The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1903: An extraordinary servant

Tan Yushu thought for a while, and finally told Ayu about Aqing.

After Ayu heard this, her face turned pale, and she murmured for a long time: "She, she, the lady is so kind to her"

Tan Yushu patted her on the shoulder, and comforted: "Now she has suffered from the consequences. No matter how unfamiliar such people are, don't blame yourself too much. How do you think she asks for trouble? Can't save her!"

Tan Yushu said such words, but the pain in her heart, how could Ayu not know, she cried and comforted Tan Yushu: "Miss, you are so good to Aqing, and she has done such a thing to live up to your trust and expectations! The servant girl knows that you are sad, but you must take care of your body. It is not worth it for such a wicked person!"

Ayu was also sad and upset. She always felt that A Qing was a little strange, but she couldn't think of this person badly, but she couldn't help thinking about what happened now.

Tan Yushu nodded, and then took Ayu to find Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi!

Ding Lun and Chen Meng took a lot of ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum to nourish the body according to Tan Yushu's intention.

"Auntie, Xiao Yi, I will see my sister tomorrow. This is the ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum that I brought to replenish my sister! Ayu is now cured, so let her take care of my sister here!" Tan Yushu said.

Gu Xiaoyi shook his head and said: "Yu Shu, you don't have a maid by your side now, and Ayu has recovered from illness, and now there is no evil person to harm her, so please take her back!"

Tan Yushu glanced at Ayu: "She has served by my side for many years, and now my sister is alone with Zuo, so let her stay by my sister for a while! When my sister gets better, I will take her back! "

Gu Xiaoyi wanted to say something, but seeing Tan Yushu's persistence, she had no choice but to give up: "Well, when my sister is done, let her come to you! You don't have a caring maid to serve you, so it won't work!

Tan Yushu wanted to go in and see Gu Xiaowan, but seeing Qin Yizhi next to her, it was difficult to get in.

"It's been a long time since I saw Big Brother Qin! It's still in time for him to come, otherwise, that person will really kill my sister, looking like that!" Tan Yushu said with some fear.

Ding Lun and Chen Meng also knew that before they came, someone had taken Gu Xiaowan away!

I heard that this person is still Gu Xiaowan's sweetheart, and I feel that this person is a little bolder.

Gu Xiaowan’s crime was still a capital crime of homicide, so the man took the person away and said that she must be innocent. The witnesses brought by Zuo and Ahmad also punished Gu Xiaowan one by one. Cleared.

They were a little strange about why Ah Zuo and Ahmad found those people, so they asked curiously: "How do you know that six pairs, Maohui and the tailor?"

They caught Madam Lu, and Madam Lu didn't say so clearly!

But by the way, they have so clearly traced the details of Princess Mingdu. During the period when Gu Xiaowan was in prison, they found all the witnesses who framed Gu Xiaowan. If it was just an ordinary servant girl, what? Is it possible to find so many witnesses in such a short time?

There are so many favorable evidences to prove that Anping Princess is innocent and innocent!

Ding Lun and Chen Meng were full of doubts, but they knew what to say at the moment, and they would not say, they were even more curious about the Qin Yizhi who suddenly came out to rescue Gu Xiaowan!

He rescued Gu Xiaowan, and even ignored the court laws, and took the people away directly! And Zuo and Ahmad, who followed, brought so much evidence. Is it a coincidence? then what?

The two people next to Gu Xiaowan, with high martial arts skills and careful thoughts, could be just two ordinary maids and minions?

The two looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with doubts!

Leaving Qingyuan and returning to the General's Mansion, Ding Lun asked the doubts in his heart: "Princess, the sweetheart of Anping Princess, have you seen it?"

"I've seen it!" Tan Yushu nodded, "It's just that I haven't seen him in these days. But fortunately, he came in time, otherwise, sister."

Thinking of that eerie and terrifying Jiangnan Sang, Tan Yushu felt terrified in his heart!

At that time, his hideous look really meant to kill his sister!

Ding Lun was a little curious: "I have never seen the sweetheart of Princess Anping!"

Tan Yushu laughed: "The two of them have known each other for many years. I heard that the two have a deep relationship with their childhood sweethearts!"

Ding Lun thought of the rumors that had been circulated in the capital a few days ago, and he was a little confused: "Is that the one who others said the Anping princess had always abandoned?"

Tan Yushu nodded: "The rumors are all! They are all fake!"

"Then why the Anping Princess didn't refute it?" Ding Lun was a little strange. A woman would be ashamed and dying when someone said such ugly words, but she didn't care about it and let those people slander it at will.

This is really strange!

Tan Yushu thought of her sister's explanation, and she was a little amused: "Sister naturally has her reasons! A few days ago, the threshold of clearing the garden was almost broken by the iceman. After that, no one will provoke her? "

Ding Lun couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this: "It turns out that this is what the Anping Princess thought! Indeed, indeed!"

This trick is used on the battlefield, it is called hurting the enemy one thousand, self-harming 800!

However, it can also be seen that the relationship between Anping Princess and that surnamed Qin seems to be particularly good!

After Tan Yexing left the Yamen, he went straight to the palace!

And the Wang Yin who had been urging Min Xuesi to try the case and was going to enter the imperial palace after deciding Gu Xiaowan's crime, went back to Wang's mansion!

He was stunned by what he saw and heard just now.

Hao Ying cried and cried, and took Wang Yin's hand and said that he must avenge his dead son!

Why didn't Wang Yin want to take revenge? If Gu Xiaowan did this thing, he would definitely kill Gu Xiaowan without hesitation, but that person is likely to be Princess Mingdu. How did this make him do it?

That's King Ming's baby bump. Are you going to offend King Ming for a son who died young?

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