The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1905: Terrible nightmare

Seeing his puzzled look, Father Qi smiled and said, "That's the patron saint of our Daqing!"

"What? Is this age, is he a General Hussar?" The little father-in-law asked hurriedly.

Father Qi nodded and said nothing.

When the little father-in-law saw that he had seen the rumored God of War, he was very excited. He thought that there was another jade-faced Shura, and he was even more curious: "It's just that I didn't have the chance to see that jade-faced general in this life. It's a great regret in life! "

The little father-in-law sighed, and father-in-law Qi glanced at him with a calm expression. He looked at the majestic palace in front of him, and said nothing!

General Jade Face

Indeed, he may not have seen him for a long time!

Hearing that Anping Princess was in jail this time, he asked the emperor for his order and rushed back overnight.

Qi Gonggong wanted to laugh in his heart, this thing in the capital is getting more and more fun!

No one knows what Tan Yexing and the emperor said in it. Tan Yexing sat for half an hour before he walked out of the hall!

Seeing Tan Yexing's gray hair blowing with the wind, but still burly, respectable!

A light is like a bean, and the lantern hanging under the corridor outside the house illuminates everything dimly, as if it is plated with red light!

There is silence all around!

Gu Xiaowan felt that she had a long, long dream.

In a dream, she married Qin Yizhi and gave birth to three lovely children. She leaned on Qin Yizhi’s shoulders and watched the three children play and play. Such beautiful days made her reluctant to wake up. .

But suddenly, there was a stern voice in my ear

Wan'er, have you forgotten me?

Have you forgotten me?

who is it?

Who is calling her name?

She heard the voice coming from behind, and spit out those words, like weeping blood and tears, her voice was low and tactful, like crying!

Wan'er, I have been waiting for you for so many years, but have you forgotten me?

who is it?

She didn't have time to turn her head to see who the person behind her was, but when she saw that her profile picture was knocked on by someone, a sharp pain came, like a heartbreak!

"Ah" Gu Xiaowan exclaimed, only feeling that her internal organs seemed to be involved by someone, and her liver and gallbladder were split in pain!

The people beside him heard the movement and asked nervously, "Wan'er, what's wrong with you? Wan'er?"

It's Qin Yizhi's voice!

Gu Xiaowan's heart calmed down, her head no longer hurts!

Just now in the dream, the intense pain that came, almost made her breath away!

But when I heard Qin Mozhi's voice, all the pain disappeared.

It's as if it doesn't exist, but the pain in the dream just now doesn't seem to be fake!

She really had a dream just now, in which she dreamed that she was heart-piercing!

Qin Yizhi lit the candlestick, and the dim light illuminated the room.

Gu Xiaowan saw the person in front of him clearly, hugged herself tightly, and looked at herself with worried eyes: "Wan'er, are you having a nightmare?"

Gu Xiaowan thought of the weird nightmare just now, and think about it, don't tell Qin Yizhi, lest he worry!

She rubbed Qin Yizhi's body, like a small tabby cat, smelling the familiar faint scent of his body, the fear caused by the nightmare just now disappeared.

"Brother Yizhi, I'm thirsty!"

Gu Xiaowan muttered, her voice was soft and soft, like a kitten scratching someone's heart with her paw, itchy and crisp!

Qin Yizhi hugged her tightly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "You wait, I will pour you water!"

Gu Xiaowan saw him get up, saw him come to the table, saw his thin but sturdy and stalwart back, saw his affectionate eyes, and looked at herself without blinking.

Qin Mozhi poured water and wanted to pass it to Gu Xiaowan, but before Gu Xiaowan could take it, Qin Mozhi retracted again, and he raised his head and took a sip.

"Why are you drinking my water?" Gu Xiaowan just finished muttering.

Then I saw that the shadow in front of him grew bigger, covering all the light in front of him, and the stalwart figure and broad shoulders made people feel peaceful.

"Woo" Gu Xiaowan didn't have time to speak again, and was taken into a mouthful of warm tea.

Seeing Qin Mozhi's actions, Gu Xiaowan's brows suddenly frowned.

Elder brother him

The relationship between Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yi is getting deeper. Hug and affection between the two are commonplace, but Gu Xiaowan never thought that Qin Yizhi would feed herself like this!

After taking a sip, Qin Yizhi took a second bite again.

With the warm tea, soft lips, and the familiar breath, Gu Xiaowan only felt her dizziness, her complexion flushed and hot!

Qin Yizhi reluctantly separated from the two cherry-red lips, looking at the red lips that had been changed from the lick just now, and there was still a shiny luster on top of them due to water stains, Qin Yizhi felt a little difficult. She still knows that enough is enough!

He gently touched Gu Xiaowan's lips with the thumb of his thumb, as if he was using his fingers to outline her, his voice was hoarse and low: "Wan'er, are you still thirsty?"

Gu Xiaowan was dizzy, like

She murmured, then opened her mouth again and said: "Are you feeding wine?"

Before Qin Yizhi put on the soft lips, he heard the low sigh in his ear, his lips grinned with a smile, his eyes were like spring flowers and autumn moons, only tenderness was left, Gu Xiaowan just opened After a glance, he closed his eyes involuntarily.

The tenderness in those eyes was too intoxicating, and she was afraid that she would die in that affection if she looked at it again.

The person in his arms is already soft, and Qin Yizhi reluctantly put it down, looking at the person in his arms, his figure has gradually become concave and convex, and his eyes seem to be covered with a thin layer. Mist, only felt that the lower abdomen tightened for a while, if he didn't know that the person in front of him was still recovering, he would have asked her without hesitation at this moment!

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