The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1907: You should wake up

No matter which one it is, it is his wife anyway. Taking good care of his own wife, how to be a good husband is more difficult than being a regent.

However, he is smart since he was young, so it shouldn't be difficult!

He lifted his head gently, pressed a kiss on her forehead, and then held her tightly. Feeling the movement of the person in his arms, Gu Xiaowan rubbed his arms again, like a sleeping kitten.

Qin Mozhi smiled, closed his eyes, and rested.

At the moment in the Wang Mansion, Hao Ying cried bitterly in front of her mother, crying about Wang Yin’s indifference to her son. Now that the son is dead, the husband does not avenge him. On the contrary, she wants her to take other women’s lives. The child is raised as her own, which made her lose her beloved son just now, how to do it!

Mrs. Hao looked at her daughter, her complexion was ruddy some time ago, but this time she described her as haggard, as if she had changed.

The daughter was heartbroken, and Mrs. Hao was also a mother. How could she not understand how the pain of losing a child deep in the bone marrow is a heart-wrenching pain!

She embraced her most beloved daughter, crying and comforting: "My son, you can't come back from death, you must be sorrowful!"

"But mother, how can Wang Yin be cold-hearted, how can he not feel uncomfortable when his son is dead? Now that he knows who the murderer is, why does he never mention this matter again? Could it be that a princess is more than Is his son still older?" Hao Ying couldn't understand.

She is a daughter who is proficient in poems and songs cultivated by Mrs. Hao, how could she not understand the powerful relationship here!

However, she couldn't believe it.

The death of her son has already taken most of her life away. A few days ago, she was full of thoughts about how to avenge her son.

Nowadays, her son’s hatred, wanted to avenge, but can’t be repaid, so she could only watch the murderer go unpunished, and she must not be held accountable. How could she swallow this breath, and how could she kill the dead child!

"Daughter, I know you are sad, and father and mother are also sad!" Madam Hao saw Hao Ying like this, knowing that she had to say something serious, she squeezed Hao Ying's hand, serious Said: "Mother wants to make it clear to you that you can't pursue this matter anymore, and you can continue to pursue it. It will not do any good to our Hao Mansion and Wang's family, do you know?"

Hearing her mother saying the same thing as Wang Yin, Hao Ying sneered: "Mother, did you persuade Wang Yin to come over?"

Mrs. Hao shook her head, looked at Hao Ying, and said word by word: "It's not Wang Yin, it's your father!" "What? Dad?" Upon hearing this, Hao Ying jumped up from the chair and shouted hysterically, "How is it possible? Dad doesn't like this most. Is your grandson? Didn't he say that he must kill the murderer to avenge his grandson? How has he changed now? He has become the same as Wang Yin!"

Seeing Hao Ying's hysterical appearance, Mrs. Hao felt a great pain in her heart, but the proud girl she cultivated with her own hands became what she is now, because of a child who died, she can't help but hate iron and steel!

"Ying'er, have you had enough trouble?" Mrs. Hao patted the Huanghualimu table fiercely, making a "pop".

Only Hao Ying and Mrs. Hao were in the room, and the other maids were also far away.

Since Wang Yin knew that the child's early death had nothing to do with the Mingdu princess, he originally wanted to go to King Ming as soon as possible and explain clearly, but turned around and went back to Hao Mansion!

He and Master Hao talked about the strong relationship here, and Master Hao immediately followed Wang Yin to the Ming Palace. The two stayed in the Ming Palace for more than an hour before they came out.

Mrs. Hao thought that Lord Ming had spoken to them for so long, but Lord Hao said later that they stood outside and waited for Lord Ming for more than an hour before Lord Ming let them go in to see him!

The time to speak in it is only half a cup of tea!

Mrs. Hao has been in charge of a hundred-year-old family for so many years, and now others who have practiced will know what that person's intentions are when they say something, move or look at it.

Prince Ming is clearly in the mansion, but he doesn't see them. That shows that the king is angry with them in his heart!

If they weren't eager to find the murderer, how could this matter be pursued on his daughter!

The prince Ming is suggesting that they are enough to stop, and don't hold them accountable! Moreover, judging from what he meant, it seemed that he was a little jealous of Wang Mansion and Hao Mansion!

Mrs. Hao was terrified, but Mrs. Hao asked her to go to her daughter to clarify the serious relationship. This matter can no longer be investigated. If the matter is further investigated, the Mingdu princess will be involved. They are afraid it will be more and more fortunate. Up!

Mrs. Hao knew the serious relationship here, and when she saw her already crazy daughter, she pointed at her angrily and cursed: "I have carefully trained you for so many years, so that you can win honor for Hao Mansion and make a hundred years. Hao Mansion can be more diligent. Now you are just a child without a child. You have become less human and ghosts are not ghosts. Have you forgotten all the things I taught you before?"

Facing her mother's scolding, Hao Ying sat slumped on the ground like a mess of mud. She looked at Mrs. Hao’s fierce gaze, thinking about the scene of her son's tragic death, and she couldn't help but shed tears: "Mother. Ah, that is my flesh and blood, my flesh and blood!"

Mrs. Hao’s tears were about to flow down when Hao Ying said, but she raised her head hurriedly, blinked her eyes, and then put her tears back: "Mother knows you are sad, you are sad, but you want to Have you ever? You will still have children, and there will be more lovable sons. Wang Yin promised your father and me that day that if you reborn a son, your son must be the head of the Wang Mansion! You Is it not enough to have a lifetime of wealth and glory with a single son? When will you go crazy? Do you have to lose Wang Yin's guilt?"

Mrs. Hao’s words, talking about Hao Ying’s pain, she opened a pair of godless eyes and looked at Mrs. Hao helplessly: "Mother"

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