The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1831: Ayu Poisoning

"What's not brave!" Seeing her look panicked, Tan Yushu hurriedly took her hand and said affectionately: "You can consider for me, I am naturally happy! It is rare, you still have this thought ,before"

Mentioned that before, Tan Yushu's eyes darkened, as if he was thinking of something: "When Ayu was here before, a bucket of water sent me away. Why would you think so much for me like you!"

When Aqing heard this, he hurriedly spoke for Ayu: "Sister Ayu is too busy to come!"

Tan Yushu sneered, his voice was low, as if he was saying to Qing, and it didn't look like: "She only needs to take care of me, and even her boudoir is cleaned by servants. What is she up to!"

Seeing the master sighed, Ah Qing didn't speak, and hurriedly stood behind and wiped her back. However, the smile at the corner of her mouth could not help but her brows and eyebrows were flying, and it was wonderful!

After wiping his back, Ah Qing went out. This is the traditional rule of Tan Yushu, only to wipe the back and wash the hair, Tan Yushu personally in other places, wait until after washing, Ah Qing can come in again.

Tan Yushu has always liked to take a bath, and Ah Qing knew it. After she got out of the bathroom, she whispered to the two little maids who were waiting outside, and asked them to keep an eye on them and listen to the movements inside. She wanted to go back and change for a clean. Come, so as not to get the princess dirty!

The two little maids rushed to answer, guarding outside with twelve points.

When Ah Qing left the bathroom, Tan Yushu's eyes opened instantly. There was still the intimacy in his eyes, and he was disgusted at this moment.

This bathroom is another small room in the Tan Yu Academy. It has walls on three sides and has no windows to prevent people from being unruly. The two little maids guard the door, only there is a window.

In the middle of the house, there are four layers of curtains blocking it, and there is no problem with safety.

Ah Qing returned to the room in a good mood, and laughed all the way along the way.

The master finally saw that his own was better, and today he talked about Ayu's fault in front of her!

This is a good thing, a great thing!

Thinking of this, Ah Qing almost jumped up happily, and returned to the yard of the servants, passing by the large room where Ayu used to live, she stood on her feet and looked at it for a while, with an inexplicable smile on her face, just staring intently. Suddenly a meaningful smile appeared on his face, and he didn't go back to the room, he turned around and walked out of the yard!

After a while, she came to the back door and looked around and there was no one, then she opened the house and went out!

At the door, a woman carrying a basket hawking was still squatting there. Seeing someone from the general's mansion came out, the woman hurriedly carried things and walked into the side alley.

A Qing looked around and saw that there was no one, and went to the secluded alley.

The two came to the alley where no one was in the car, and they were talking head-to-head. They didn't notice. At this moment, at the entrance of the alley, there was a vigorous figure hiding at the entrance of the alley, listening to the ears, waiting for the alley entrance to be silent. , The figure disappeared quickly, and disappeared soon!

A Qing came out of the alley with excitement and saw that there was no one around. He hurried to the back of the mansion gate. After closing the door, he hurried inside.

Unexpectedly, two people were standing behind the gate of the mansion at the moment, looking at her closely. took a closer look, standing there, it was Chen Meng and Ding Lun.

Chen Meng looked at the familiar back and gritted his teeth and said: "Unexpectedly, the maids in our mansion are all out of this guy!"

"The princess in vain cares about her. I didn't expect that she could do such a thing!" Ding Lun frowned and said: "Fortunately, the princess has nothing to do. If this lowly maid moves the idea to the princess, I have to I've taken her skin off, I can't twitch her muscles!"

Chen Meng and Ding Lun looked at each other, and one after another saw anger in each other's eyes.

At this moment, someone at the gate of the mansion walked in with a box, and the servant directly led the person to Ding Lun and Chen Meng, and Chen Meng led them inside.

"Doctor Ye, please take a look, what's wrong with my niece? How come she is ill, and she still sees the doctor all the time, but it's not good!" Chen Meng said.

Although this Doctor Ye had never been to the General's Mansion to see a doctor, he was an old man with special medical ethics. He usually treated the villagers and was very famous among the people.

After listening to Chen Meng's description, Doctor Ye hurried forward to see the patient.

A scrawny hand stretched out from the curtain, which looked like a girl's arm.

Doctor Ye was shocked, this

This is just wind and cold, how can I become thinner in more than half a month!

Doctor Ye got up in a hurry, got her pulse, and when she got her pulse, his face full of folds was even more wrinkled at this moment: "My lord, your niece is not infected with the cold, but rather."

What Dr. Ye was most afraid of was that he would treat these high-ranking experts, intrigue, intrigue, and fail to do anything wicked, just like now, what kind of sin has been done by such a young girl.

"Doctor Ye, but say it's okay!" Seeing Dr. Ye's scruples, Chen Meng and Ding Lun were both at the same time.

"This girl is poisoned! And the poisoning is quite deep. If you don't detoxify, I'm afraid you will have life worry!" After Dr. Ye said with emotion, he saw Chen Meng and Ding Lun's face changed.

Sure enough, it's no wonder it's always bad, it turned out to be poisoned.

"Doctor Ye knows what poison is in my niece?" Chen Meng asked nervously again.

Doctor Ye groaned for a moment without speaking, but said: "Can you show the old man the soup and medicine this girl drank?"

Chen Meng agreed and handed him the soup and medicine Ayu drank on weekdays.

After reading it, Dr. Ye looked up in surprise: "My lord, it's not a mistake. There is nothing wrong with this recipe!"

"What?" Ding Lun asked back: "What do you mean by saying that this recipe is fine?"

"This prescription is indeed to cure the disease and save people. It is the right medicine for the girl's illness. But this girl, after taking the soup for so long, it didn't look good, but she became thinner and thinner. It can be seen that this girl must not just take it. This soup recipe, I must have eaten something else!" Doctor Ye said swearingly.

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