The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1909: Good at picking things

Ah Zuo was equally excited and assigned tasks to everyone: "Ayu, you go and inform the lady and aunt, she said that the girl is awake, Ahmad, you go to the kitchen to get hot water"

The girl has been lying in bed for several days, and she just simply washed herself after she came out of the jail. Following the girl's hygienic temperament, she woke up this time, fearing that she would have a big wash!

She and Kou Dan entered the room and waited for Gu Xiaowan to get up!

One to prepare clothes, one to wait for the girl to wash!

Seeing the two maidservants next to her body coming in, Gu Xiaowan hadn't seen them for a long time, she couldn't help but sighed: "Fortunately, I have come back!"

Codan was soft-tempered and crying again. After hearing this now, tears kept falling down his eyes.


Zuo saw the girl happily, but Codan cried and couldn't help but pat her: "The girl is happy, don't cry!"

Codan said excitedly: "I'm crying with joy!"

Zuo listened and glared at her, and the two of them glared at me, I glared at you, Gu Xiaowan saw it, and laughed: "Okay, stop crying, but I made Codan cry, okay Now, everyone is happy!"

Kou Dan wiped his tears and hummed happily.

Seeing that the girl is kind to everyone, and she has never had the temper of a princess, he couldn't help but sigh again. If she is not a princess in the future, she still has to become a hostess!

Gu Xiaowan spent a half of the morning washing up. Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi came, knowing that Gu Xiaowan had washed up, they didn't bother, and the two of them sat in her boudoir and waited.

Gu Ning'an couldn't wait inside, so he went outside.

And in the past few days, Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya, who have been here every day, are also here now. I heard that my sister is getting better and is washing, so they also waited excitedly.

Gu Xiaowan was lying in the warm water. Zuo and Kou Dan, one pinched her shoulders and rubbed her back, and the other was helping her to wash her hair. She lay in the tub and closed her eyes with emotion in her heart.

In the past two days, Qin Yuzhi also told her everything intermittently. It turned out that Gu Hai, mother and son, were bought, and who bought it, and now I don’t know, but framed her six pairs and sold them. The Maohui of Bai Yumian was also bought by Princess Mingdu.

Shen Wenjun was acquitted and released. It was heard that Wang Yin would no longer pursue his son's death. This matter turned a page.

Thinking that Wang Yin and Hao Ying were in the court at that time, she must be allowed to pay for their lives, but after this matter involved the Mingdu Princess, they died down. It means that she has no background and can be bullied. ?

Zuo carefully squeezed her shoulders. Hearing her unheard sigh, he couldn't help but asked, "What did the girl think of?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No, I think the people in Beijing are too sinister. Fortunately, I have you and Ahmad to help me wholeheartedly. If you weren't there, I'm afraid I would have opened my mouth and couldn't say clearly this time!"

Isn't that right?

The pits Shu Min dug for her, she can only find the evidence unless she has the ability to reach the sky!

However, she was curious, how did Ahmad and Zuo find those people?

"How do you know that they are witnesses? You happened to run into them?" Gu Xiaowan asked with some emotion.

Zuo's face became stiff, and his shampoo hands suddenly paused, but they were so short that they almost didn't exist. Zuo smiled and replied: "Girl, this legal net is so sparse and not leaking. If these people do bad things, they will suffer. Retribution, we just happened to grasp the handle of these people!"

Gu Xiaowan originally asked Qin Yizhi, why Ahmad and Zuo have such great skills to help her clean up their grievances, but the person said that these two are great!

At that time, she wondered, how could such a powerful person stay by her side and be an ordinary maid and slave?

Ahmad's martial arts is high and strong, if he can make achievements in the future, it will definitely be good!

"Amo has been following me for many years!" Gu Xiaowan said suddenly. Zuo didn't know what she meant, and asked hurriedly: "Girl, what's the matter with you? How come you feel so good about it?"

"It's okay, I just sigh. I have never understood the person next to me!" Gu Xiaowan said, "I have never doubted his martial arts. How could he bend himself and be an ordinary man by my side? Where's the guard?"

After listening to this, Ah Zuo felt that the answer was really difficult, so he threw the question to Ahmad: "Why don't the girl ask Ahmad?"

"That's what I said!" Gu Xiaowan nodded, but she was a little confused: "And you, I am also very curious, how I picked it casually, I picked up two people with high martial arts! I'm too lucky! "

Zuo smiled, extremely sweet.

Girl, don't you know, you have a great skill at picking things up!

Not only picked up two masters, but also picked up an incredible character!

Zuo didn't dare to say this. He only carefully combed her hair and used the shampoo that Gu Xiaowan had specially cooked: "Xu is a girl who has done a lot of good deeds in her previous life. If the Bodhisattva thinks a girl is good, she is a good person. Send them to the girl!"

If it were in the past, Gu Xiaowan would definitely not believe such a thing, but since she passed through, she couldn't help but not believe it!

However, Gu Xiaowan thinks about her past life, it seems that apart from the step-by-step study and work, she didn't do anything vigorous and charitable?

Even if you find the money and hand it to the police uncle? Or should I help my grandma to cross the road? This crossing made her a peasant girl with a smooth journey, which was too much to give her face!

"I still have such good brothers and sisters, and elder brother Yizhi, and you all, God treats me very well!"

Just as Ah Zuo wanted to say something, he saw Kou Dan on the side shrugging her in horror. Zuo looked and saw Kou Dan pointing at Gu Xiaowan’s back, just about to say something, but seeing that the back was smooth. Like jade, where is the thing I just saw!

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