stone table, drinking tea and eating snacks.

But this heart was a little restless, as if absent-minded.

Zuo Hao ate snacks, drank tea, and talked to her with a smile from time to time, as if trying to divide her heart, so that Ah Qing could only laugh from time to time. The voice in the room could not hear a word. To.

Fortunately, with the effort of a cup of tea, Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu came out of the pastry after they finished eating. Tan Yushu swept away the angry expression just now, and took Gu Xiaowan's hand with a smile: "Sister, how do you make this pastry? Why is it so delicious? Is there any more? I still want to eat!"

Gu Xiaowan scraped her nose in a petting way, and said with a smile: "You greedy cat, some, know that you have to take it away if you eat it. I have prepared a few for you, two for you, two for you. Send it to Lu Mansion to Peiya, okay?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Tan Yushu heard that there were two cakes, and said three okays with a smile, then rubbed Gu Xiaowan's body, like a cat or puppy, Gu Xiaowan was in a good mood.

Back at the General's Mansion, Tan Yushu went directly to the study with the pastry, and said to Ah Qing: "You go back first and help me boil the bucket of water. I want to take a bath!"

A Qing was a little worried: "Princess, am I following you here? You are alone, and there is no one beside you!"

Tan Yushu laughed: "Silly, this is my house, what are you worried about? Go back!"

Ah Qing did not expect that Tan Yushu would say that she was stupid, and only Ayu would have such a spoiling word. She did not expect that one day the princess would say this word to herself so spoiltly, fiercely. He looked up and looked at Tan Yushu.

But seeing Tan Yushu looking at him with a smile on his face, the same as when he looked at Ayu!

A Qing nodded hurriedly, with joy on her face: "Yes, the slave and maid will go back to boil the water! Waiting for the princess to come back!"

After speaking, he retired immediately with joy.

Tan Yushu watched the thin figure disappear into her sight quickly and excitedly. The smile on the corner of her mouth disappeared instantly, replaced by the ice and anger under her eyes. She took a deep breath and walked towards the yard: " Uncle Chen, Uncle Ding"

A Qing went back and immediately ordered the maidservant to boil the water, and went to the garden to pick a lot of flowers. The princess liked flowers, so she would give the princess a warm petal bath.

After plucking a basket of flowers, she went back to the yard. It just so happened that the princess hadn't come back and the water was not ready, so she sat under the eaves and started washing the petals.

The picked flowers need to be picked off piece by piece, and then washed with clean water. When the county chief takes a bath, put them in. The warm water and fresh petals only feel the aroma.

There were maids who wanted to come and help, but Ah Qing refused. This is a clean thing, so many people's hands touched it, what if it hurts this flower!

Ah Qing cleaned the petals and filtered the water with a basket. The water over there was also boiled. The people carried it bucket by bucket into the bathroom and poured it into a bath bucket that was half the height of the person. When the water temperature was almost mixed Now, Tan Yushu is finally back.

A Qing heard this and hurried out to greet him: "Princess, everything is ready, you can take a shower and change clothes!"

Tan Yushu nodded, went to the bathroom to undress, and when he walked into the tub, the warm water surrounded her tightly, dispelling her worry and tiredness over the past few days.

At this time, a scent attracted her attention. She opened her eyes and saw Ah Qing putting something into the tub one by one.

Looking intently, it seemed to be a fresh petal after another.

Tan Yushu laughed: "A Qing, what are you doing? It's surprising!"

A Qing threw the petals into the tub. Seeing Tan Yushu's interest, he hurriedly returned: "If you go back to the princess, these are fresh petals. They have just been picked from the garden, and they have been cleaned. In the bath tub, warm water can maximize the medicinal value of the flower petals. Bathing with fresh petals all the year round can unblock the blood, and achieve the purpose of beautifying and pleasing the color."

Tan Yushu held up a handful of petals with interest, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect this petal to have such a function, but I am ignorant! A Qing, where did you hear about it?"

Seeing Tan Yushu's interest, Ah Qing said with a smile: "Doctor Li often visits the mansion to see a doctor. The servant maid saw that the soup medicine that he drank on weekdays can cure the disease and save people and strengthen the body. Isn't the flower petals a blind medicinal material? Doctor, Doctor Li said that this flower bath will only be good, and that bathing all the year round can make the skin smooth and moisturized! So, the servant and maid will dare to give the princess a flower bath!"

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