The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1908: Infinite honors in the future

"Hey" Mrs. Hao sighed, and stepped forward to pull Hao Ying, who was sitting on the ground, up, and she said with a heartache: "Mother knows that you are sad, and I am also sad, but you have to think about it. Great relationship!"

"We Hao Mansion and Wang Mansion of the Ming Palace, now we are the grasshoppers on the same rope as the Ming Mansion, which moved the Princess Mingdu, do you think that Prince Ming will still let Wang Mansion Hao Mansion survive?" Holding Hao Ying's hand, he slowly reasoned.

Wang Yin went to them that day. One of the requirements was to ask Mrs. Hao to persuade Hao Ying. Now she is sad, and no one knows what outrageous things she will do.

No matter how she makes trouble in the mansion, Wang Yin doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't move the Ming Palace!

Mrs. Hao told Hao Ying what Wang Yin had said to them when he went to Hao Mansion that day. Hao Ying listened silently, her face calm, no emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Mrs. Hao simply took another potent medicine: "If you offend the Ming Palace, our Wang Palace and Hao Palace, I am afraid that the family with a century-old reputation will be destroyed in your hands. I’m getting older and wanting to smash my corpses on the street. Do you have the heart to watch your two grown-up daughters sleep and eat? Offending King Ming, it’s only bad for us, no good! Yinger, the dead, you want Sorrow and change, think more about the people around you who are still alive! Think about your father, your mother, think about Wang Yin, think about your two daughters"

Hao Ying looked at Mrs. Hao, her words were right in her heart, why didn't she know the power of this, but no one told her, she just thought she hadn't thought of it, she didn't see it!

Now that Mrs. Hao said, Hao Ying immediately woke up.

Although there was still hatred in my heart, I had to hide it.


"Daughter, mother knows that you are a clever child. There is a strong relationship here. Needless to say, you also know that during this period, you are only too sad and sad, so you will always be entangled! Please relax. Take charge of Wang's house well, and take good care of your two daughters and Wang Lianmei. Now he is no longer threatened. As long as you have a good body and give birth to your son, you can sit back and relax! Wang Yin promised us. Yes, as long as it is your son, it must be the head of the Wang Mansion in the future!” Seeing Hao Ying's expression loosened, Mrs. Hao continued hurriedly.

Hao Ying nodded when she heard the words, the veil in her hand was tightly gripped by her, and she was flattened tightly again.

Mother is right!

"Wang Yin now feels owed to you, you must not touch his mold. How could he not love that child? However, for men, there is a more important future than children, so please relax. After the matter is over, your son is not just as simple as a head of the Wang Mansion!" Mrs. Hao said, patted Hao Ying's hand.

When Hao Ying heard the last words, she suddenly raised her head, and saw Madam Hao looking at herself with a smile, with an inexplicable expression.

There was a movement in her heart, as if she had thought of something, and she didn't seem to think of anything. She lowered her head again and nodded heavily: "Mother, don't worry, my daughter knows what to do!" Seeing that her daughter had already been clarified, Mrs. Hao put all her heart down. Before leaving, she patted Hao Ying on the shoulder: "My girl, naturally Best of all, you need not say about your future glory and honor, and hold Wang Yin tightly, hold everything in your hands tightly, in the future, there will be bigger and better waiting for you! And wait with peace of mind!"

Hao Ying nodded heavily, and sent Mrs. Hao to the carriage until the carriage disappeared, and she returned to the house.

The crying, hysterical Hao Ying suddenly disappeared without a trace. When everyone saw Hao Ying, they felt that they were sharper than before the young master died.

Gu Xiaowan woke up again. It was the morning of the fourth day. She looked at Qin Yizhi who was looking at her, and suddenly smiled, "Brother Yizhi, you are early!"

The two stood up together, Qin Yizhi put on the blouse, tucked the quilt, and looked at her full energy and ruddy face, knowing that she would not be lying in bed today, so he gently Said: "I'll call the maid to come in and clean up for you, and I will go back to the room and clean up!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and saw him approaching. The noses of the two of them touched each other, and the warm nose was spit on each other's face, itchy, like someone was scratching gently!

Qin Yizhi's eyebrows were spring-like, watching Gu Xiaowan smirk, he lowered his head again, Gu Xiaowan saw it, and hurriedly propped him with one hand, and covered his lips with the other hand, and muttered, "I haven't rinsed my mouth yet. Don't"

There was a low laughter above his head. In the end, the kiss couldn't go down, so it fell between the eyebrows. The warm and soft touch felt like a burst of electric current. From head to toe, Gu Xiaowan's whole body was tingling.

However, fortunately, she was lying on the bed, Qin Yizhi could not see anything.

Qin Yizhi got up and opened the door. The breeze outside the house blew into the door, blowing the thin curtains, and the people inside were looming. A Zuo and Kou Dan standing outside, and Ayu, the maid of Tan Yushu, were all brushing up at this moment. Looked here.

Gu Xiaowan slept for two full days. During these two days, they could only wait outside the door, serving food and water, and other things, one of Qin Yi would not let them do or let them into the house!

Now they were guarding the door, waiting for instructions from inside, and suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened. Several people all looked at the room and saw Qin Yizhi standing at the door, and Zuo hurriedly stepped forward. Nervously asked: "How is the girl?"

Now that so many people are watching, those etiquettes can only be ignored!

Qin Mozhi is in a particularly good mood today. Although his face is still cold, his rare face is a lot more gentle: "Go in, wash the girl!"

"The girl is awake?" Codan asked excitedly.

But seeing that he was too happy to say something wrong, but seeing that Qin Yizhi's person had already left, Xu Shi couldn't help but relax.

It made her happy that she didn't distinguish between superiority and inferiority, but fortunately that person didn't hear it!

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