The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1906: I'll depend on you for the rest of my life

Gu Xiaowan lay in Qin Yizhi's arms and fell asleep. She pulled one of his arms around him without letting go, hanging on Qin Yizhi's body like a sloth.

Seeing her sleeping in such a funny posture, Qin Mozhi felt funny, but didn't dare to move at all. He just leaned on the edge of the bed, holding the person in his arms tightly with his hands, and never separated.

A light like a bean, a dim yellow candle illuminates the silence in the room.

Gu Xiaowan rested for a day and two nights, and then she felt great!

She didn't suffer much in prison, but it was also because she was overthinking during that period, and adding Jiang Nansang's viciousness, Gu Xiaowan passed out.

With careful care and enough sleep, I can walk on the ground by the third morning.

Qin Yizhi hasn't even gone out of the room in these two days. He has been waiting for Gu Xiaowan next to him. Now that she is able to go to the ground, he is not relieved. He has been supporting her by the side, and he is still very worried: " Can you really leave?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Yes, don't worry, I know my own body!"

After speaking, when she broke away from Qin Yizhi, she walked a few times in front of him. And Qin Yizhi has been following her, as if teaching a child who can just walk, stretched out his hands, and stopped behind Gu Xiaowan like this, for fear that she would fall to the ground by then!

Seeing that he was so nervous, Gu Xiaowan looked at the black green under his eyebrows and the green beard rising from his jaw, Gu Xiaowan felt very distressed.

"You have followed me for a few days and haven't rested, so go take a rest! I'm really fine here!" Gu Xiaowan said distressedly, touching Qin Yizhi's piercing blue beard.

Qin Yizhi sat on the chair and lifted her up, letting her sit on his lap.

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect that he hadn't slept well in a few days, and his strength was still so strong, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "You let me down, go and rest, if you don't want to go back, just rest with me!"

A triumphant smile flashed across Qin Mozhi's gentle eyes: "Aren't you afraid they said it?"

Gu Xiaowan pouted, and said helplessly: "What else can I say? When I opened my eyes in the past two days, all I saw was you. I have never seen anyone else. You have been in my house for so many days. Yes, day and night, what do you say they can say?"

This day and two nights, Qin Yizhi didn't let anyone into the room, he had been waiting for Gu Xiaowan.

It was time to drink the medicine. Someone brought it to the door. Qin Yizhi came in and asked Gu Xiaowan to get up and drink the medicine. Later, he thought it was too troublesome to feed the spoonful, so he drank it straight back and went to Gu Xiaowan’s mouth. Said it is simple and convenient!

To wipe her body, someone brought water in, and Qin Yan wiped her body little by little, up and down, what else he hadn't seen before? I'm afraid I would see it soon!

Lonely men and widows are in the same room, what else do others need to say?

Explain again, I am afraid that others will say that they are hypocritical.

Anyway, I'm going to marry him, that's all!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan’s awe-inspiring appearance, Qin Yizhi leaned on her shoulder like a little woman, with a smile on her mouth, and wanted to tease her: "Why, you still want to leave. Me? Can I tell you, my reputation was ruined by you, and I will depend on you for the rest of my life!"

My reputation is ruined by you, and I will depend on you for the rest of my life!

Gu Xiaowan suddenly popped out such a sentence again in her mind. It seemed that when there were some people leaning on and holding themselves so rascally, hippie smiled and said that you are responsible.

Her face suddenly changed dramatically, becoming pale as paper, and in her mind, it seemed that someone had opened a crack, and some memories that did not belong to her appeared.

Qin Yizhi kept looking at Gu Xiaowan’s face and saw her face suddenly changed. He thought she was uncomfortable, so he hurriedly took her into his arms and asked nervously, “Wan’er, what’s wrong with you? Why’s your face like this? Ugly? I'll call the doctor"

Qin Yizhi lifted her up sideways, put her directly on the bed, and turned around to go out.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly grabbed him.

Her face has recovered a lot, holding her temple with one hand, and holding him with the other: "Brother Yuzhi, I'm fine, but my head hurt by accident. It doesn't hurt anymore!"

There are too many doubts in her heart, that nightmare, that sentence, she knows that she has never experienced it, but why, this does not belong to her memory, she will remember it so clearly?

Moreover, it was as if someone had closed it in her mind, and now, the door of memory was slowly opened, and things she never remembered ran out again at this moment!

Whose memory is that?

Is it just that she thinks too much?

Seeing Qin Yizhi's extremely worried face, Gu Xiaowan tried her best to squeeze a smile: "Brother Yizhi, I'll be fine, I will be fine soon!"

After speaking, she patted the position beside her, smiled and stretched out her hand to invite Qin Yizhi: "Brother Yizhi, stay with me for a while, I am sleepy!"

Seeing that her complexion had recovered a lot, Qin Yizhi nodded and agreed, only took off the outer layer of blouse, and lay down with her clothes.

Seeing that broad chest, Gu Xiaowan buried herself in it, and a warm breath blew on Qin Yizhi's chest. He hugged her tightly, but he didn't dare to move at all. He suppressed it. The **** was so easily hooked up by her.

He didn't dare to move, even though his body was hot like a soldering iron, but he was still motionless, for fear of frightening the person in his arms!

He is not in a hurry. This flower, starting from a small flower bone, has been watered for so many years, and it is time to pick it!

In this life, we must cherish and love, let this flower bloom and give birth to children, and this life will be complete!

Listening to the gentle breathing of the person in his arms, Qin Yizhi only felt like his chest was buried by someone with a firework, and it exploded in a flash, he couldn't help smiling, he is already in such pain now, she still Sleeping so peacefully.

I don’t know if she is heartless or trusting herself too much!

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