The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1832: She is poisoned

"Other things? What is that?" Ding Lun frowned.

Doctor Ye asked: "If the old man's investigation is good, this girl should have eaten mercury by mistake!" Doctor Ye pondered for a moment and said categorically.

"Mercury? It's so good, how could I eat mercury by mistake?" Chen Meng frowned and asked.

Doctor Ye shook his head: "This old man is not known! But fortunately, this girl is fortunate that the toxins did not enter the internal organs. After the old man prescribes a prescription, the disease will still get better!"

"Then trouble the doctor, hurry up and prescribe medicine!"

After prescribing the medicine, Chen Meng personally sent Doctor Ye out, and exhorted: "Doctor Ye, you also know that these cryptic things are in this high class."

"My lord, don't worry. Although the old man is unwilling to treat Gaomen, he still has this professional ethics. Don't worry, the old man will rot in his stomach!"

After hearing Doctor Ye's affirmative answer, Chen Meng felt relieved.

And as soon as Tan Yushu finished bathing and calling someone, A Qing went directly in.

Seeing that the person here was Ah Qing, Tan Yushu was a little strange: "I asked you to go back and rest, why didn't you go back?"

A Qing took a clean towel and said respectfully: "Those maids are clumsy, and the servants are afraid that they will not do well!"

Tan Yushu nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, you are interested, then wait for me to dress!"

A Qing laughed and said, "The servant girl just picked a peach-pink palace dress. The princess has a snow-white complexion, and she wears pink clothes. She must be able to match the peach and plum skin. !"

Tan Yushu laughed: "You are a deliberate, you have so many rhetoric for wearing clothes! I believe your vision is very good!"

A Qing also laughed: "The princess is kind to the servants, and the servants must do their best to serve the princess!"

Tan Yushu smiled and did not speak. While sitting in front of the dressing table, Tan Yushu took a blood-red lisianthus flower hosta from the dressing and inside and handed it to Qing: "Here, here is it for you!"

This hairpin, Ah Qing has seen Tan Yushu wear several times before. The jade of this hairpin is blood red, with the slightest moist inside, without any impurities. At first glance, it is the top grade among the top grades. Ah Qing did not expect. The princess would actually reward himself with this hairpin.

She was a little surprised: "Princess, this hairpin is too expensive."

"Precious is precious, but after all, this hairpin is a dead thing, unpopular! Besides, I haven't worn it for a long time, and now I don't like it anymore, so I gave it to you. Don't worry, just give it to you! "Tan Yushu said softly.

Seeing the beautiful hairpin in his hand, A Qing knelt down in excitement, "Thank you, the princess for the reward!"

Head down, surprise on his face.

As soon as Tan Yushu was dressed, he heard the voice of a maid from outside: "Princess, the general is back, and he said he would let you visit the study!" A Qing responded quickly: "I see, the princess will be over!"

Tan Yushu stood up and walked outside. Qing was about to follow, but Tan Yushu turned around and said, "You stay in the yard. Grandpa finds me. Xu will end soon!"

A Qing responded quickly and sent Tan Yushu away.

When he came to Tan Yexing's study, Tan Yexing was not there, but Ding Lun and Chen Meng stood there. Seeing Tan Yushu coming, they told Tan Yushu what they had seen and heard.

After Tan Yushu heard it, he became even more angry.

"It's a daring thing. I think this person is not easy to trust. Although he is by his side, it is not very useful. I didn't expect this person to eat inside and out and hit me with his ideas!" Tan Yushu scolded angrily. Dao turned to worry again: "How is Ayu?"

"I found a rural doctor, but he believed in medical skills and ethics. He has already prescribed a decoction and said that he will treat it with care and he will definitely be as good as ever! It's just" Chen Meng paused.

Tan Yushusheng was afraid that Ayu was not good: "Just what? Uncle Chen, but you say it's okay!"

"I heard from Doctor Ye that girl Ayu's original decoction was prescribed to the right, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's just that girl Ayu was also poisoned, but I don't know where the watermark came from!"

"She was poisoned by mercury?" Tan Yushu was stunned.

Ding Lun also nodded and said: "If you return to the princess, even though this mercury is a medicine, it is usually used by doctors in daily treatments. However, if this mercury is eaten too much, I am afraid that people will describe it as withered, and there is no medicine for medicinal stones!"

"so what should I do now?"

"At present, I don't know why Girl Ayu was poisoned. I can only say that Girl Ayu is in the house and it is very dangerous!" Chen Meng concluded.

Ding Lun also nodded: "Princess, do you want to get rid of this person now?"

Tan Yushu shook his head: "No need. My sister told me about this. If I want to come, she had already suspected Ah Qing, but this Ah Qing is in the general's mansion, and who colluded with him, pulling out the carrots and bringing out the mud. Just watch the changes and see if this person is coming for me or grandpa!"

Seeing Tan Yushu's steady face, Ding Lun and Chen Meng also nodded: "But listen to the princess's instructions!"

"Ayu can't stay here anymore, find a reason to send her out!" Tan Yushu said calmly, with a gloomy expression on his face.

A Qing is triumphant, and Ayu's illness during this period has just fulfilled her dream of being close to the princess. Sure enough, as long as she is careful, the princess will definitely find her good!

Look, how long did she stay with the princess, the princess has already begun to resent Ayu for not taking care of herself, and this is to give herself such a precious thing!

If she remembers well, this blood-red platycodon hosta, turned out to be the princess’s favorite hairpin!

Now, I don’t like this hairpin because it’s old, and I don’t like it anymore. However, it is made of fine jade. Although it is old, it is well preserved. This is invaluable!

This hairpin, if she left the General's Mansion, it would be enough for her to live in the rest of her life!

The more A Qing thought about it, the happier he was, and proudly stored the hairpin carefully and hid it under the bed.

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