The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1910: People visit

Kou Dan was a little surprised. Zuo didn't see anything, but seeing her a little surprised, he couldn't help but glanced at her. Kou Dan shook his head, but he was a little confused!

Just now, she clearly saw something appeared on the girl's back, how could she look again, it was gone?

When everything was washed, I went out of the bathroom and returned to my boudoir. I saw Tan Yushu and the others waiting there. When they saw her coming back, they all surrounded her excitedly, looking up and down.

After seeing Gu Xiaowan coming out of the bath, her complexion was ruddy, her lips were red and her teeth were white, and her complexion looked very good, she was relieved.

Gu Fangxi directly covered her mouth and cried. She kept saying that it was all right, and that it was all right. When she cried, the quiet scene just now became serious.

Fang Peiya was the second to wipe her tears. She took Gu Xiaowan's hand and covered her mouth and started crying.

They cried, everyone in the house cried!

Gu Xiaowan looked at so many people worrying about her, she was not sad, it was fake, but seeing everyone sad for herself, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly comforted them: "Yu Shu, Peiya, Aunt, Xiao Yi, don’t cry. Am I not good?"

Ah took a step forward and said: "The princess, Miss Fang, my girl is just recovering, and I hope you don't cry anymore, so that the hooked girl will not think of the sad thing again and hurt her body!"

Tan Yushu hurriedly responded and wiped away his tears. Gu Xiaowan was so frightened that everyone would be unhappy, so he stopped crying, pulling Gu Xiaowan and laughed.

Gu Fangxi wiped away her tears and was a little embarrassed: "Xiao Wan, you are just right. Don't be too tired. Auntie is going to cook. We will gather together for lunch this afternoon. What do you want to eat? Auntie at noon. Do it for you!"

Gu Xiaowan hadn't started talking yet, but she saw Zuo said, "Auntie, the girl is just in good health, so I bother Auntie to cook some light and digestible meals!"

Gu Fangxi was a little stunned. She didn't understand when Zuo became so polite. Although she felt a little strange in her heart, she also understood that Xiao Wan's body was just right, her spleen and stomach were still very weak, and she could not eat too much meat. It should be.

Gu Xiaowan sat on the armchair, and everyone was sitting around the table and talking to Gu Xiaowan.

In the past few days, they wanted to see Gu Xiaowan, but they were all stopped, saying that Gu Xiaowan was in poor health and wanted to recuperate. They couldn't see it! Now that Gu Xiaowan's body is really getting better, everyone is happy!

No one wants to talk about the puppet dolls anymore. They all pick up happy things and say, Gu Xiaowan saw that they all wanted to make themselves happy, so they also followed.

Seeing them smiling, Gu Xiaowan also laughed, the discomfort of that period of time disappeared at this moment!

While everyone was talking and laughing, Kou Hai's voice came from outside, saying that it was someone from the Shen family who was coming to visit Anping County Lord!

Gu Xiaowan heard that the Shen family had done a lot of effort to save themselves this time, and Shen Wenjun said openly in the hall at the time that if he convicted himself, then he sold the white jade cotton, and naturally he was the same as the Anping princess. !

Gu Xiaowan couldn't forget this kind of kindness, so she hurriedly invited in.

Kuang came with Shen Wenjun, entered Qingyuan, followed Kou Hai, and went to the main hall!

Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya continued to stay in the courtyard, and Gu Xiaowan took Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Ning'an to the main hall to receive the Shen family!

When Kuang entered the main hall, he saw that Gu Xiaowan was waiting for them and was busy to help her to see her. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward and supported her: "Mrs. Shen is too polite! I have learned from my younger brothers and sisters that Shen Jiaren is willing to rescue Xiaowan. Xiao Wan was so grateful that she should have come to thank you personally, but Madam Shen came first. It is really Xiao Wan's rudeness!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan was about to bow, and Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Ning'an who followed behind were also about to kneel down.

When Kuang saw him, where did he dare to ask Gu Xiaowan to worship herself, and went to support her too quickly: "Princess Anping, you can't do it, you can't do it! You are like this, don't you shame me?"

When the two saw each other, they stopped worshipping. Gu Xiaowan invited Kuang Shi and Shen Wenjun to sit down, handed them good tea, and started talking.

Ever since he came in, Kuang has witnessed Gu Xiaowan’s gentleness and politeness. Such elder sisters, younger siblings raised up, are really gentle and kind! I couldn't help but look up at Gu Xiaowan again!

"Anping princess was wronged. We just did what we should do. How dare you bother the princess to come to thank you. Today, I brought the dog to visit the next princess!" Kuang said in a pragmatic manner.

"It stands to reason that Xiao Wan was at fault this time, she accidentally injured Master Shen, and the victimized Master Shen went to jail with me."

Before Gu Xiaowan's words were finished, Shen Wenjun stood up and said, "The princess's words are serious. If I were more careful this time, nothing like this would happen, and people would grab the handle and frame the princess!"

At that time, he was full of fear that it would delay Gu Xiaoyi’s progress, so he didn’t think about it so much. He bought white jade cotton and left. No matter where he knew, his every move would be known to those who wanted to. This would give people a chance to take advantage of it. The evidence for framing the Anping princess!

One of the two kept saying that he was wrong, and the other kept taking responsibility on his own body. Standing behind Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaoyi couldn't help but smile: "Sister, Mrs. Shen, Master Shen, don't blame yourself anymore. , This matter has passed safely now, it's not anyone's fault!"

Shen Wenjun heard Gu Xiaoyi's voice and saw her laugh. The two pear vortices at the corners of her mouth were extremely beautiful, and she couldn't help but stand up, staring at Gu Xiaoyi tightly, with a silly smile on her mouth. : "Yes, Miss Gu said that!"

Gu Xiaowan saw the surprise and joy in his eyes truly.

I couldn't help being curious, could it be that the son of the Shen family had a fancy to his sister?

With the help of drinking tea, she involuntarily glanced at Madam Shen who was aside, but seeing her also looking at Gu Xiaoyi, her eyes were full of love, as if looking at her own daughter.

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